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Everything posted by ausadvance

  1. that sounds more like an naughty story than a post! I like what Im hearing!
  2. I couldn't agree more Maj, i personally have been involved in 2 incidents involving jab engines, this is not what i have been talking about. all i was saying was the way it was communicated between each other. it is just such a shame to see anger between " recreational pilots" just takes away the recreation in it if you ask me. It was in know way the mechanical side of things i was referring to. i just feel a few people jumped to hostilities toward each other a little to early. anyway I have said my peace i will leave it at that.
  3. mate I will certainly give you the credit in what you said before, you are right and forums do not convey anything other than words leaving alot to how one perceives how the conversation is really going. reading back through I think I felt alot more aggression when reading the posts this morning than I did re reading them now. and i would also like to make it clear that i really do feel merv has every right to be furious at jab for the problems he is so regularly having. what i was concerned about seeing unfolding was what i saw as the aggression toward each other. and i do feel that the way many messages were put across could have been done in a far more constructive manner.
  4. regarding my earlier comment, I am certainly not disagreeing with the info that being put out, infact I have taken quite alot from reading, what i don't like to see is the way its been put forward, having digs at people when trying to put your information across only results in them closing there ears to your opinion and not taking on board what you have had to say. though I must say admit in the later replies to this thread, things did cool down alot, but my view, and I think the view shared by many others was in the beginning, the conversation was quite a bit out of hand.
  5. I have been reading over this forum, and the mechanical and Jab issues aside, I am disgraced by the hostility and plain b*tching i have been reading. first of all guys calm down! I am not a fan of the jab aircraft myself, but that is just my opinion. Doesn't mean I need to come on a forum and whinge about it like a teenage girl. when it comes to mechanical and safety issues certainly have constructive conversations about things, but what I have been reading this morning clearly demonstrates why I refuse to call myself a pilot and just tell people I fly aeroplanes. we are all mature adults on here, we have to be to fly. lets act like it. its like they say, "pilots, looking down on people since 1903!"
  6. i must say nev, i disagree. i really do believe there are still no shortage of craftsmen, and people who work with there hands as ever before. I just dont think they stand out as much these days.
  7. just re read my post, i think im doing alot of thinking!?
  8. im listening....very closely, the thing i struggle with most at the moment is time, however as a long term thing, Im most interested....are you thinking of aussie mossie? or are you thinking of somthing else, because as you know, we are both thinking that direction! though im thinking more tail dragger.....
  9. you guys where one of the main mobs i was thinking. I think most people would be coming from C+asino, tyagrah, boonah and gympie. this said though everyone else would be more than welcome! i just know theres alot of numbers there. we need to find though a time of year the weather is good in most areas to insure not only can people get down but home again to! what is march like up there?!? now now, no need to get cheeky! seen some drifters do some mighty big flights!
  10. is that taken near byron bay by any chance?
  11. oh well alan, you can jump in the back of mine if we do any flying. so far we are up to one walk in and one fly in! wuater of the way to buying a few snags i think
  12. Nothing official, just wondering about interest, but if i were to organise it, would anyone be keen on a bit of a drifter fly in? just to catch up and meet the other faces who share our love. nothing to serious, just a bbq and lots of hand shaking. but if it turns into a bit of a sucess we could step it up a notch from there. I was thinking of asking Wayne and seeing if we can do it our hangar in lismore. As I figured its a pretty central to alot of drifters, plus spectrum Aviation is pretty well the home of drifters. but we might be able to look at another field that's a bit more quite so airspace is more free. but anyway its all just hear say at the moment, just wondering who would be interested in such a thing. I'm mostly just keen to meet some of those other wind blown faces out there!
  13. just dont be to far under it when you yank incase she comes down!
  14. haha hey im that drifter guy!!!! could have atleast said gday! what aircraft was glen barra girl on!?
  15. no if you look in the bottom right hand corner of the screen there is a tab that says upload a file, you click on that and then you can upload form your computer. there was a how to video on this site somewhere i found once that showed me how
  16. And remember the only silly question is the one you didn't ask!
  17. Sure was a lucky escape from a potential disaster, though I would hate to imagines what this will cost!
  18. I think it's one of those times when you can think that's what you should probably do......the very minute you scan moe again...
  19. flying IFR it can be similar, but seriously we avoid flying IFR in our real planes, why do we want to go home and do it in our free time!?
  20. hey guys, posting this here cause if im honest, I'm just pretty stoked and while my girlfriend couldnt give 2 hoots, im sure somone here might! for those of you who have FSX, anthony lynch for ants airplanes made a great drifter for the game available here http://www.antsairplanes.com/ thought i caught up with him at the great eastern fly in and took him for a spin in mine, in return hes made a repaint of it! kind of stoked! so anyone who wants a chance to fly my aircraft, the repaint of it is available here: http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/topic/15955-pacific-ants-airplanes-drifter-25-312/ be aware though you will need the payware aircraft first. anyway, now Ive got that off my chest! happy flying!
  21. yeah i saw this on my gliding club page. for an experienced pilot, very well handled, for a student, incredibly well handled, for the students mum......good luck getting the stains out of those pants!
  22. mate I cant thankyou enough for your kind comments! it was a pleasure to meet you and talk to you aswell, and the names Tim . next time your down lismore way give me a yell we can go for a spin!
  23. not a worry at all mate! the important thing is you lived up to rule number one and had a ball! that would have been wayne taking off for one of our joy flights, but in my aircraft, we had a few come through late in the afternoon, I was wheels off at about 5 heading home for the night. on another note a few more photos from day 2. The last photo is of the wirraways wing after its ground strike departing about 2 pm on saturday. if you looked from the top it had a bent rib to.
  24. a few photos from the day
  25. day one down and what a fantastic day it was! great displays, great weather and great people! who made it today!? and whos going to make it tommorow!? come over and say Gday on the flight line to us at spectrum aviation! (aka wayne fischer)
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