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Everything posted by spacesage

  1. Thansk guys, I really appreciate it. I enjoy the challenge of the Jab, its and excellent trainer. Thanks for all help and assistance
  2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A famous SR-71 story, Los Angeles Center reported receiving a request for clearance to FL 600 (60,000ft). The incredulous controller, with some disdain in his voice, asked, "How do you plan to get to 60,000 feet? The pilot (obviously a sled driver), responded, "Descend" He was issued clearance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another one. Sign hanging over the breifing room door at Kadena AF Base, Japan. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. For I am at 70,000 feet and climbing."
  3. Excellent, Ill be in it if your looking for willing particpants, again I'm willing to share costs. Thanks again
  4. Lots of rudder in a Jab is "Not reccomended" form the manufacturer I believe. I dont think this was structural failure, but apparently they were on their return leg from a trip away. Crash landing just short of destination, could this be shock cooling? Causing engine failure. They had plenty of fuel according to reports.
  5. Recovery Chute?? Ejection Head?? Also Im guessing its not a four stroke.....
  6. I was going to mention that. It should be called the Embraer "Paradox".
  7. Looks like a Jab with a 19 serial.
  8. For those of you that have Foxtel World Movies. I saw a movie yesterday called "Sky Fighters". Its basically a french version of Top Gun but with Mirage 2000s Alpha Jets and a few other French Air Force types. This movie has even better aerial scenes than Top Gun. The plot is a bit thin and a couple of the aviation sequences leave a bit to be desired in the believability arena, but the aerial footage is excellent. Also, the scene where one of the pilots (female of course) performs a strip tease on the engine cowling of an F4N Corsair would probably cause the RAAF to be disbanded if a similar thing happened in reality in Oz. Its not showing again any time soon on World Movies, but you may find it at some foreign movie store or website. Some of these foreign movies are great aviation stories and have great footage if you can stand the subtitles.
  9. It runs on 100% ethanol as do most of the cars in Brazil.
  10. The Russians deny outright that they did it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfRHMbz2nuU" Even after this they still deny it. Old habits die hard. Unlike UAVs....
  11. Should look sonething like this when completed Ian?
  12. Ian, Thats one hell of a system, Youll have some with that, no doubt. Now for the downloads. Grabbing all of the Terrain Mesh and updated packs for FSx and FS9. I suggest completely building your machine from scratch and then maybe conducting a "Ghost" of your setup. This creates a snapshot image of your PCs setup and allows for a quick rebuild in case of major failure. As long as you hardware etc stay the same (hard drives exepted) you should have a quick way of rebuilding back to the atste you like it. If you dont have this software, see your local PC store the should be able to help by either doing it for you, or teeling you where to get the software from.
  13. Just a quick note to all about my latest achievement. After my in flight emergency about a month ago I have been struggling to get back in the air. I chickened out once, which I massively regretted (Sorry Macnoz). Yesterday I finally got over myself and did it. I went for an introduction flight in the Jab 160 at Caboolture, thanks to RA Caboolture. It was a fairly blowy day with a stiff westerly which dictated a departure from 24. I flew with Bill, CFI from RA Caboolture and he was a great coach. I was fairly sweating bullets for the first 10 minutes and nearly tore the control column from its mounting! We did some turns, climb and descend and stalls as I got used to the Jabs idiosyncracies. We joined the LH cct on 24 for a fairly reasonable landing. Got my hands crossed up reaching for the brakes! But everying else went pretty well. As we were on final I knew I had beaten my fear and felt like I could do anything. As we taxied past the crowd gathered for an Anzac Day show of some warbirds I got a wave from the crowd. As I waved back at those little kids I hoped my smile from ear-to-ear had maybe planted the seeds for future aviators. One of my best days ever. Thanks to all the great support I received from all in this forum. Macnoz and MozartMerv in particular and also the great staff from Caboolture RA. I'm back! X-Country endorsement here I come!
  14. Remember guys, Controlled airspace endorsement is not far away. I dont know the details. Someone from RA-AUS or someone in the know care to comment?
  15. Rag and Tube is not realising its potential. I think if you want to promote Rag and Tube flying, I think you should promote the "Real Flying" aspect of it. It should be promoted as its own form of flying. An old adage in business is "When times are tough, advertise" This means a coordinated approach by trike, exposed cockpit types or "Rag and Tube" operators to promote the romantic and classic aspect of this type of flying. Making the point (quite rightly) that it is very different flying to the heavier plastic\metal\compostie types. I dont think it is necessarily a legislation or licencing issue. e.g. warbirds licencing is not necessarily that much different to normal GA. But attracts premium rates at the operator level because of the romantic side of it. In reality you are flying very old aircraft usually with performance in the "not so exhilarating" class. Wirraways, Nanchangs, Chipmunks, Austers, Cubs, etc make up the bulk of the warbirds in Australia. Also a cool name like "WarBirds" helps. Its all in the advertising and how its marketed to the General Public, if you want it to succeed you have to advertise to the widest market possible to give it the best chance. Look at the positives. Cheap to run Exhilirating Short field \ small strip peformance Slow speeds (safer) View is unbeatable Cheap to become endorsed. Legislation governance is easy. Eco-Friendly (thats a big one) We have the best climate \ landscape for safe fying in Australia. We have a thriving tourist industry. This should be an opprtunity. Its all about perception, if you can change the publics perception that this is not dangerous, its not an extreme sport. Then you could make some coin and not have to rely on the training dollar to survive.
  16. As far as I understand they don't recognise any RA written exams in place of PPL exams. They only recognise total flying hours. They have to recognise the hours its part of casa directives. Also it helps if the GA school you go to is comfortable with the RA school you came from. Then they have a much better idea of the quality of pilot. So if you can do your gfpt in 3-4 hours then so be it. If you can do your navs in another 10-12 hours, great. Then you have BAK, PPL written exams to contend with. I would budget about 20 hours of flying time plus exams. Also you should consider the quality of GA instruction you are getting.
  17. As pilots we are always taught to err on the side of safety. However, this can sometimes lead you to do things that may not be as safe as other courses of action. The overly cautious pilot can also end up in situations made of thier own behaviour as can the overly agressive pilot. I think that every situation is different and requires a level of common sense or lateral thinking to be applied. I think you will find that most pilots that do this in emergency situations are the ones that "get away with it".
  18. I nearly cried when I saw this. I don't know whether its because of humour or truth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbXI98zVcAI"
  19. WHAT? How did changing wireless settings invalidate your windows stuff?
  20. Absolutely, however from my experience with ATC, they will not move the active runways unless there tolerances for x-winds, headwinds, tailwinds, noise, operating hours etc are exceeded. These large airports are really busy, moving actives annoys everyone. Any RPT pilots care to comment?
  21. Agreed, very unlikely they are going to hit an aircraft, let alone actually blind anyone. But I would bet my last dollar, that any airline pilot that sees it waving around is not going anywhere near it.
  22. Some of these lasers go 14 miles. FL40 is 7.5 miles, although the probability of upseting them is low, it still exists.
  23. Tell us what OS you run on your PC\Mac. You primary PC only, chose which one.
  24. The shady black art of wireless networking..... You picked a sticky one, hence the lack of replies here. You are going to have to check that your airport express is configured to allow your Win host to connect. I have found a post that details what you should check. Its complicated and fairly long winded (like most things wireless). But stick with it, a bit of trial and error and you should be fine. http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-51610.html
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