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Everything posted by rhysmcc

  1. Why should RA-AUS exist at all? Why shouldn't everyone have to buy VH and get a PPL? Why shouldn't you be restricted to 500ft over your own land? Wasn't that what AUF was all about? It's about giving people choices, no one is making you get a CTA or modifying your aircraft to meet CTA standards. Why is your right as a member to have RA-AUS advocate on your behalf greater than mine?
  2. I didn't think rego number was reused. I.e. 1234 only exists once not once for each category?
  3. Think you'd find secondary airports are also in CTA (controlled), no one is suggesting flying your LSA into Sydney Kingsford Smith, there is a lot more to CTA then landing at capital city airports (restrictions are already in place to prevent such access).
  4. All due respect Nev, if you a trained for CTA and operating a correctly equipped aircraft I can't see any reason why it would be any less safe then that same person flying in G or E airspace. Why would a 10 hr c172 pilot be more safe then a RA-AuS pilot at not over shooting centreline?
  5. I can't see the logic that CTA is less safe?
  6. I think the context of procedural flight plan actually was in regards to our display, a procedural track is displayed basically where the system thinks the aircraft would be based on its ETD and TAS, rather then a return based on our radar or your transponder. Procedural airspace basically refers to no radar, so the controllers use different standards to separate aircraft (rather then 5 or 3 miles). All class D is procedural, although they may have some radar coverage they don't use it for separation. "BN Approach" also includes a sector that looks after class G airspace under approaches airspace, they use Brisbane Centre as their call sign (used to be Brisbane Radar), these are the guys you call to request clearance.
  7. So is that AEST (Qld) or AEDT (NSW/Vic daylight savings time). Could catch a few people out (being held in SA which is currently ACDT 30mins after AEST but 30mins before AEDT)...Zulu is a good suggestion
  8. Thanks for the info Rick, so what does this $55 get you. Are aircraft registered under current VH regulations or are you expecting some kind of change/approval to operate outside of the current regs (same with licensing)?
  9. Surely any change to the regulations to make ELAAA legit will follow CASAs normal NPRM so can't see it by November this year.
  10. How can they register aircraft VH? That's done by CASA and not something under the regulations they can pass out to another company to manage. Something doesn't smell right here, some factual information released by the company would be good or CASA?
  11. Can't see it myself, would require a huge rewrite of the regulations to make it legal.
  12. So if these are VH aircraft, thus registered with CASA and you need a RPL...issued by CASA, what is it exactly this company is offering to oversee?
  13. So you emailed your resolutions in but are unable to receive electronic notices from RA-AUS?
  14. That's not unusual, Brisbane has a similar procedure. Traffic volume and weather are taken into account.
  15. If ATC doesn't mention the runway then I wouldn't be querying it unless you think some confusion has taken place. ATC are only required to use the runway number when more then one runway is in use on a single frequency. If they say it, then you must. If they don't then you aren't required too (but can if you like)
  16. No, as pic it's your decision to go flying in those conditions.
  17. Yes I meant ATC instructions, not every word they say, sorry if that confused you. The crack down normally stems from an incident in which the correct read back wasn't chased.
  18. the important part being if ATC say it, read it back else they will chase you for the read back (because they have too).
  19. It's pretty easy, if ATC use the runway in the clearance, read it back. Remember your not the only airplane in the sky (or on the ground). ATC will use the runway if more than one is in use. If you don't read it back we must chase it the correct read back otherwise we get in trouble. Think about what you would do if you were on short final and just heard a take off clearance given, not knowing what runway they are using...
  20. Who are you removing? Only 2 of the original board will remain past the AGM unless they are reelected.
  21. Ego.. But hey I'm sure there won't be anyone here like that
  22. Nonsense posting to increase ones count
  23. Next you'll be telling me the "other" site isn't just professional pilots...
  24. Because it doesn't really fit in with recreational aviation but whatever floats your boat
  25. Why we having RAAF ranks.
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