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Everything posted by HEON

  1. With the discussion drifting...a factory built J170 with Rotax 100hp! Would rearly be something to lust after.
  2. Reading the comments from France above, and in other Forums, there seems to be a problem with Jab Engines going "bang", and a slowness or inability to correct the problem(s). While I do not want to get into a Ford-Holden type argument between Jab-Rotax, I just wonder how many more Jab engines would be sold if their reliability was improved. Where I got my pilots certificate they had both Jab and Rotax powered trainers. As I wanted to get my own aircraft I asked questions regarding the respective engines. The answer was along the lines of all Jab's they had owned had major problems,while the Rotax's had not. I got a Rotax powered aircraft after stopping an order for a 230 following a couple of 160's I knew had major engine problems on quite newish engines. Personally I think Jad's are the best value for money aircraft in Australia and generally like the way they handle having flown three different types, HOWEVER I will be very reluctent to ever purchase one until their engines show a better history of reliability. Wounder how many people do not purchase, or will not repurchase, Jab powered aircraft due to engine reliability?
  3. Must say 4aplat that was a very nice field to have handy! And a good landing. Gets your attention when there is a big bang, or sudden silance, or both, "up there".
  4. Just to add some more numbers to the mix. Amphibians MTOW is 614kg UL and 650kg LSA!
  5. If in built aircraft do not forget the approval required if done in Australia; LSA requires manufacturers approval UL probably FAR 35 required In Super Petrel LS would cost you US$6,805 fitted (EMS-D120 & EFIS-D100)
  6. With the large number of new aircraft available overseas now, how about a presentation on what is required to bring in a ready to fly or kit, and what can be included in the kit (51% rule and exceptions). Costs/fees/document requirements/etc. (Steve Bell???) I am currently doing the exercise and find it quite a large topic difficult to understand a lot of the implications.
  7. The three oil companies cards PLUS credit card with a PIN. Number of oil companied tanks changing over and credit card needed.
  8. Am currently in the first of type situation negotiations with RAA and manufactuer on Super Petrel LS. Recommendations are to avoid LSA in Australia to which the factory is keen to do. Super Petrel LS is rated at 600kg MTOW with empty weight of 320kg. No advantage to go LSA 650kg over CAO 95.55 614kg MTOW (it's an amphibian!) with LSA liability, cost and modification restrictions. I currently have an LSA and beleave the increase of 56kg MTOW (non amphibian) make the classification questionable. When CAO 95.55 is altered, or Part 103 introduced (IF I live that long!) avoiding LSA if possible seems the way to go.
  9. Might have to try that handlebar moustache as my hair must have gone somewhere. The effects of gravity?????
  10. Stand corrected on 230D...@600kg stall 45kt clean, 40kt with flaps. My error.
  11. But at 650kg Jab 230 will not stay under 45 knot stall speed!
  12. I would have liked 760kg if I went to the Aircraft Kits new one, but since I have an LSA limited to 600kg, and buying an amphibian with MTOW of 600kg (although allowed 650kg LSA, or 614kg 95.55) it is no real concern to me. HOWEVER being able to carry 260-280kg payload is. That to me is the important point to allow legal flight for two over Australia. My LSAs legal payload is less than I want; my amphibian is 280kg (at600kg MTOW)...just what I wanted!
  13. Is it not about time the members and admin of RAA had a win:question:
  14. Facthunter 's maths right on the ball. Took cross Australia trip last year two up and payload was 265kg. Cannot see how to change this by much. Thus most would be over MTOW doing this. Leaving legals side, over MTOW in lightly constructed aircraft MUST reduce the reserve strength if you hit an air pocket etc. Most 4x4's that go through the centre are over weight; they have their wheels on the ground if they break. Again reason and common sense have eluded CASA...how typical:kboom:
  15. HEON

