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Everything posted by HEON

  1. Have said before and still feel a Jab 170 with Rotax 912 ULS (100hp) would be a fantastic reasionably priced Australian tourer
  2. Senders seem to have limited life, especially the batch(s) that came from India. Currently using European ones...cost more but seem to last longer. This is PROBABLY the problem. Buy one and change to see if it is. Will not be money wasted as you will need one sometime.
  3. HEON

    Hi Mick, can I get a phone number to have a chat about Kaspar props? Peter (HEON)
  4. What, you have the hot's for the shorter "bird"?
  5. I do not understand why people are getting upset about CASA. They are just a bit earlier onto the "nanny state" band wagon which has occured, and is occuring, at every level of Australian society. Overall the vast majority of people are incapable of having a logical reasioned thought, accept responsibility for their own action (or inaction), and stand on their own two feet without the Government supporting them with undeserved funds from "us" (the reducing number of people who pay more than they receive). Their are a multitude of people who can manage "us" better than ourselves...anyone for pink bats, NT child intervention, Qld wild rivers, mining tax, school building program, etc, etc, etc
  6. Comming early not the problem as this was allready planned to try the north coast rivers on way down. Getting back is. Have to be back for Monday and Elders weather currently lists Warwick, Lismore, Coffs Harbour and Newcastle as 80% chance of rain on Sunday. Makes it hard to get over the Great Divide, and to get around Newcastle and especially Coffs Harbour controlled airspace...we KNOW it's too unsafe to let a RA Aus pilot fly up the coast...it's MUCH safer to make you fly over tiger country, ESPECIALLY with the low cloud you would expect with a 80% chance of rain! Rearly want to be there but I also want to be a (much) older pilot. Will be watching the weather real close before departure (if departing).
  7. Rearly, rearly want to go. Elders say chance of rain Saturday=50%, Sunday&Monday=80% Not looking good at the moment! Bugger!
  8. Last year Steve ran one on paperwork (maintenance orientated). I personally found very helpful. Again?
  9. I understand Jabiru are an agent for Dynon. As my mate is still trying to get his SkyView working as it should in his 230 (including talking directly with Dynon at Oshcosh??spelling) I would be talking to Dynon directly regarding Jabiru's apparent poor instalation of their products.
  10. Have had this to a much minor amount after storage. Cleaned it out (remove air cleaner-pools inside) and it did not reoccur. You could do this and try SHORT flight to see if just storage ALTHOUGH by the amount it could well be an oil seal...sorry!
  11. HEON

