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Everything posted by HEON

  1. Have a look at how the Jab's have them set up. Don't know if they are the best but a lot of Jab's out there thus should be easy to get a look at how they do it. I personally lean towards one centrally located as two can get VERY interesting if opposite imputs are put in at the same time in instructor/student type situations.
  2. Hard to have general rule on high/low wing as some address the problem. Lightwing Speed (low wing) has steel tube frame (=roof strength), gull wing doors (=cannot be opened in flight), but pull cords to remove door hinge pivots/joiner in emergency.
  3. My time in J160's while learning was to get the weight off the nose wheel as soon as possible. As that is happening use the rubber! As nose wheel authorty reduces, rudders authorty increases.
  4. Brazil has a large aviation industry with 19 manufactures (not all small aircraft) and should prove cost effective. Depends on what type you want. For instance EDRA Aeronáutica Ltda makes a nice kit but it is an amphibian (2 seat 600kg MTOW). In Australia we find freight and tax add around US$5000 to oversea's aircraft just to get them into the country, then here capital gains tax on all costs. "Local" thus have cost benifits which can influence selection. Let your fingers do the walking via the internet. Draw up a wish list. Cost it. Try to see/fly. Work out support offered. Order...Pay...Build...Fly...ENJOY
  5. Could you please send some rain up here...only have 10in of water left in house tank! The current 33deg nice though the wind is a bit over the top...had 155kt ground speed a couple of days ago in Lightwing.
  6. Sorry, but was not the concern of multi page thread that the airfield was going to become industrial development? Seems to be a lot of negative comment for the retention of an airfield that from what I have been reading seemed to be on a limited life.
  7. Correct statement that it is comming down as my August renewal was less dispite a claim last year.
  8. I played with boats...aircraft are cheaper! There is a cost of course but as you get older you realise that if you don't do it now, you never will. Also remember there are no pockets in your shroud.
  9. 43&72 last year at Toowoomba around $75 Error...43&47 (Range Avonics)
  10. August edition in newsagent in SA Qld country town early AM yesterday, Monday 10 Aug...Posted copy arrived?...not yet...TBA! Beating all previous records posted copy arrived AM Wed 12 Aug...flabergasted!
  11. I went through this a couple of years ago when living in Brisbane without a PPL. My requirements were cost, and that it would still be avaliable and affordable in 20 years. I ended up at Warwick!
  12. No, I do not own one but think Jab 170 would be the way to go. Probably more initially but will seem cheap after a couple (or one!) 100hr on a older GA type. If you can streech to new I think now 2yr/500hr "insurance" included. Sorry, missed aero's...otherwise no contest!
  13. If you fly a float/amphibian aircraft you are considered a boat on the water and must have a boat licence and required safty equipment. This includes a marine life jacket. Do you how have to carry both:laugh: While I am at an age where a stupidity like that would not make me suprised, what is required in a float/amphibian...aviation or marine?
  14. Connected but a bit off thread. Have one... worked for while...stopped. Fitted new rotor assy...worked for about 2hr...stopped. Both times fuel qty showing but fuel flow nearly zero... any ideas???
  15. I thought it was a marketing method to have it in Newsagents a week or two before it came via post so one would buy a second copy:laugh:
  16. Now on page five and there is still scope for more. Now if CASA had said what the problem was we could make the effort to correct the problem.:confused: How about someone who can talk to RAA Mngt in the right way try to obtain what the real problem is. Most RAA pilots are able to understand the problem, and POSSIBLY interested in correcting it. What REARLY (word deleated) me off is being told there is a problem, and not being told by that authorty what it is to correct it:hittinghead:
  17. Hits the nail on the head. While the GA organisation has their on percentage of cowboys, ignornant, out of date, and general incompanents, RAA is viewed in a harder light as the new boy's (and girl's) on the block. We have to be better because of this, but this seems to be not the view of some by their actions.
