Splitting up the constitution into bite size pieces make sense, so why not at the end of each "piece" include a short survey asking the members what options they consider important for them and their association. An example could be regional vs national representation.
I find this impossible, from reading this forum as well as my own emails, I know of at least 5 members who have voiced opposition to the constitution in it's current form. Another reason why "emailing the CEO" isn't the best way for the Board to represent the members. Section 14B (iii) provides the perfect avenue for the Board to canvas the opinion of the membership on matter of policy (which is what this draft is).
That's great, I was at Evans Heads but sadly had to drive back to Brisbane before the meeting. I did watch the video of an informal meeting following last years AGM, some useful information shame such recordings haven't been made from other meetings.
How many of our 10,000 odd members have been represented at these meetings, or was it so informal a check of membership wasn't recorded?
Costs nothing (minimal) to ask the membership via electronic survey. But hey, you've been elected to the board so I guess that means your opinion now represents the membership.
You're correct, that was my mistake. It was on a previous draft constitution and I didn't notice the change on the latest release. I'm happy to own the mistake although it's hard to notice the revisions when no change bars or version numbers are listed.