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Everything posted by HEON

  1. Orion, noted you sent private message but not up to that level of computer work. Kept all paper records and accounts for my Company up to retirement. (Do not like computers thus only very basic in operation). If you wish you can get me most evenings (not tomorrow 5 Feb) on 07 33964707 where I will be happy to answer questions.
  2. "Picking up a Sport 2000". If it was the last one of them built recently it probably was my Speed that did go to Warwick. Has been completed for some time now as it (and two others) were at Natfly 08 and it has been around Australia last year. A number of teething problems have occured, some of which were not unexpected on a new design, some others which have reinforced my view of O'Rielly's Law (that's the law that thought Murphy was an optimist!). I think it flys well and has a future for people wanting something different than a Jab if one accepts it can never compeat on price alone. Recent Euro and US$ exchange rate increases should help it's price positioning in the market regarding the imports. Have recently had an autopilot fitted as I found 3 to 5hr legs flying across Australia quite tiring. Have not yet spent any worthwhile time with this as currently involved with a house move which seems to be taking all my time currently. As I'm moving much closer to Warwick Airfield (from Brisbane) visitors can get a fly (contact off forums) if rearly interested (MUST be able to land on 1600m sealed runway to visit!).
  3. Am currently undertaking a tail wheel endorcement with the third instructor with whom I have spent time in my limited 200+hr flying time. At the start I was a bit misterfied on his on his desire for me to repeat to him just prior to powering on for take off words to the effect of in the event of engine failure land straight ahead. He is a very high hour crop dusting based CFI and the first of my instructors to make me restate something we ALL KNOW just before the take off. It has not taken me long to realise its a good idea as it puts the idea in your mind just before it may be needed. Being one who likes checklists, it will be added as the last item on my own aircrafts pre take off check list for future reminding.
  4. Must get the US to adopt ASIC cards for all ducks to keep them away from aircraft;)
  5. On the last regarding aircraft insurance. A nice feature on some/most?? is that 10% of the hull insured value can be used on recovery costs. For instance if you have that forced landing in some of those lovely spots viewed from the air (since they are otherwise isolated). Can be very useful.
  6. While we have practiced quiet landings when it happens for real it is very easy to get quite involved as the pilot and neglect to keep your passenger informed. When it happened to me I was so involved in landing I neglected to talk to my wife on what I was doing which ment she was terrified and may not fly again. My defence that I was over the Simpson Desert (lots of sand hills) and there were things to do has not helped my cause. As an aside; no damage occured; Canberra based rescue organisation was very helpful (gave sat phone number in mayday...think they liked to have a "talker" after the landing!); very easy to have a grog bill larger than food bill after the event!
  7. I started flying in a Jad LSA (430kg max) and then a 160. Currently own Lightwing Speed. An presently doing tail wheel and low level endorcements in Drifter. The Jab 160 and Drifter are quite different to fly symplisticly as one is high drag and the other is not. EITHER will be good to learn in. Doing both gives you a quite differend perspective and I think a greater insight into this flying thing! Concentrate on either then do an endorcement on the other....will give you a different perspective. If grammer etc poor ...sorry...started on the red before opening formanssss
  8. Been in a number of 160's and have noticed in the higher hour ones that it is common to have slop. In itself not a major problem and probably compensated for by frequent flyers of that aircraft. It is unacceptable to have to learn with as it leads to overcorrection. If the owner/instructor wont fix it, I would go elcewhere as it indercates sloppyness with maintenance.
  9. Another reply sent!
  10. The age of the instructor should mean NOTHING. He looked and acted on TV as very much in control. BUT I can see the "spin" in tomorrows papers even now beating up his age...Poor bugger!
  11. My post yesterday regarding the bigger problem of ethernol for boaties was not intended to mean their resulting engine problems were bigger although I, and I would think others, have been in boats where the result of an engine failure could result in as serious an outcome as in an aircraft with often more than two peoples lives at risk. I was trying to indercate their problem was bigger because there a hell of a lot more of them than us! In otherwords, when making representations tie as big a sample as possible of the population into it. If only aircraft owners, who will give a bugger as they ALL know we are a rich and unrepresentative SMALL group of people.
