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Everything posted by quentas

  1. Hmmm gen 4 would be right with flywheel bolts but valves? I'd still be changing them if they are the same type. Valves (exhaust) are the weakest point of a jab engine regardless of its generation. They simply get too hot and stretch and weaken. This takes around 300-400 hours to find out. Maybe the water cooled heads fix the heat problem but introduces other problems. I think the valves need to be of a better material.
  2. My 2c on jab engines. Replace exhaust valves every 300-400 hours max and ensure you replace your flywheel bolts. Those two items alone will save you a lot of grief.
  3. I've seen worse jab crashes that had been rebuilt. Very happy the occupants are ok.
  4. quentas

    Flywheel bolts

    If your 3300 has done 500 hours or more, it's time to change the flywheel bolts! I almost learnt the hard way (bolts snapped whilst at idle on ground) if they snap in the air, it's very messy. The torque test of the glued in bolts is rather useless. The bolts tend to break above the lock tight or the head. Getting them out for the new Nordlock washer setup is an interesting procedure. Leave it to the experts. Exhaust valves and flywheel bolts, the two items in a jab motor that can ruin you day real fast.
  5. I agree. Jabiru suggested I had a prop strike. You think you'd know if that happened? I think they have nasty harmonics running all along the crank? If you own a Jab, next time you are doing run ups, try and get some light glinting of the back of the prop and rev slowly from 900 to around 1500 rpm. Look at the 11 o'clock position on the prop 'disk'. Tell me what you see
  6. Sb released october 2015. Im guessing after a spate of failures?
  7. Change your flywheel bolts ASAP if you have done 500 or more hours. I learnt the hard way. Luckily I was on the ground idling when it happened. It's a big messy job to change them when some of the bolts have already snapped above the lock tite. Sticking your finger in the rear or checking they are loose with a torque wrench is pointless.
  8. ^not even slightly funny^
  9. the whole story smells of bull shit to me.
  10. The canopy had already partly departed. He had a battle just to get it back under some control. He's a friend of mine and I'm sad for the loss of the aircraft as he's been waiting ages for various bits from overseas but then I'm happy he's walked away pretty much uninjured.
  11. I feel there may be a glimmer of hope as 1. He's not in the plane and 2. I've seen jabs smashed to bits and pilots get away with comparatively few injuries.
  12. When you get the hang of it, you can do touch and goes in a 230 without the nose wheel touching the deck.
  13. Has anybody heard more about this crash? I guess the following sums it up? Summary The ATSB has commenced an investigation into a collision with an airfield structure involving a Cessna C206, VH-TND at Rawnsley Park, South Australia on 2 August 2014. The Cessna 206 was conducting a scenic flight from Rawnsley Park ALA. There was a pilot and two passengers on board. The pilot approached to land in windy conditions. Just after touchdown, the aircraft drifted across the runway, and the pilot initiated a missed approach. During the missed approach, the aircraft struck the wind sock and then collided with terrain. One passenger sustained minor injuries and the aircraft was substantially damaged. As part of the investigation, the ATSB will be interviewing the pilot and passengers, obtaining weather data, and an operator report. A report will be released within several months.
  14. Calling it a Cessna takes the heat off maybe? Glad they are ok.
  15. Has anybody here been for a ride in the lyco jabs?
  16. I have had my Jab powered 230 for 7 years and nearly 700 hours. The only problems I had were when I was running avgas. I had the heads removed and new exhaust valves installed at 300 hours because of a "choofy" valve on a pull through. That was caused by a build up of by products from the avgas. Now that I use premium mogas, she's all shiny and nice inside. I run the engine hard and climb at 100 as overheating kills these engines fast. I had a new 'bolly/jab' prop and electronic ignition fitted last year and can say these are probably the best mods so far? I Reckon the 230 is the sweetest smoothest plane for the money. With all the jabiru stories abound, I tend to fly much higher than I would in the Cessna. All we need is jabiru to adopt the improvements by cammit and we would have one great all rounder.
  17. There is a j230 with a lycoming in the latest trader. Has anyone here flown with this combo? Certainly caught my attention.
  18. Now there's an idea, just have a requirement to carry your passport as ID if requested?
  19. The simple proof of how useless an ASIC is, just try to use it as ID elsewhere and you get asked 'have you got a library card instead?'. Also why cant you get an ASIC automatically when you return the old ASIC instead of starting from scratch all the time?
  20. Hi, Can all pilots go to this Gov website and make the suggestion/case for getting rid of the useless costly ASIC? http://www.cuttingredtape.gov.au
  21. quentas

    Aileron flutter

    Make sure there is no water in them. I had a similar problem after my 230 was left out in heavy rain. Once drained completely, the flutter went.
  22. When they are repaired, they are quite often a bit heavier. I heard one repairer say they never break in the same spot after the repairs..lol
  23. Cessna flips=crushed tail write off. Jab flips=bent pitot tube. I am always amazed at the strength Jabs in a crash. Im glad the pilot is ok.
  24. quentas

    170 v 230 v 430

    For the most useable carrying capacity, the J170 has 340kg empty, max 600kg. J160 has 320kg empty, max 540kg. J230 has 360 empty, max 600kg. Fuel would be around 95kgs extra full.
  25. quentas

    170 v 230 v 430

    If there are 3 of you then the only choice is a J430. Around 240kgs usable weight full fuel. 120 knots 22lph. 5ish hours endurance with reserve.
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