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Everything posted by rhysmcc

  1. The constitution seems to suggest a directors term starts at the end of the AGM, so without an AGM to start their term how will the board numbers be increased to 5 before the end of the year?
  2. Why not call an annual general meeting before the end of 2016 (one is due under the current constitution). Why are we waiting 18 months and skipping the AGM this year?
  3. Longest serving... Does time in the old association count or will all 3 former executive be considered equal time served (i.e. From the start of the new company)
  4. I can't seem to find the definition of "casual vacancy" can the 3 executive appoint up to 4 other directors based on those positions being vacant or does someone have to resign mid term?
  5. Think you might be right, Don is that your understanding, at least ine of the executive resigning at the AGM and at least 3 directors being elected? The board decides how many members between 3-7 are on the board.
  6. and some won't need to face an election until 2018 even though their term maybe up this year!
  7. I always thought the aerodrome operator was responsible for ERSA updates (to airfield info at least)
  8. Does your transponder have an altitude readout? That would be the quickest way to cross check. Were you using Area QNH from the forecast or did you get actual QNH from Gold Coast ATIS (they may not be the same)? You may have been heading towards the Control Zone so the controller may have being proactive to arrange clearance or keep you clear. Don't be afraid to ask for the QNH and a level readout, if you find your always out maybe get it checked? ATC apply a 200ft buffer for error/tolerances.
  9. The executive will continue as the new company directors, I assume 2 more will be elected at AGM 2016, then 2 at AGM 2017 to get to 7, maybe executive will then be up for election in 2018? Or maybe all directors will be elected at the AGM 2016, it's a bit vague.
  10. So the new draft isn't the final draft we will be voting on?
  11. 10 Hours IFR PIC on the aircraft you'll be using.
  12. The cost of your flying hour normally takes into account fuel and all the normal/scheduled repairs and replacements, like engine overhauls, props etc. $40 doesn't seem high plus fuel.
  13. Pretty sure the J430 is only brand new in kit form, you then need to build it. Shouldn't be an issue putting a Camit instead of Jabiru from the start (since you build the aircraft). Unless you mean the J230 which is the factory built 2 seat?
  14. How do you expect anyone to establish guilt or innocence when they aren't even allowed to ask a question without people claiming nanny state!
  15. How can you claim not having the call sign listed we lose awareness yet this very incident was the result of someone having the incorrect call sign and aircraft type displayed. I'm sure producing the aircraft hire or training invoice to CASA would be more then enough
  16. What's the useable load with full tanks? Might effect number #4 and I'd reconsider #7, kitty should be for paying the bills and would form part of the sale. Best of luck
  17. Is it May 4 already? Congrats frank I thought I read the board would choose the 7, if more then 7 wish to conintue then the AGM decides? I'm not sure how voting will work under the new constitution, I thought the election of board members would be conducted at the AGM rather then by postal vote currently?
  18. Also helps the airport know who to charge
  19. Could be a short term if the constitution reform gets up
  20. and how does one know it was Aldo and his contact details? I'm sure the person who reported it did so based on the displayed Rego, rather then who they thought was flying?
  21. Well they clearly thought they witnessed it (on their Ozrunways), I guess the lesson learnt here is someone may always been watching and if you are going to give out information make sure it's correct. I personally don't think anyone has done anything wrong and I'm glad RA-AUS sorted it without too much drama
  22. I fail to see the issue? They contacted you to clarify and accepted your answer. As responsible aviators we all have a duty to report any incidents we may witness.
  23. I don't think it is, pretty sure HELP is only for Australian residents
  24. Do you not see a flaw in this system? While I'm sure the current board has the best intentions, what will stop future boards in limiting or excluding certain members from nominating based on not having the "skills required"? The skill set is not defined and is decided by the board of the day. The Directors ARE in control on who gets elected because THEY get to choose who we vote between! If the former board had this power I wonder how many of the current board would have been able to nominate?
  25. Nope Eurocat and old school paper strips
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