Hello David , I am new to this and I am not a pilot . I am Chris Bowles's sister . Thank you for all the lovely things you have said about Chris .Thank you for being his friend .Were you from the flying school or a business associate ? As for you , it was a shock to me when I received the call to say he had passed on and as a family are still trying to come to grips with what may have happened to Chris and Michael on the the day . I visited the site of the accident a week after it happened( the day before we said our farewells to Chris) . It was sad to envision what might have happened . As I said I am not a pilot but this is what we saw. The aircraft had come down into the paddock and had travelled for approx. 130 metre before going through a barbed wire fence . There was at this point a very marked impression of a left wheel tread( I guess this is the side Chris would have been on ) and this is where we think it went crazy . Just ahead of them were 2 concrete blocks (we think they were old feeding troughs ) protruding from the grass . This is where we were told they impacted and then flipped over into a gully .It is so sad to think if these were not there,possibly there would have been a slim chance of them getting out . I am so distressed to think what happened after this and can only hope that this tragedy will have never happen again . We cannot express how we feel - the loss immeasurable .I know Chris always told me he felt like a great big bird flying way up high and that he felt free !! You guys out there, pay heed to what your loved ones are saying .I would love to keep in touch as I need to to know more and understand what and why ??Perhaps this will be a closure for me ???????? or not. Thank you once again.