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Everything posted by HEON

  1. Why do you not ask Lightwing ???
  2. Not a Jab flyer so not sure. Are these cables the same as what I know as morse cables; a heavy duty push/pull cable? If so, they can be custom made by "better" marine shops as they are used in steering etc in marine field. As you seem to be going 19- rego they could be used if you think suitable.(I think) Was a mob in the 'Valley that did them...think they could have been Morse cable dealers
  3. I have not been responding to threads for some time but cannot resist on this. PRIOR to reading this, I emailed the National Advertising Manager for Australian Flying and stated to him that if this was the position the magazine was going to take I could not see the value in continueing my advertising of a RAA aircraft in it. As well as being VERY XXXXed off on the tone of the article, I said that if required I could tell him stories where GA pilots have tried there best to kill me with mid air UCFITAA (uncontrolled flight into another aircraft!)...the last time on Tuesday over Lismore! Also expressed the opinion that with that attitude I was glad GA was dieing.
  4. Evening Maj: the good news regarding 914 TBO is in Rotax SB-914-039UL dated 25 Mar 2010. TBO from engine S/N 6,773.779 is 2000hr/15 years. Engines from 4,418.108 can be extended to the same 2000hr if plug screw of the oil pump changed (841982 to 841983...minor), main electric fuel pump changed at 1000hr (minor), and a different crankcase fitted which is standard from S/N 4.419.315...my engine is S/N 4.419.408 (crankcase 06.1114)...made it by 93 engines! If your engine is from 4,418.108 to 4.419.314 the cost of the crankcase would have to be taken into account to see if the cost benifit of a 800hr increase in TBO is financally sound. After that numder I think it's a "no brainer".
  5. "The bottom end of RAA" Yes there was not much there that fits into that there at NatFly. But then again there is not much bottom end left in RAA that can be displayed that is not a kit or scratch built. A display of a pile of bits would only get the heart pumping for a very small percentage. SAAA was there for them who want to build. By bottom end I assume it could be performance and/or cost. Jab 120 there. Wallaby there. What else available? Drifter...Certified (is it still made?) or Fisher? Could the lack of a bottom end mean that the vast majority of people who are interested (and prepared to spend money) are not interested in the bottom end? A lot of people liked the Ford Model A, but times change and the market moves on. It is stupid to try to promote/sell an item if the return is not there. That is commercial reality. Yes, I like the upper end of the market, but my Drifter should be flying at the end of the month (19-7437) with a bit of luck. Thus I do not think I can be accused of being one eyed on the subject.
  6. 914 @ 310hr. Oil Castrol to Plus 4 to VSX. Oil and filter changed around 50hr. Fuel mogas at hanger, avgas on trips. No major engine problems. Reduction gear change (no cost) SB914038. Have had air leak into RH carby at max rpm via float bowl resulting in lean mixture and thus loss of power. Not an engine problem but 914 has to have ample cool air to prevent the reduction in boost automatically by engine management system if it draws a lot of warm air from within engine compartment.
  7. Now the 914 has gone to 2000hr TBO (great as mine fits in!), wounder when the 912 will get another rise in TBO (especially the 80hp). Like it when the TBO increases faster than I'm putting on hours.
  8. Last thing we need is to copy the yank's...if so, may as well be "planes R us"! YUCK
  9. '10... No rain...great Lots of bugs...not so great Good and extensive displays...good Good range of talks...informative Shortage of toilets especially for distant talks...a pressing problem What I noted staying in town was the frequent comments from locals that they seemed to rearly want us there...not just them making money
  10. 7 News photo made it look like a Corby Starlet
  11. I may be of the age where I have viewed too many westerns but why when CASA talks of a "strategic framework" and a body to "supervise" organisations like RAA, do I see Indians around the hill ready to scalp the blokes and rape the woman (or the other way around in these "enlightened" times!)?