    Jabiru J250 Amphib

    Replied to the last as private message as I forgot where I was in the site. Lake Leslie at about 5nm from Warwich Airfield will be well used. Coolmunda Reservoir (Inglewood), Lake Cressdrook (Crows Nest), and Maroon Lake (Boonah) are three of other alternatives within 70 nm that will provide different "runways". Gold Coast and northern rivers of NSW also well within reach.
  16. Price of 150's and 152's etc now in free fall!. Am at the age where one knows that one of the hardest things to do is make a decision...CASA is too old!
  17. HEON

    Jabiru J250 Amphib

    Your post Yenn came in as I was replying to a previous post. Yes, not many Petrel's in Australia. Ken Horloch was just getting set up to do something about that prior to his untimely death in a car crash late last year. His aircraft, and your frends kit, are Super Petrel 100's. The new model is the LS which is quite different and was required to be purchased on becomming the new distributer, which only happened last month (see listing on Edra site). Training is a problem in RAA as most (???) previous aircraft were 19 rego. The Super Petrel LS (and some others now) can be factory built and 24 rego, thus training suitable. That is what I purchased. I plan to be able to offer training at Warwick in the future, especially to Petrel purchases on both land and water. RAA accepted my Brazilian qualification so I am OK but it's a requirement that I have plans on solving.
  18. HEON

    Jabiru J250 Amphib

    Currently have my web site under construction. www.superpetrelaustralia.com When constructed I will include photo's of the aircraft under construction I took while in Brazil. Manufacturers site in meantime www.edraaeronautica.com.br If other questions please ask as a private message or email: peteramphibian@gmail.com as I feel more suited than on a thread.
  19. HEON

    Jabiru J250 Amphib

    Wish you the best with your Jab and hope it comes out the way you want. The Super Petrel LS is the new Petrel which is nearly a different aircraft to the old 100...extensive mods to tail and body with 280kg payload, 90L fuel, and greatly improved performance. I found the lower wing no problems and with 15sq/m of area makes short take offs easy. Spent 10hr in one in Brazil last month. Liked it so much I became the Australian Distributer and will be bringing in both kits and ready to fly (24 rego thus able to be used for training)...have one of each on order. With the AUS/US$ at 87c the factory built (c/w radio,transponder,GPS) should be "fly away, no more to pay" at around AUS$110k at current freight rates. When you look at other imported aircraft costs you will know why I think they should sell.
  20. Now thats a question! Above:1.The ground height;2.Min authorised height:question:
  21. HEON

    Jabiru J250 Amphib

    You said you had seen the Canada Jab float "thingie". Thats one up on me. Tried emailing them after Jab factory recommended talking to them as I was interested in 230/250 on floats. Never replied ! Best of luck with your project. I have now gone another route myself.
  22. G'day JimG, and yes he tends to get your attention don't you think! I personally found the VERY low flight around the tree's allowing for the wind took me completely out of my comfort zone as the room for error is so small. I had severe doubts if I could duplicate the skill in a faster/higher stall speed aircraft without constant practice, which increases the risk of a "training accident" to a level above which I am happy with. I did the course as I had to do the above last year in WA for real. Got out of the situation only as I had high airspeed at the time which allowed me to do two very steep turns below tree top height. The lead up to that incident makes the whole human factors course gain meaning! I fully accept the saying that pilots start with a bag of luck and no expearance: the trick is to get the expearance before the bag is empty. The practice and tips you will get on low and very low level emergencies I think are invaluable as when it happens for real you don't get the luxury of a re-run unless you get it right the first time! That to me makes the course (run with the right instructor) a must do.
  23. Can only call it as I found it Maj Millard. I know it's against a common view but think it is 914 related. Thats why next aircraft will have Rotax, but not a 914.
  24. JimG seems to be doing LL where I did mine, and yes mine took quite a number of hours. Think it very handy to do (fully). Said after mine that it rearly tought me NOT to fly low level unless you HAVE to!
  25. I currently have a Rotax 914. Due to the extra cost (over 912) and poor dealer (Bert Flood) support, I personally beleave that the extra power, which is great to have, is NOT worth it. My next aircraft has a 912, but I will miss the 914!
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