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Everything posted by HEON

  1. For those attending you would have seen over 400 trees down. After a very shakey time with Southern Downs Council a couple of years ago doing such things as allowing Volvo to use the strip for truck testing, the airfield users formed a united front and have showen the Council the error of their ways! Now a good relationship with give and take between the Council and users. Strip resurfaced, new wind socks, new toilets and hot water at terminal, heading towards licencing the strip (tree clearing for 3deg slope), shortly fencing and new taxi way to 27 and start on 09, but most importantly much better leases in tenure and allowed AVIATION activies. Result in business moving in (aviation!), Avgas tank, and possible start within a reasionable time on stage 3 hanger sites (NW side of strip), with the Council likely to make some money when direct and indirect returns are added up. Will take pressure off them that only see airfields as a money drain instead of a valuable local facility! Surely a win win for both parties. Such a pleasent change both for Warwick, and for airfields in general.
  2. As an aside the Wings Over Warwick had a steady changing local attendance and a reasionable fly in group especially if you take yesterdays weather into account. What I found interesting was the large range of different aircraft types. For a change Jabaru's did not swamp the gathering...has the wet weather made them stay at home to nest and breed? We have larger plans for next year...watch this space!
  3. Yep, the amphibian is the new Super Petrel LS. Assembled with its mate during the week. Strip tested on Thursday but not yet flown as no rego. Was waiting on flight test reports from the factory to submit to RA Aus...they arrived overnight. Express post Monday for sure! Had to play in my Drifter instead...but that is always fun anyway.
  4. Sorry I cannot help with supply! Just a note that if a LSA the factory has to approve any change to their system...LSA rearly sucks!
  5. My post was based on what/how I was charged two weeks ago on 40ft from South America
  6. Just a quick one on GST. GST is charged on exchange rate on date of loading, not arrivial. GST also charged on freight and insurance (up to Australian port).
  7. Use by vehicles not a good thing at airfields. Warwick allowed Volvo to test trucks. Cost more to repair than they got. Thankfully it seems the Council has realised this...until the bodies change and someone has a bright thought (again)!
  8. Another way for less cost is Lotas floats on a Drifter. In USA they are quite common on what they call a Super Drifter: that has a 912 on it. Wayne Fisher has his Fisher Mk 1 which is generally a Super Drifter if with a 912 fitted. Mine has been constructed with rear mounting points to allow fitting of floats if wanted later but the modification can be made after the event if required without great cost. First find a second hand one to convert. If light a 582 may work but I do not fit into that class thus it had to be a 912 to think of having the ability of getting off water! Wayne has done at least one so he would be the person to talk to on the subject.
  9. Have always insured but now questioning it as I now own multible aircraft, with one a amphibian that costs heaps. Have moved some to "ground cover" only as the bill was getting out of hand. Amount per year that was due can cover a lot of non total damage. A bit like a BRS...if the wing falls of you would be an instant convert to both full insurance and a BRS...but would it rearly matter?(to you!)
  10. There are three "new" type NEW RAA amphibians available...Super Petrel, Sea Max, and Freedom, plus one older style, the Sea Ray. If interested you can let your fingers do the walking...I import one of the three (for a hint look to the left!)
  11. Get a united voice for aviation is impossible as long as the various sections (RAA SAAA GA Gyro Gliders Commercial etc) all push different agendas...ten tenths of bugger all divided into smaller bits has as much political clout as the save the spottered owl society (thanks film "The American President") As for voting for the Greens...I will when they live the way they want us to!
  12. Just to add a further bit to regulation bull: Understand that aircraft will require a locating device, and a PLB is OK. If that aircraft is an amphibian landed on water it is considered a boat. A PLB is not sufficent on a boat outside "coastal waters"...such as on GBR etc!
  13. Sent an email to supplier to Aircraft Spruce yesterday who came back overnight with same answer that Ian posted. It's still on their web site to thus likly to be recent decision. Thus seems no new stock will be available. A great pity as I personally think they are/were a great bit of kit.
  14. Need to tidy up what I said were major NON maintence costs; 1.If you spend $70,000 on a kit (I think it would be more when finished!) that is money that is not earning money. As you can get at least 5% in a Bank, thats $3,500 a year...you should be able to get more safely rearly, 2. Insurance I said at 2.5%. This will change with pilots expearance. Ground cover only around 1.25%. That is of the amount insured. 3. Hangerage...from around $30 weekly to a lot more depending on location Now lf you want to fly it, the good news is the more you do, the less per hour...but the more in total! I have tried to work it out but the unexpected always seems to upset the figures, thus I take the view it is cheaper than catching any of the women I may think about...and my wife agrees!
  15. Very important to fit fuel filter just before the rotor to keep the crap out of it.
  16. Topic has been done to death before but three major costs are; 1.Loss of income from money spent on aircraft 2.Insurance...around 2.5% of sum insured 3.Hangarage Remainder of major costs depend on usage
  17. Thebun_88 is right on the money regarding requirements as Officer and education in my expearance (self RMC Duntroon class '71; daughter ADFA class '97)
  18. Flight suit was a problem I had as the ones I tried were good but cut for the more trim figure thus were too long when the rest of me fitted...nuf said! Ended up with freezer suit via a contact Wayne Fisher had. Cut more for Australian figure! Price was good. Used in well below zero with plenty of protection without extra clothing under. Only problem now is cold feet...solved with Ugg boots.
  19. HEON

