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Everything posted by HEON

  1. Could try Supermarine Spitfire 07-32029619 as I think they have some expearance with them
  2. Returned yesterday after attending. Impressions; 1.Results for the first one...very good 2.Local involvement terrific 3.Hats of to the Nursing home food supply outlet (co-located with bar) 4.Grog prices reasionable Improvements needed 1. MORE fires to stand around in the evening 2. Better toilets/showers MAJOR BITCH...AIRCRAFT PARKING After arriving with nearly 5hr flying in a Drifter (thus cool&tied) was greeted very well by the tower who told me to follow a "follow me vehicle". From then on it went down hill rapidly. They did not listen to you; would not let me park to find ones friends before being direction to an overnight park; would not allow a choice of parking even where there were other locations available; changed their mind frequently as to where to park even after what I thought an location was agreed apon; no one was available to co-ordinate and/or make decisions etc etc. Result was I was stuffed around for over an hour because I wanted to be close to my friends who were told they could not keep a spot for me when they arrived ALTHOUGH THE AIRCRAFT NEXT TO A MATE WAS ALLOWED TO KEEP A SPOT FOR HIS FRIEND who had not even taken off from Bundaberg when I had allready arrived there. I was tied, very angry, and even on being directed to the third location which had been agreed to (after waiting outside the area twice) "THEY" tried to change the position AGAIN as I moved to it. By then, being tied, angry, and very frustrated, I very nearly hit another aircraft. This was my error NOT ASSISTED BY BEING MUCKED ABOUT BY SO MANY FOR SO LONG. If I had enough daylight I would have left prior to this to return home as I was so upset. My weekend was effectively spoilt, and my friends effected. I know most are volunteers but they are surely there to help, not hinder and act like the reincarnation of Starlin? I will note there was only one aircraft arriving with me, and no more than five in the next hour.
  3. A nice Ford/Holden discussion...or is it? When I finished my pilots certificate I wanted to buy a aircraft...asked the CFI at the school that ran both Rotax and Jab powered trainers about engines as I had heard stories about Jab reliability...told none of his Rotax's had broken: all of his Jab's had! I know that Rotax cost more (just paid around $25,000 for 80hp with bits) but I now own three...80, 100, and 115hp. If I thought that Jab's were even equal I doubt that all would be Rotax's. Gearbox problems?...do not run under 1800rpm/better around 2200. Yes in a Drifter that makes a rapid taxi speed which Drifter drivers know the brakes (????) are not much use in keeping in check...think/plan/stop engine if required. My 914 had the gears replaced (no cost) as in the bad batch. That is the only part ever replaced excluding filters. Have said before a Jab 170 with 100hp Rotax IN MY OPINION would be a terrific Australian aircraft.
  4. I mouth off about CASA but think they may have a point in that a large number of pilots should not be allowed behind the wheel of a peddle cart! On Sunday I went to the Gatton fly in where it was very evident that a considerable number of both GA and RAA pilots did not know what an ERSA was (or possibly could not read) as it states quite clearly that there is one LH and one RH approach to the runway depending on which one you used...or was that an inability to tell which way they were going and which direction was which? Then there was the landing of two aircraft at the same time from different directions! The runway is arround 800m long! Was it chicken or did not see; did not care? Over heard one conversation where it was said "thats the aircraft...GA by the way...that did @&$%*^! at Watts Bridge at their flyin a few weeks ago". I am not an instructor but have around 450hrs...think I can notice stupidity when i see it! How about an aircraft doing a straight in approach with around 6 other aircraft in the circuit? How about at least two aircraft turning base and final in front of at least two other aircraft allready on final? I happened to be the first aircraft to arrive at the flyin. What I saw rearly makes a case for CASA that the only way they can save pilots from themselves is to make it impossible for any GA or RAA pilot to take off in any light aircraft...did not have a chance to view RPT pilots as 800m runway prevents most RPT's having a go/being seen at Gatton! (excluding one old, red, twin, ex-RPT, bi plane that not only looks beautiful but is flown the same way!)
  5. Not just the cost of PPL but that of BFR in them "modern cheap" VH aircraft that you don't normally fly thus needing more practice and more cost!
  6. The only thing that stops me having a laugh is it is too true...pox on governments, and the current one in particular!
  7. Yes jordy I think it's great to. Cannot beleave the power and STOL capacity. You do not lift the tail: the prop wash lifts it as you power on! Have had problems with landings compared to 503/582's as I was bouncing a lot. Comes down to a 912 having so much more thrust on idle...you have to concentrate much more on air speed. At 25hr I am going to back it back as much as possible (to around 1400rpm)...can always use throttle at other times to help the gear box. Getting back to the forum...the use of standard headsets as previously stated with XCom radio works well. Discovered a problem however with Zulu which are light on head pressure. Hit a air pocket...Drifter dropped...I was strapped into seat thus also dropped...headsets and cap NOT strongly attached therefore head extracted downwards... Made for very fast snatch and grab maneuver!(two handed...glad it fly well hands off/and I had a bit of height)
  8. Although not up for a repaint I have found this very informative. Seems to involve a lot of work. For interest, what would be an estimate of the weight added if not stripped LSA sided aircraft if repainting with (1) like colour (2) covering dark colour with a lighter one? In otherwords is the effort worth it?
  9. Like that idea of no weight limit, two people and 45kt stall. A Antonov AN2...I dont think I could afford the oil bill after seeing the one at Watts Bridge last weekend, but I know two ladies that would love to fly as a passenger in one...finally room for their bags and other essentials!!!!!
  10. Yep, at this stage
  11. Should know who I am in late July Spin! Or red/brown/gold Fisher Mk1 912...
  12. Facthunter has hit the nail on the head. I accept we are limited to two seats (which I think should never change) I believe that the DESIGNED MTOW is not as important as the LEGAL PAYLOAD. You need around 270kg to take two average Australians (not rugby forwards!), a few bits, and enough fuel to get somewhere especially as the number of POL points are reducing. A 600, 700, or even 800kg MTOW aircraft with a suitable payload capacity HAS to be MUCH safer than a overloaded 544kg (or whatever) aircraft that probably would not meet the 45kt stall requirement, and reduces the G limits of the design.
  13. I know it has all been said before! What interested me was what I think was a 150 at Watts Bridge last weekend with RAA rego...looked very well presented.
  14. Food was good as well. Best steak sanger I've had at a fly in. Hats off to the people involved...had your ducks lined up and flying streight!
  15. HEON

