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Everything posted by HEON

  1. Have found that the fastest way to get the mag is to put an add in it. Since I have done so a copy has arrived before the membership copy and release in the newsagents, which is normally before the membership copy. Wounder if it has anything to do with the bill it comes with!:big_grin::big_grin:
  2. Rearly like the 10000 without using the rider of PIC decision :"because..." That could be legally messy if it stuffs up. How about a bit higher now... Have a 914 turbo and have had a lot of time on O2 while diving (tech trimix rebreather&gas blender). Now 20000 would rearly get you over the weather...and just think of the glide distance if the prop stops on the way to NZ! How high can a 914 go?;););) :bitehard::bitehard::bitehard::bitehard:
  3. They are not bad types! I think their reactions are quite moderate when confronted with such rat-bags trying to duplicate the Darwin theory of evolution!
  4. Lovely example owned by CFI Edra Aeronáutica which I had a very good look at and saw fly while in Brazil last year. Have some nice photos but do not know how to post...bit far to go and see however. For them who do not know it, it has one of the early auto engine conversions...a Model A Ford!
  5. Officeworks??? I have Air Services vinyl one...no longer available???
  6. Or if amphibian 614 kg UL, 650 kg LSA now
  7. See Aviator Jan 2010, starting page 34
  8. Yes David the 914 is a turbo. I was trying to hilight with the figures the importance of manifold pressure especially in turbo engine as the potential for damage is higher than normally asperated I THINK. Would like to know if this is true or just an urban mith. At full throttle 914 is around 39 in Hg, but will "flick"to around 42 in Hg.
  9. Have a look at Qld Rec Aircraft Assoc web site www.qraa.info
  10. 100LL is low lead compared to the other one which I have forgotten the name JG3, but still quite a lot. Mixing the two no problem in Rotax. If I use any non mogas between oil change periods I personally follow Rotax oil change times as if all non mogas used (shorter time).
  11. It is being unfair having a go at the media for publishing the photo and writing the article on this as you have to admit with the two floats in the air it makes a much better photo than the that of a car with four wheels in the air..."thats just so COMMON darling"
  12. In flight adjustable props are a bit different to constant speed props and make MPG even more important as pilot makes all adjustments to prevent overloading engine. For instance manufacturer lists (Rotax 914) figures for different RPM such as 5000RPM/31inHg/20.4L/hr. You adjust prop and throttle to get near these numbers. I personally keep MPG under the figure by a bit so minor alterations in the aircrafts flight will not put the MPG above this figure as I consider it the maximum work/stress recommended figure for the engine. If you drop to 4800RPM, its 29inHg...easy to do if you hit a bit of sink when on alt hold on auto pilot. As 5500RPM is 35inHg, I personally find around 5100RPM with around 29-30inHg and 21L/hr most relaxing/least subjest to inflight movements when on auto pilot. What you don't get in airspeed is not worth the hassle. It is no real problem balancing the numbers if you have a regular instrument review technique.
  13. HEON

    Drifter arm

    Post removed by poster
  14. Getting Avgas is a problem and it's getting worse we know. Another aspect not written up is the remaining facilities are now more often on bigger airfields and often in controlled airspace which we as RAA pilots should not enter. Very hard not to go into Alice Springs or Tindal if in that part of the world for fuel. Yes I know Tindal is CTAF outside TWR HR but it can change quickly...happened to me while on the ground...made the departure "interesting", but another story. While the use of Mogas is an option in Rotax and Jab the only avalable Mogas in a lot of Central Australia is standard...which to the best of my knowledge is only suitable in Rotax 80hp!
  15. ABC News refered to a hang glider
  16. Do not know what your expearance level is but you may want to think of doing a tag along. There are a number of companies out there but I have been with Val and Graeme of Stawell Aviation (in Victoria)and they are very professional and run very good trips all over Australia. Use their own 172's/182 with other tag along aircraft.
  17. What endorsements to do I feel can be broken down into the following in order of priority; 1.Them required to fly the aircraft you own/use...practice! 2.Them required to fly where you want to in Australia...practice! 3.Them that could help your flying or help you live longer...I personally think low level with an instructor with a lot of time there (ie. crop duster) is invaluable...practice frequently WITH a height safty margin! When flying you only die when you hit the ground! 4.Anything else you are interested in! One of the most valuable things I have found in getting my endorcements (I currently have 13...I fly a range of aircraft) is to select different instructors as you pick up different views and opinions that will help in other aspects of flying. The saying that there are a number of ways to skin a cat is very true: different instructors will give you a greater range of knowledge.
  18. While I feel sorry for the extra work that will have to be undertaken to (apparently) make these aircraft safe to fly, what I rearly feel sorry for are the owners of them who will take a large financial hit when they sell even if the moderfications work in the long term. The old saying that some of the mud always sticks is very true. I just wonder when the owner's class action will be started in the land of legal litergation?
  19. Plenty to select from...look at the handbook or any of multible Rotax sites on the net. NEVER USE AVIATION OIL UNLESS SPECIFICLY STATING FOR ROTAX
  20. Have a look in RAA mag and you will find add's for Super Petrel's and Sea Ray's, both two seaters. Ready to fly include them and Martin and Sea Max (have not seen recent add for Sea Max though)
  21. A bit of Drifter time could be helpful as forward sight picture, and height above ground and attitude similar.
  22. There are pigs and pigs...cannot stay here on the forum any longer as I have to rush off and reread "1984".
  23. You know YOU ARE an old pilot when you think of women and cannot remember why!
  24. Currently fly Lightwing. New aircraft is a Super Petrel amphibian thus water route won't hold as many concerns IF new laws happen regarding distance from land. Regardless, easier to walk from emergency landing than swim! As for 5000ft in RAA...PIC has option to go above now. Whole 5000ft thing set to go UNLESS that to is changed as well by the power to be. As an aside, try flying on the New England area of NSW under 5000, and above 500!
  25. I fly out of Warwick and we get along with gliders and their tugs very well with a bit of give and take by all. I did my initial flight training at Cabulture and found the gliding family there the most inconsiderate pig headed group of people I have ever had the misfortune to come in contact with. I see they have not changed.
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