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Everything posted by HEON

  1. The 912 80hp here GBL is also clocking up extreme hours. Some in mustering aircraft (thus low mostly hot flying with frequent throttle changes) are reported over 4000hr and still going well
  2. Read an interesting article from USA some time ago that tracked the expected costs of Rotax 2 and 4 stroke engines in the same aircraft. Something like a Drifter from memery. The 4 stroke was much cheaper over time. Break even was around 1000-1500 hrs I think. Thus if you are not going to fly much...go 2 stroke: otherwise 4 stroke. This excludes potential ban on 2 strokes due to polution
  3. Have you, will you, do an Ap for moving map on the I Pad?????
  4. Moved the Drifter out of the hanger today and had a lot of trouble pushing it in again as the wheels kept sinking in...glad it was not something over220KG! Warwick is wet wet wet...Lake Leslie flood gates are currently all open...told this has not happened for22 years...and it is still raining!
  5. Aircraft Spruce in USA have good range
  6. Just a note on Wayne's web site. Person who set it up not connected to him any more. He took photos of mine just prior to Christmas thus probably add or something may happen soon. He answers his phone and emails though.
  7. As the latest "Supplier" thought I had better explain "HEON" which I plan to keep using. HEON should be written HeO2N2 which are the chemical symbols for helium, oxygen, and nitrogen. In the past I spent a lot of time breathing this (trimix) while deep diving. What I used to call my dive boat. Now I fly amphibians I am making a lot of effort not to require it again!
  8. A couple of points on amphibious training. You will have noted Rowan's (AmpbibianDreamer) posts on training (he owns a Super Petrel LS). The Dec/Jan edition of RA Aus magazine has an article "Amphibious Training Takes Off" which is about two instructors in Warwick now qualified. They have axcess to my Super Petrel LS, and will travel the eastern seaboard to teach on your RA Aus registered amphibian/seaplane. More details on my web site www.superpetrelaustralia.com This web site has been updated in Jan 11 and lists the latest options available on the Super Petrel, as well as a lot of other information. While I have not flown a Drifter on floats I have the fittings on mine so I can do this with little effort in the future. Would have to get a float endorsement as well as a water hull...we may even offer it in the future for training at Warwick as my Fisher Mk 1 rego number is 24-7437! YES, Wayne Fisher HAS approval to MANUFACTURE "Fisher Drifters"...24 rego thus suitable for TRAINING! A rebirth of a classic. He even had one with floats in Dec...probably still there for lookers.
  9. We are now on page 6 and most seem unhappy. Have you written or emailed RA Aus on the subject? I have!
  10. Yes, know about Kevin. He is based at Gympie. Also Mick Poole in Melbourne area. Both very good. Do not know if either has/has axcess to RA Aus aircraft (at this time). If you have an aircraft I would recommend either. Also know Nick Sigley was instructing Rohan Whittington (an Instructor) who purchased a Super Petrel from me (Gold Coast) but not quite sure at what stage they are at.
  11. As general interest, who do you know who; 1. Can Instruct RA Aus hull/and or floats? (they are seperate endorsements) 2. Who has, or has access to, RA Aus registered aircraft for training. As noted in the RA Aus mag, Warwick Flying School have two Instructors (Rob and Kelvin), and access to my Super Petrel (some PIC restrictions). Who else is there out there?
  12. Amphib flying is not hard, just not sinking is! I joke...rearly. It is a skill that needs to be subject to instruction just as other flying skills. To fly RAAus amphibs or seaplanes you need the applicable indorsement just as you do to fly different RAAus aircraft. Until recently there was a lack of RAAus instructors mainly due to the fact there was a lack of RAAus aircraft suitable for training, that is 24 rego aircraft. As you know only the owner can be trained in a 19 rego aircraft which was not conducive to obtain the teaching endorsement for Instructors as the market was not large. THAT was the point of the article...there are now a number of 24 rego aircraft that can be purchased AND now there is the ability to obtain the applicable endorsement by Instructors in these aircraft and teach that endorsement as modern aircraft are available suitable for purchase and training. The requirement for a boat licence is a State issue. However as you are rearly a boat on the water, even if it is not a legal requirement, would you not want to know what that boat comming directly towards you is going to do? Is it going to move to your right, or your left? As for equipment: a paddle...how are you going to move the aircraft if the engine is off? life jackets...if you turn over it happens fast...how well do you swim? water removal devise...strongly recommended to stop sinking...or are your (costly) avionics water proof? anchor and line...if your engine stops do you rearly want to be blown onto rocks/trees/out to sea? PLB or equivalent...NO AIRCRAFT SHOULD FLY WITHOUT ONE! That list I think is what is required in a boat...if you do not have them in your aircraft you are being a bit shortsighted regardless of the Law in my opinion anyway. There is nothing that can equal that "shisssss" as you do a "greaser" onto the water...it's nearly as good as sex...and I can attempt to do it again in minutes!