  12. A bit of topic but what engine are you putting in it? CFI of Edra (Super Petrel manufacturer in Brazil) has a lovely one with a Model A Ford. If you wish send me an email and I will send some pictures of it (do not know how to attach here...or someone tell me how please)
  13. Can I say "Me To", to quote someones name I will not repeat, as I tend to agree with all the posts. As I like the so called high end (Speed), low end (Drifter), and a splash in the middle (Petrel) I feel as though I have a foot in many camps. That is what RAA rearly is now...many camps; that if it has a single body to rule it, that body must cover all the requirements of all the camps as it is not practable to exclude any camp from the collective requirements. The only way to do that would be for each camp to pick up their bat and ball and play somewhere elce...and that would be very counterproductive in my opinion. As for a Skyfox at 45000 (What years $'s)...give me a J-120 at 63000 todays $'s any day! You cannot rearly compare a Skyfox to the 120000plus as they are chalk and cheese! As for Tecnum lessons at $256...go somewhere elce...may I give a hint that if the another school can buy two other trainers for the price of one Tecnum their costs and prices will be much less. Simple busness requirement is to cover the cost of your equipment!
  14. Agree with weather on coastal route. I would get over the range ASAP. Thus Warwick-Moree-Narromine-Temora. Plenty of options there but note restricted areas NW and NE of Mudgee
  15. Is there not a oil pressure problem regarding non Rotax filters?
  16. The Coleman on a previous post I have, plus very old Primus one that folds into a metal box approx 120x120x100mm. Both run on petrol thus always have fuel. Also have petrol Colman "tilly type" pressure lanten and much bigger two burner stove. Petrol always available out back which cannot be said of LPG, metho, kero, or the newer micky mouse gas cylinders. If you do not have any in your aircraft when you land I think you have a greater problem than thinking of cooking!:big_grin: Been using this type of petrol stove and light for 40 years with bikes, 4x4, and aircraft and have never had a problem. REMEMBER a syphon hose!
  17. Assume he does not wish to get one from Serbia where I think still made?
  18. I, Maddogmoran, read Facthunter's post, while you do not seem to have read the last parragraph of Jay's. I am not having a shot at Jay as this reference to "facts" appears at times in the forums on a considerable number of topics. This refererence to "speed limits" has in fact appeared before about 12 months ago. My exasperation is that I have no doubt "the dark side" read posts here to gain ideas on how to stuff up RAA...paranoid?...you bet!...we have it too good at the moment as RAA allows us nearly all the freedom of GA with only a minor amount of stupidity such as the recent rego card incident...and the comments on that which helped to change it were gained from a forum! As for speed, how about a suitably "re engineered" Corby Starlet with Jab 120hp? Not a kit, not a two seater, but potential fun. I know the Supermarine Spitfire kit can be RAA rego but unsure if still two seater and engine options if so registered.
  19. Please note WE (Australia!) do NOT have a 120 knot rule. Please, please, please get your facts correct. USA has a 120 knot LSA rule, not Australia. As sure as God made little apples, if people keep saying it "THEY" will think it a good idea and it will be forced on us also; for our "safety" of course! Jay and others!
  20. If I am not on field, phone number on hanger.
  21. There has been a "new" type of nut put out by Rotax...do you have it? A "sharp" hit is often required to reduce the binding...Not with steel...Brass/bronze rod required. Maj, your imput please. Bluearsefly, just saw your airfield! Visit hanger M to see new nut on my Speed! (small world). Your trike photo did not ring a bell.
  22. A great idea to have it in SEQld. Pity politics seem to got in the way of locations with people and facilities prepared to help make it work.
  23. Firstly the '08 crash that lost rego history. Although I am personally a pen and ink bloke, them involved with the little black boxes tell me that ANY one with valuable information should copy it (back up?); if rearly important, every day...standard business practice. Thus rearly no reasion to not do it because of past poor office procedures. Secondly, when you apply for a number it is allocated for a year. The fee you pay is valid for only 3 months. Why? Thirdly, why cannot unused numbers not be reused? We have 3000 odd aircraft with 10000 available numbers under current system! If a bloke takes "years" to build, if he fails to renew yearly, reallocate the number ESPECIALLY since he CANNOT select the number he wants now APPARENTLY.
  24. In my limited time in RAA it is nice to hear something even if it is not all want you want. The previous policy which seemed to be "keep them in the dark and feed them B...s..." made a few that can add 2+2 and get 4, 2 out of 3 times a little irritated. Please Ian keep on the quest to let the "great unwashed" informed as some of us think that we, the members ARE RAA...even if that idea is strange in the ACT halls of power!
  25. "There was no intention to have an AN" May I ask some simple questions? 1. How did one get drafted then? 2. Why was it published then? 3. Would anything have been done about it if members did not scream so mush? Oops; not on the top any more but still listed in body of AN"S!!!
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