There has been a lot of talk of "grass roots" flying...have we moved away from it? plastic fantastics are too expensive!...I do not want the cost/training/equipment to fly out of my local area...etc
Regardless of the views of the "grass roots" flyers, the market now is dominated with plastic fantastics, not because the sellers want to move away from the "grass roots", but that is what sells. It is not possible to market anything (for long) if the buyers do not buy it.
But what is "grass roots" flying? Some would say a powered broom stick with a Victa two stroke to whom a Drifter with (shock/horror)TWO seats, let alone a four stroke engine, is too advanced. Some others may consider a Jab LSA or Gazelle. Others a X-Air or trike.
Powered chutes have their place, and good on them, but the market for most R A Aus pilots is for craft more expensive. A lot of trikes cost more than plastic fantastics such as Jab 120/160's it should be noted.
Builders say that will save money. Yes, but if anyone can build (a four stroke) for under $40,000 EQUIPPED they are either: very very good; forgot to remember the cost of something; left something out; or of course built a powered broom stick with a lawn mower engine (four stroke of course!)
While I respect the views of the "grass roots" flyers, the market indicates that the majority have moved on. Some people love Ford Model T's (not I), or some "classic" vehicles like LandRovers (me!), or older aircraft types (Drifter-me)...but not the majority.
R A Aus has room for all of us, however if sales are an indication of what is now "grass roots", it is now a plastic fantastic!
Using an artillery term..."SHOT OVER"