  12. Method of testing would be to put a measured amount of water in a container (baby bottle?) and then add petrol. Shake. If "water" level is higher the petrol containes ethernol as ethernol and water mix, not actual petrol.
  13. Not just a problem for us. Would think it is bigger for the boaties...just what you need in a boat!...a fuel that absorbs water!
  14. USA mag "Kitplanes" Dec 07 had an article "2008 Kit Buyer's Guide" listing 315 designs, a high percentage in RAA current and potential weight range. The article starts of: "December. If that's what it says on the cover, it must be time for the annual Kitplanes kit Aircraft Directory". Looking out for Dec 08 edition may be a time saver instead of starting a list from scratch.
  15. Sad to see the field go even if I have never landed there and now I never will. Yesterday watched some of the last V8 race on a track of my youth down there. A month ago drove through Sydney and had trouble locating myself from my years there in the '60s, '70s and early '80s. "Progress" is a bitch!. I moved to a pleasent small city called Brisbane which is no more. Now undertaking a "tree" change to again get out of the rat race and be near an affordable airfield. Don't know what the solution is but the current system of development at any cost sux's.
  16. I've come to the view that a 406 should live in your plane at all times as I have had to use one "in anger". Even a "local" flight could end in a isolated area. If I had my time again I would get one with a GPS locater as more accurate. If you can stretch with $'s a sat phone so you can talk to rescue people could save a lot of costs by authorities if your emergency ends well. Worked for me!
  17. Very few know what they are talking about in a lot of retail areas. Have GME MT400. Purchased for boat but registered also for aircraft and 4x4 as now taking both into isolated Australia.
  18. Just the normal conflicting "advice" one comes to expect: 1.MUST be rebuilt even if you only look at it (given mostly by retail outlets who can see a buck!), 2.SHE BE RIGHT as only a little bit of battery used (given by most "informed" passers by). Note absence of any information from persons who might know. Will check your site and hopefully find correct answer.
  19. Morning Brett, You seem just the one to give me some advice. Had to use my near new 406 mid year. Was on for about half hour until I was told I could turn it off (had given sat phone number in distress call...got a phone call to confirm condition , loc etc). Have had conflicting information regarding if anything needs to be done to 406 or not. Is there anything published? Currently carrying it secured so it cannot be accidently turned on.
  20. Great about the insurance cover but get a will and make your loved ones know where it is. Makes probate faster and (mostly) stops people getting it you don't want to.
  21. I don't think anyone has said it but we all should have a will. Even if the risk of early death is remote it is the only way to either have your say on where you want your assets to go, or speed up estate settlement time. Even more important if multible partners/children etc. Disputed estate settlements only make lawyers rich. There is nothing more certain: it will be needed sometime!
  22. HEON


    CAO 95-10 parra 5.1 may be of interest. I beleave this is the CURRENT requirement for 5000ft plus.
  23. HEON


    What I said was: 1. Pilot in command NOW has discression on height flown, 2. I IMPLIED that that the current CAO which has the reference to 5000ft will be replaced in the fullness of political time with the new 103 in which it is omitted. 3. My reference to RA-Aus President's Report would, for any one reading it, see it is listed under a sub heading "The Future". What was clear in my in my mind was the current requirements, and what the (hopefully soon) requirements would be. I am sorry some could not understand what I was saying.
  24. HEON


    Wing loading, speed and possibly high/low wing influence it mostly. My flying has been in mostly Jab 160 and Lightwing Speed. The Speed has a higher wing loading, low wing, and higher speed but is much less effected. PIC has discression now in height flown regarding 5000ft while the new 103 did not restate the 5000ft "limit" (see also Presidents Report Oct RAA mag). I personally beleave that height not only can reduce potentally dangerous turbulance but is the best friend you can have if the unthinkable happens (as it has to me) and it becomes VERY quiet up there!
  25. First Nose wheel?. USA had mid engined nosewheel fighter in Sol Islands in 1942 so probably flying late '30s (also given to USSR). Cannot remember name.
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