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Everything posted by quentas

  1. That sounds pretty much like mine. I was TAS 122knots @2800 and around 23 lph.
  2. I fitted the new Jab Scimitar prop today and am quite impressed with the performance compared with the old wooden prop. It seemed to TAS around 5 knots quicker at same revs. I also had the cold start kit fitted so no more embarrasing lids off on cold morning starts! I would imagine there has been a rush on those kits as there was a bit of a wait. Cheers.
  3. The end result is make sure your aircraft is ready to roll when you have entered the runway including runups completed. That includes checking throttle closed to check the motor will still idle. It always puzzles me why some pilots take their time at the threshold doing whatever, seemingly unaware of anyone else in the circuit.
  4. He must have stalled it? lol
  5. quentas

    Battery Life

    Deka. No problems for 3 yrs
  6. What a tragedy in QLD. I noticed a J200/400 floating in the floodwaters on nine news. Hoping the people surrounding are safe. What a nightmare!
  7. Couple of weeks it will be back in the air! One good thing about Jabs..
  8. My J230D had leaky exhaust valves at 350 hours. When my Lame pulled the heads off his recommendation was to replace the exhaust valves as they appeared heat affected and pitted. Now it has strong compressions all round so I guess the best option to keep your Jab running reliably and safely would be to change exhaust valves and freshen the top end every 3-400 hours. Lucky the bits are reaaly cheap and the engines are easy to work on. Having said that I love flying the 230! I go everywhere in it.
  9. my theory is planes shouldnt be penalised anymore than cars because when you take into account the millions of miles of paved roadway and the associated costs of building and maintaining those roads let alone the heat they would reflect then it makes aviation look greener than the greens. We just need lead free fuel now. Vote NO to erupting volcanoes and massive bushfires.
  10. Love my J230! Had it 2 years now and is the 1st choice for my travelling around the countryside. I have taken numerous people for a fly in it and several of those have ordered 230's as a result! Absolute best bang for buck. Thanks Rod.
  11. When I had the first 100 hourly done on my J230, my LAME found the rear fuel feed line from the right tank had a kink (from factory build) that stopped fuel flow completely from that line. Luckily the front feed was ok but I reckon that had a bearing on the way the fuel fed. To check this, you have to remove the wing root covers and have a good look with a small 'dentist' mirror. This can happen as the lines are fitted THEN the wings mated up and bolted.
  12. quentas

    Crack fuselage,J430

    The 'skinny' legs used to break upon a hard landing in the older Jabs but the newer 'chunky' legs transfer a lot more energy to the fuse, it looked to me as if it had a severe landing at some stage.
  13. I agree, All it would take is a medical and a BFR to be current again.
  14. The ol 172's are very predictable and not very exciting which makes them the ideal wagon for running about in. Mine has 40 degree flaps and the 145hp motor which means you can always squeeze in but you may not get out.
  15. Whats those bushes doing all the way up here in these clouds? I think I would turn religious after that event!
  16. Do any readers fly a Jabiru NVFR? I am interested how the electrical system keeps up with all the goodies required for NVFR with a standard Jab alternator. Can an additional alternator possibly be fitted to the vac pump drive for extra redundancy?
  17. I saw on the news today a J230 made an emergency landing on the Barrier Hwy after experiencing engine trouble. Thankfully the pilot and plane appeared to have landed without damage.
  18. quentas

    Jabba Chat July 2009

    The article on the hydraulic valves is VERY informative. For all of you nervous Jab owners out there, have a read. It gives a fair bit of history.
  19. I would suggest the comment would've been made 'tongue in cheek'
  20. The proposal for RAAus CTA involved a knowledge to CPL standards and also a class 2 medical. It would appear easier to just do a PPL. As for the new GAAP procedures, nothing will change dramatically because less people will fly there because of the possible 45min taxi times etc.
  21. For those of us who actually want to use controlled air the answer is simple, get your PPL. Theres not a lot of difference between the training these days compared with 15 years ago anyway. It doesnt hurt also to have a medical check up every 2 to 4 years for your own peace of mind.
  22. THAT is a tough looking aircraft!
  23. Hi, It wasnt too hard to do as I have taken GA type planes in there many times before. Just put in a plan after ringing the tower to find the 'quietest' time. I regularly overfly YPAD on my way to YGWA or YADG in the Jabby so they were getting quite used to me. I took my daughter shopping at harbour town so she had the camera duty. I have put a link to the takeoff on runway 23 below. Cheers, Q. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB9xO5BOZDk"
  24. Took my J230 into Adelaide late last year. Had to do it once.
  25. quentas


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