    Drifter engine outs

    Have read with interest the posts. Side slipping I never did but now using as Drifter and Super Petrel do not have flaps, although not much is ever needed as both have considerable built in drag. Drifter when 912 shut off the prop stops quickley. For that matter a 914 gliding around 80kt the prop stops as well. The second was not intentional!
  12. Of the three four stroke Rotax, which one? Personally the 914 is great (with adjustable prop) to shorten take off, and also get up high. Mine in Speed seems happy around 5100rpm for around 21L/hr. Have to question however the large purchase price difference to 912. Have not put a lot of time on 912ULS (100hp) as yet but it seems happy at around 5200rpm for around 19.5L/hr. Is the smoothest of the three I own but that could well be the mounts etc. The 912UL (80hp) being in a Drifter is used at much lower rpm (around 4600 for around 13L/hr) due to the aircraft thus hard to do direct comparison with the others. From third hand reports this engine will often go twice TBO without problems. Myself if lighter aircraft 80hp, otherwise the 100hp. The small increase in price of 100hp rearly makes you question is the purchase saving worth 20% less power for the 80hp. I know the 80hp can use standard unleaded over the others requirement for 95/98 however this advantage is of less advantage now as standard is increasingly having ethernol added. If you can afford the extra price go 115hp as you can never rearly have too much power, and it's there if you need it. More now in use as the gyro's like them. They do not like Avgas 100; 100LL is OK. All now 2000hr TBO thus Rotax must think they will all get there or they would not have raised the TBO's. I personally would have any one...you rearly have to chose the best for your usage. You probably should not put a 914 in a Drifter (excessive power), or a 912UL in a LSA (excessive MTOW) for instance...you could do it but not best choise in my opinion.
  13. G'day Mick; been hoping to run into you to pick your brain on Kaspar prop. Also tried to get there today but the only thing able to get over the range when I tried were birds...and IFR qualified ones at that! Rearly getting a bit sick of the current weather...new aircraft and unable to get anywhere. If it gets any wetter around here I won't have to put the wheels down at all
  14. Thanks IanR. The 4th Catalina Festival is at Rathmines on Lake Macquarie on 23 October. Will be going and now know the rules. Better buy some paddles and anchor.
  15. I went to Lake Eyre last year and this. Looks like next could also be possible for water. This is unfortunate as especially the William Creek Hotel is becomming so used to making money hand over fist that they have forgotten that they are in a SERVICE INDUSTRY and that the long term business health requires some service and manners to go with the prices charged. I know they managed to put of all eight aircraft loads of people in our party this year. I personnally will no stay there again, and will not land if there is any other option.
  16. Coast Ok. What about Kingaroy; Toowoomba/Warwick; Ballina. No control areas. Fuel all locations.
  17. Super Petrel has coolent radiator with fan which comes from the computer industry that is under 1kg (plus 1/4in pipes and fluid). Not installed yet thus do not know effect but the principle looks sound. Can supply maker if interest. Please PM.
  18. Weather stopped several aircraft from QRAA at Warwick
  19. "Cocks dont lay eggs"...then why do some groups want to make it legal to practice?
  20. Fishing? Trolling? Bait and hopefully fish storage! Have seen a number of mainly Canadian amphibians with electric motors and even canoes strapped to them. Also saw photos on why you do not leave fish in your aircraft in Canada...bears! My understanding (QLD) is boat licence YES...boat rego NO I was talking to a bloke from Tasmania a while ago who said he had not put the wheels down for three years...if the rain does not stop soon in SEQld it could be the same here.
  21. Was planning on giving my Super Petrel it's first outing...being an amphibian I could have landed but would not have not found the field! There used to be an old saying for bad luck in that "you had killed a Chineman"...you Flying Tigers must have been rearly rearly bad with the weather you get!
  22. I think it would be a real fun machine with real relationship to an airborn jet ski. The cost if 38000 euro would have to be around A$65000: I will be interested to know the "real" figure. My only concern about the aircraft is that it is very much an airborn jet ski that by its design is likely to remain within a small area of operations. With a Rotax two stroke engine it will not be very quiet and thus if the operators have the same "manners" as some current jet ski riders it could lead to noise pollution problems that could lead to blanket restrictions on all amphibians. The Super Petrel for comparison has a Swedish standard Db reading of 58Db. This is much lower than jet ski's and most outboards (two stroke). I do not have figures on the Sea Max or Freedom but having heard them I think they are probably around the same (low) figure. In this day and age what impact we have on others is of concern as restrictions happen with ease, but their removal is nearly impossible.
  23. If someone could tell me how I would post more photos. Will come back on questions later
  24. Conversion training for floating hulls in RA Aus at this stage is a bit light on mainly as most amphibians have been 19 rego up untill reciently. This is in the process of changing as the new 24 rego aircraft start comming on line. While I cannot speak for the other importers I know that the new owner of the recently sold Super Petrel is planning to train (Gold Coast area) as soon as he can add the indorsement to his Instructors ticket. At the same time a Instructor at Warwick will become qualified ASAP on my demo. If you look at the Seaplane Pilots Assoc web site you will find some other contacts for training (or ask RA Aus). A lot of these are GA orientated but can do both. As for Sydney area for dry hire your best bet at this time would probably be via the Sea Ray rep, however the main problem is that the vast majority of the small number of amphibians currently in Australia including the two older model Super Petrel's in the Sydney area are 19 rego (kit) aircraft. I think I can say that ANY of the importers of 24 rego amphibians INCLUDING ME would just love to supply as many aircraft suitable for training and hire as people want (for a suitable financial contributation)!
  25. A two seat Rotax powered composite amphibian biplane is now in Australia. The first two 600kg MTOW UL 24 registered examples are now flying here, one a demo and the other delivered to it's new owner today. The number of different amphibians available are growing. Finally it seems people are finding out about amphibians...they can land everywhere a standard aircraft can, plus a lot of other places. Also very hard for a Council to sell and build DFO's on water as is happening on various airfields. If you want to move on to an amphibian call one of the various dealers in Australia...preferbably me!
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