  13. Mine came on 30 Dec...my member copy and my advertisers copy with "the bill!". Rearly think I should pay only half of it as the add has only been out for half the time I contracted for. RA Aus Board...the lateness of OUR magazine is not acceptable. Do something about it NOW.
  14. What to carry? Water main thing; but most important a way to tell someone you have a problem as if you can you will be picked up before you need food. Several years ago I had a complete engine failure over the Simpson Desert (at around 1530hr on a Friday) and glided out onto a station 53km from the homestead and 90km from Oodnadatta. I think most would agree quite isolated! Firstly Mayday given to Mel Cen: thus working radio first priority. Secondly position given: out there a GPS is nearly essential as map to ground a bit hard. Thirdly in Mayday my sat phone number given: not essential but think of a hand held radio able to talk to aircraft at least should be carried...your aircraft radio may not be working. What happened to us? After landing had a phone call from Canberra...I remember his first words very well..."Great, we have a breather!" He confirmed my location and asked what we had. Told him water, space blankets and warm clothing (it was winter). Said I could turn the 416 off as they had it. Some time later he phoned back saying the Oodnadatta Police would be there in 2hrs. By 2100hrs I was in the Oodnatta pub having the first of a lot to drink...could have been so much worse for us...and so expensive to find us. Sat phone rearly helped to stop the search. To me having alternate methods of saying "I have a problem!" ...radio/416/sat phone etc ...essential. Anyone who enters isolated areas without asking "what if?", and carrying approperate equipment, is being an idiot and should be left to the "Darwin theory of evolution"
  15. I could be a bit flip on the weather halting your trip and say come and do a water hull course,but we are not able to run any at the moment on the Darling Downs as it is a bit hard working out if one should land on the most water...the lake, any paddock, or the sky!
  16. Anyone with a Rotax should look at the USA site Rotax Owner. If you join they have very good vido of numerous maintenance tasks and other services
  17. Never have I lamented the lack of female pilots as much as now, if the best we can do with chains is to use a bloke!
  18. With the last mail prior to Christmas now delivered I can say the statement I was told that the Dec/Jan RA Aus mag would be out by Christmas was bull ****.
  19. It is a great pity that aircraft specifications seem to be written by politicians and used car salesmen. Now some are design specifications that often do not happen in the real life but I can see why there is a reluctance to change to the real world as some potential purchasers think the difference of 5kg of payload or 2kt of speed are a dealbreaker. Thus we have range figures such as for one European LSA quoted at 4000rpm with Rotax 100hp, or other same engine high strut braced fixed wing aircraft aircraft with a number of other drag features quoting a cruse speed of 110kt...in a dive from 10000ft? All figures seem to be subject to "fudging"...I even now use a tape to check L, W, and H. As an importer I am not isolated from this however if you care to view my web site or current mag adds you will see a few changes to the factory (design) specifications based on actual W&B's and flying the aircraft. If it sounds too good remember it probably is
  20. Do not know about Phil's view but have found Flymore (TruTrak) very helpful when talking about my Digiflight. Lots of knowledge...you should know the name when you talk! (auto pilot installed by LightWing...purchased via Flymore) Had no need yet to talk to Aero Assist thus not in position to have an opinion either way (auto pilot installed in Brazil)
  21. Google lists Aero Assist at Seacliff Park SA for Trio Avionics. Have not had much time with the Trio as new aircraft. Think Tru Trak is a bit easier to use but I am more used to it. Both mine are two axis and both seem to work well. I would buy either on price AND the best support you think you will get from agents.
  22. Removing from newsagents not the way to go. Do not think other aviation mags being distributed as a loss or they would not be on the market. I am not a marketing person myself but as I rearly think RA Aus has something to sell...recreational aviation...some bums need to be kicked to get the product in the black
  23. I agree that the mag being available to non members via newsagents is essential. My point was that the current slovenly presentation for sale well after the date on the cover hinders it's sale potentential to "non beleavers" who I think would discount it as "old" and buy a more "current" mag...one that looks current as the printed date is more in line with the calendar. The current situation is very poor marketing...and a possible reasion it seems to be non performing with sales...AND costing RA Aus (=us!) money!
  24. No need for glass. I have a Trio Avionics and Tru Trak in different aircraft and both "stand alone" (Need GPS)
  25. Ah David I hope you have the same taste in records as me: dislike "Sounds of Silence"; like "(PLEASE) Do it My Way"
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