    AUTO PIlot

    I must reinforce Neptune's statement! I found that whenever I was dealing with "water" the aircraft knew and started a dive or something else requiring an urgent third hand! AP's solve wet pants
  20. I gather you are looking at entry via ADFA? If so you have to pass a Officer Selection Board and have/sitting for, subjects that would allow you to enter a major university. For pilot that should be more science than arts. Defence is able to be very selective. Team sports, fitness, education very important. However that is not everthing. I have sat on these selection boards as a member and not every one selected is Dux or a member of the 1stXV. The aim is for a well balanced above average person. Best of luck.
  21. HEON

    AUTO PIlot

    I thought that an auto pilot was of little use until I started long distance flying. Went to WA from Qld...purchased one ASAP on return! Peronally think two axis is sufficient; have a TruTrac and Trio Avionics in different aircraft. Have not heard much on Dynon but would seem a less costly way to go if you have a (Dynon) glass panal(s). Should be no problems with fitting to LSA Jab 230 as the factory fits/or approves auto pilots. If one they use there should be no problem for them to approve it as they have the authorty to do so. I would talk to them. My understanding of LSA regs is they do not have to fit it, but must approve the fitting.
  22. Storage on/in a Drifter? I have thought on this after taking mine up to Monto for the fly in. IF you fly alone (mustering?): remove rear seat and make/have made box with lid attached to rear seat base forward to wing main post behind pilot. Height and width optional. On my W&B I could put 95-98kg there! Probably easy to secure dog,sheep,heffer,child etc in it! Easy to wash out and could include rifle storage to have a shot at wild life from 10000ft without room for CASA rep (don't hit the tyre)...thinking of THAT joke!
  23. Desert? I have just come back from Lake Eyre via Windorah, Birdsville, Broken Hill, White Cliffs and Bourke...NO desert Take your Speedo's and flippers...Never seen so much water out there. Birdsville had fuel (Avgas) truck stuck in mud with all roads closed. White Cliffs also completely cut off (during period Jul3-13)
  24. Have you thought of a Fisher Mk1 Rotax 912 Drifter made in Lismore? Cruise 65kt at 13L/hr...65+Lfuel (unleaded)...very short landing and take of...probably best view out side than anything else...UNDER $60000 new
  25. I read most of the laugter posts as at my stage in life I need them. One of the better ones for a long time. Loved it.
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