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Everything posted by HEON

  1. My understanding regarding an aircraft is the maker is the person or firm that makes the aircraft HOWEVER they CANNOT change the maintenance requirements listed for the components they use. ie if a Rotax engine is used THEN ROTAX REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET Is this what you ment johnm? My comment regarding LSA and UL do not change this. This referes to who can/must approve changes...NOT MAINTENANCE
  2. Rotax say change at 5 years. Interesting question! Like how far from the engine? Some would be Rotax parts (fuel hose near carby's; on 914 turbo to air box)...what of let us say fuel hose from tanks to engine? What is the answer? Just a note however...24 rego you MUST DO as the maker did ONLY if LSA...if 24 UL different rules.
  3. "...oil, fuel, and coolant"...makes me think of the add"...oil's aint oil's" IF it was not the oil I personally would be very interested in what went wrong because: 1. I only own Rotax powered aircraft, 2. It is a very uncommon problem for Rotax.
  4. HEON


    Have a look at Aircraft Spruce web site
  5. Come on, don't let facts stop a good story. Quite new Rotax thus unlikely a maintance issue...Instalstion Issue?????
  6. Advertisers copy and bill arrived yesterday! Have not seen member copy yet. Why am I not suprised!!!!
  7. When you register your PLB you list contacts.If it is activated they contact these people first to get information...like "do you know where ....is?" and/or "is the aircraft in use" thus important your contacts know if you or aircraft flying. Saves money and effort if your contacts can say "He is in bed as he drank a bottle of red as his aircrafts engine broke yesterday" If no contacts answer, or no definite information, action will happen.
  8. Just looking at the sat photos makes me feel sick. You blokes up there the best of luck. If you believe in a higher authorty some words are probably in order. Keep you heads down as I want to read your posts post Yasi. All the best.
  9. The question on the requirement for a boat licence to use an aircraft on water is in some states very hard to find out. I personally think ALL should have one because: 1. You will "know" what the boats (should!) do, 2. IF you ever have a problem with another water craft, you can bet the law will paint you as responsible because YOU are NOT boat quafilied. Think of it as an additional "endorsement" to fly onto water.
  10. Still talk landing checks...especially wheels and prop to fine...would be interesting if you forgot either
  11. Surely .... Post removed as it was somehow missunderstood...
  12. Warwick had bright idea some years ago to let Volvo test truck braking on the strip. Very little money made, AND a six figure amount required to resurface the whole 1600m strip
  13. I fly into Ballina and Lismore a lot and have never had a problem with the frequency. All you have to do is to keep an ear open for calls. Due to the three fields being quite close, and RPT going into two of them, they SHOULD be on the same frequency to help your situational awareness. Yes, Evans Head also but it rearly has not much traffic. Regarding Casino, the land and terminal building was sold by the Richmond Council. While this Council is not "airfield friendly" I can see that future RPT service to Casino is very unlikely due to the closeness to Lismore. The land was purchased by the Campervan and Motorhome Club...I personally think that it was lucky that they did not want more space as with the Council's record there probably be no airfield at Casino! I have found no problem with RPT traffic. If you fly with an appreciation of their speed and talk to them, I have found them very polite and helpful. In fact once a bit after I had given a 10 nm call to Ballina, a JetStar came back to me and said they would hold until I landed, recommending a fast straight in approach as there was the mother of all rain storms approaching from the east...I did, and there was! Only problem I have ever had at Ballina was with a GA school based a bit further north of Ballina, in that one of their aircraft tried to hit me head on in the circuit. After an approperate radio responce drawing their attention to ERSA (and to be honest probably their parentage), their instructor admitted (only after the CFI of local flying school who was in another aircraft, backed me up) they did not have a ERSA with them...and I assume had never read it anyway! At the time, being on the dead side of the field, my attention was more directed to seeing the wing sock to work out whither to turn right or left after joining cross wind instead of looking out for illiterate GA instructors! I can only think someone is "manufacturing" stories to fit into their own agenda.
  14. A number of people have expressed an interest in trying the Super Petrel LS from the Snowy Mts area. Thinking of going to Tumut for this reasion after NatFly for day or so. Anyone interested please PM me.
  15. A question...have they got around to making floats for what the yanks call a Super Drifter (912 Rotax power)...in otherwords an alternative to Lotas floats?
  16. What a terrible choise to even think about! However my Lightwing IS on the market...........
  17. Have spoken to Super Petrel LS owners and the incident spoken of by Matt was NOT one of them.
  18. Was not I...and nothing reported to me, but will inquire and report if it was. Regardless of which make I bet he was glad he had an option...Not said but assume water landing OK? Anyone know what it was? Matt; I know what you mean...getting over the range (and expecting to get back) has been as easy as getting all the numbers in Powerball for ages. Give me a call when comming.
  19. Warwick was also put forward with no joy.
  20. Major, get ready...order NOW!
  21. I understand it is every two years alternating with Bunderburg International Air Show
  22. BRS adds nearly 10% to most aircraft overall cost thus the initial cost and that of replacement has to be factured into the overall cost. Also weight of 20+kg for most. In event of something happening that makes the aircraft uncontrollable you would be a convert for life, however it's use removes any option on how you land which in a more "normal" event may hurt you more. To me comes down to the decision if the cost is worth the risk of aircraft becomming uncontrollable...thankfully a decision we are still allowed to make!
  23. No Frank
  24. G'day GDL...the Super Petrel is great. You can find out more in the "Super Petrel LS" thread in the Supplier's and Services forum...or PM me if specifics required/web site etc
  25. Frank: deepest was 120m on USS Atlanta (CL-51) scuttled after Battle of Savo Islands 13 Nov 42 at Guadalcanal. On rebreather set at partial pressure of O2 of 1.45 ...around 3:15 or 3:45hr deco (for around 15min of bottom time) I think if memory correct
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