    Rotax TBO?

    Regardless of TBO, I understand 503 will do considerable more hours than 582 before it is junk. I know it is not possible in all aircraft but a 912 (2000hr TBO) works out much cheaper in the long term if you do the sums (fuel/parts/replacement) to a 2 stroke...even allowing for the astronautic initial cost (912UL 80hp over $25000 with bits). Drifter 912 12L/hr @65kt V 582 18L/hr @ 60kt as a indication is just the start.
  16. Yep, thats the one I was after...thanks
  17. Might have to drop into Boonah on weekend as still getting my 25hrs up and within my test range. Can you still buy a snag and drink there Sunday lunch? (yep, love it!)
  18. Some time ago there was a Forum on expearances of some with the actions of Councils in lieing and stealing hangers with the (mis)use of leases. Could someone direct me to it please.
  19. Numptie: my understanding-yes;no. Just love this progress... My no is that they are not same as GPS
  20. My brand new Drifter got it's RAA registration yesterday. Only got 7hrs on it so far but the XCom radio and Lightspeed Zulu are great. No intercom use yet as still in test period (not allowed passenger)
  21. I must disagree with the statement that in flight adjustable props are not rearly needed under 100-110kt. In any amphibian or seaplane they are very valuable as they allow an increase in pitch after a water take off. Water (especially still water) requires more power (finer pitch) to become unstuck than land. The only one I can quote is a Super Petrel: a inflight adjustable prop changes it from a 85kt to a 95kt cruise aircraft. To me that is worth the effort as it is quite a high percentage increase in speed.
  22. I think this news report is very fair and should not be held up to ridicule. Reports from people in a position to have a view, written clearly, and not "interpreted". A very pleasent change in reporting of an event which cannot but be "newsworthy" in the area, and thus will be reported. The minor errors in fact do not effect the story.
  23. We are now into page 6! While I have an OPINION on what may have happened, I do not KNOW Why do we not ALL take a Bex and have a good lie down until we KNOW! What ever the outcome it will NOT effect the pilot...why do we not let the families bury them without any more hints of wrong doing. Surely Ian it is time to end this UNTIL some ACTUAL information is presented
  24. Mate took delivery of his J230 week prior to easter with factory fitted Skyview
  25. It would seem that a likely cause of what appears from reports to be a wing failure would be the initial failure of a/some wing support cables. I personally do not wish to speculate on what caused the probable failure. Having just taken part in a maintenance course which included Drifters, I agree that it is difficult to assess cable condition without much more expearance than I have. Is there any recommended service life for them? Anything to especially look for except rust and broken strands? Test tention...same or variations over time...how frequently recommended? My interest is personal as my new Fisher received it's final inspection on Saturday and thus I will be up there relying on them wires as soon as I get my rego back from RAA.
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