For those attending you would have seen over 400 trees down. After a very shakey time with Southern Downs Council a couple of years ago doing such things as allowing Volvo to use the strip for truck testing, the airfield users formed a united front and have showen the Council the error of their ways!
Now a good relationship with give and take between the Council and users. Strip resurfaced, new wind socks, new toilets and hot water at terminal, heading towards licencing the strip (tree clearing for 3deg slope), shortly fencing and new taxi way to 27 and start on 09, but most importantly much better leases in tenure and allowed AVIATION activies.
Result in business moving in (aviation!), Avgas tank, and possible start within a reasionable time on stage 3 hanger sites (NW side of strip), with the Council likely to make some money when direct and indirect returns are added up. Will take pressure off them that only see airfields as a money drain instead of a valuable local facility!
Surely a win win for both parties. Such a pleasent change both for Warwick, and for airfields in general.