  18. PLB's are a red herring here. I don't think it serves any purpose here to have a go at the RAA organisation making it a requirement for what, I feel, any sane person would do anyway. From my personal point of view having one when my engine stopped with my wife over the Simpson Desert last year, and resulting unavoidable unplanned landing was worth much more than the cost of the item. As it turned out I rearly did not need it as I had time to notified my sat phone number in distress call and was able to answer when Canberra called...BUT they had me via the 406 when they did! What is the problem here it seems is the actions of some stuffing it for all. If it was actions at Easter or a GA inspired fight back is not important. I was at the Easter activies but took a car this year. Due to the rain I left on Saturday but saw myself a number of "questionable" displays of airmanship while I was there. Since then I have heard of more. What I have not heard about is what has been done about it. If the RAA organisation has not done anything about it, they are as guilty as the stupid cowboys themselves who should not be allowed to control any aircraft that does not have a wind up rubber band for power! I personally rearly wanted to obtain a controlled endorcement as it is hard to fly in some places in Australia without one... for example, how do you miss Alice Springs for fuel? The fact that it seems that a PPL is now going to be required even though I will never want I fly with more than two people rearly makes me SLIGHTLY mad. If the cowboys have caused this I feel it is open seasion on them. If the RAA organisation cannot/will not clip their wings, I feel it is the duty of all non cowboys to do so and report them to an authorty that will ground them. This is not "dobbing in", it's self preservisation!
  19. Any truth in idea that RAA will be limited to 300ft AGL in new regulations? If Crud can discard 25 years of Labour and Liberal workplace improvements, why not CASA?
  20. Did not know SSO was an option for pilots; in my day this was rearly only medical (MD, dent, and RN). If you are looking at what happens after your flying days a RMC grad has much more potential for higher promotion...fact of life!
  21. If you get accepted as a potential pilot for the three services one course of action is 3 years at ADFA (tri service) where you do a degree. Can involve another year post grad at ADFA for some degrees (engr). For Army,then year at RMC Duntroon to become Lt. Then flight training. Another way is 18 months at Duntroon to Lt, but unsure of requirements for education for pilots. Talk to recruiting. Note the age limits on entry. Ask what happens if unable to complete pilot training, or fail.(I personally would whant in writing). Used to be a return of service obligation of number of training years, plus one. The "new"army may be different. RMC Duntroon Class of 1971
  22. Do not think it is only Jab problem. I find anything past 2-3hrs causes problems with feet, legs, and rear end (back also in Jab). One of reasions I fitted auto pilot was to be able to move around. While I fitted a two axces, have used single/wing leveller which is OK (and much less cost) if you can trim. Have found it it's so good I now stay up longer if needed, AND it helps solve the bladder problem by being able to do something about it.;)
  23. Can see requirement for a SHORT hold to eye the gauges, or final word to a new student. ONLY other reasion I can see to hold would be if you backtracked with another aircraft and had to wait for the approved seperation prior to rolling.
  24. I find it a bit hard to accept with the evidence stated so far the tone of critical comment on some of the posts so far. Would it not be better to accept what seems to have been a better than average bit of flying by a person who, from the results, has probably thought about what to do and possibly practiced it? For anyone who has had the sudden quietness happen would know you are GUIDED by the rules but ACT to your perticular situation to the best of your training and ability to achieve the best outcome...which seems to have been achieved.
  25. I personally think the RAA theory is a bit light on and know a couple of CFI,s who add to it with bits of GA. Good on them. I don't think that the problem is not known to RAA Administration but they have a problem as I think it is quite OK (and they must too) if you only fly in your local area as a number do. The problem is RAA aircraft are now undertaking trips that were normally done in GA. That is probably why there are a lot more endorcements available now in RAA. I think: 1. The basic RAA licence SHOULD be kept basic to allow a low cost entry for people who only wish to, or aircraft are only able, to fly "local", 2. There should be reasionably priced endorcements to allow RAA pilots to obtain additional knowlege when THEY want it. Note I do not mean to PPL level as I have seen the level of a lot of PPL holders and they do not display what I feel is a sufficent level, and 3. Any person with a RAA certificate, radio and cross country endorcement who think that all required to fly all over Australia have rocks in there head.
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