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Everything posted by HEON

  1. I currently have in flight adjustable props on two of my three aircraft. Rearly could not see the need on a 912 powered Drifter as I can exceed Vne on ground adjustable in level flight! I cannot think of a more cost effective solution to increase ones cruising speed in any aircraft. In UL/LSA aircraft around 10% increase the norm. With Rotax engines a 914 over a 912 will not give this percentage increase (at least in the 914 aircraft I own), and cost over double the price. I think other solutions would also cost more, or impose cabin size issues. Currently importing an amphibian into Australia and an inflight adjustable prop turns it from a 85kt to 95kt cruise aircraft which is even better. I have, and will, continue to recommend this option as one of the best to be fitted from the available list. I personally think more use than Dynons, auto pilot, or BRS if total price is of importance. Pre jets, nearly all passenger aircraft post 1930's had adjustable props. The risks must have been less than the advantages. As for problems, anything mechanical can break, however all in flight adjustables I know are designed to go to fine pitch which allows reduced speed flight and safe landings.
  2. Give Lone Eagle Flying School at Clifton (Trevor Bange) 0429378370 (07 46958541) a call as I think they went through the correct procedure to do this on a 160. Probably inform on correct method.
  3. GA or RA Aus rego? I think that RA Aus would prove the cheaper in the long run for rego as owners can do their own maintenance. The requirements for GA Exp owners maintenance is in the process of being tightened up although I do not know all the facts. Can someone enlighten us on the requirements? In RA Aus cost of (initial) rego is more for LSA than UL. The type acceptance for the Super Petrel is UL or LSA for identical aircraft as makers MTOW is 600kg (280kg payload) thus allowed 614/650kg not applicable. If you look at the conditions of LSA, you would choose UL if possible for same aircraft. Some manifactures may charge more for a LSA over a UL due to the liability issues on LSA's. If LSA, MTOW is same in GA and RA Aus. The small number of RA Aus registable aircraft on GA register indercates to me that most feel that RA Aus is the way to go if possible.
  4. Quickly BlackRod, Super Petrel wings not foldable or quickly detachable. On land easier to land than Jab 160, and not real different than LightWing Speed (low wing) except stall lower thus slower over fence. Still nose up on landing...on water you fly it on.
  5. Regarding the cost of Super Petrel LS this is not the location to go into that justinm001. Look at my web site or email me at [email protected] As a general comment to forum users the price of the Sea Max and definitely the Super Petrel is more than competitively to similary equiped imported Rotax powered aircraft with the bonus of amphibious capacity. Statements made in high hundred thousands is misleading as it is for fully equiped aircraft with lots of toys that make for instance Tecnam's around the same price. A Petrel with two Dynons, autopilot, BRS, inflight adjustable prop, full Garmin GPS/radio/transponder, heater, strobe/nav lights, fly away Warwick (in otherwords the lot!) would be less than the figure quoted earlier.
  6. The Sea Max would need the same RAA endorcements as the Super Petrel LS I import www.superpetrelaustralia.com They are: pilots certificate, cross country, radio, human factors, high performance, retractable undercarrage, water hull and inflight adjustable prop (if fitted). Most of these would be credited via your PPL except probably the latter ones. As well as these two, there are two other light amphibians (water hull) available in Australia, Sea Ray and a version of the Colyaer.
  7. Big help is to cover your chart with clear contact. Write all information you need on it with a fine tip permanent pen available in a number of colours (the type metho will wipe of when not needed anymore). Can always find room on chart away from your track for the in flight maths etc. Add freq change points and diagram of the airfields as required with CTAF and heights. Only then have one bit of paper. Works in Drifter also as it has some "body" and will not blow around as much. For longer trips I use AirNav VFR and print route on A4 pages (from WAC's)...also waypoint details and often ERC(L)'s and airfield diagrams (use old loose leaf ERSA after I check the detail against a new one)and put in order in Office Works type soft plastic folder with the clear plastic sleeves. The type with the ring spine so you can leave it open on correct map. Only need one item to tell all. Of course you need all current documentation accessible but returned last week from 2400nm trip and never needed to refer to my flight bag contents.
  8. SEQld Rotax rep cannot get my 914 to play on his "box" as at this time.
  9. Note transponder requires initial and 2 yearly certification (42 and 47 I think)
  10. Back to Thalass's first post, there is no engine HP limit to my knowledge in RA Aus: especially not 100hp, or Jab 6's and Rotax 914's would not be allowed.
  11. I do not often fly as a passenger but today was in company with another aircraft (all pilots). What I found interesting as we went into poor weather (rain and fog increasing) was the reactions in the aircraft. In ours as I was about to say "lets make it another day" the PIC said "Im going back". Not long after received a phone call from other aircraft saying they had diverted and were on the ground. Not one "lets try a bit more" even though the RAA aircraft I was in had all the toys that "could" have helped. Nice to know the message on VFR only is getting through.
  12. Watched it by chance and even allowing for the media beat up it's rearly an indicement of both CASA and Qantas. Wish heads roll and the situation corrected but at my age I am not holding my breath. Have we not just had a red head say words to the effect that it was not me but that Dud carracter? Can see the same sort of thing again.
  13. HEON

    Fisher v Drifter

    I have a Fisher Mk 1 Rotax 912. Weight 221kg. Cruise at 65kt at 4600rpm@13L/hr. As it can excead VNE in level flight the aircraft jumps into the air. GA pilots watch waiting for the stall. Warwick is 1600m long and I can take off,reach circuit height (500ft)and do a touch and go on the length of the strip. Landing is a bit longer as even with closed throttle prop still produces a reasionable thrust and we all know how effective Drifter brakes are. Short landings best achieved by switching off mags when you know you will make it. Personally do not recommend it unless rearly necessary as it rearly removes your options if the landing turns bad. After touch down in cross winds very fast stick and rudder work is needed or direction of travel and wing level changes happen faster than you can think! Great play aircraft.
  14. Your last line where LL is not is what we need to know. Note comment on ERSA. William Ck only...what in Broken Hill?
  15. Of course I know Rotax says LL. Please see my first post, item 2. ERSA lists "avgas" for/if fuel available. Being from an area where this is 100LL I was trying to ask where it was not when listed as avgas. Two points: 1. Would it not be nice to know what avgas it is BEFORE you arrive, 2. It would be nice if some posters gave a person the benifit of doubt that they can/do read the manufacturers requirements on fuel type and inspection requirements. My initial question was for information, and possibly alert pilots that did not know avgas commonly "on tap" available at different locations in Australia was different! For the constructive replies, thank you. For the record;Shell Plus 4 changed prior to departing SE Qld; Always replace plugs at 100hr; I never fly under 5000rpm...I have a Drifter for "slow"; never had evidence of lead fouling on this engine before. If you think I am a bit heavy, sorry, however I know how close I was to putting it down for a reasion I did not rearly know about as the subject had never come up before.
  16. Plugs 70hr. Love to use mogas but to do so it has to be available! Also Rotax says mogas OR avgas
  17. Got a ride in their 2+2...very impressive
  18. That Shell information is very interesting and I personally have not seen it before. It is not a minor problem as it occured to me big time over the Flinders Rangers...not a nice place to have what felt like major engine problems...to me major enought to notify Mel Cen in the Applo 13 words "control, we have a problem!" with lat/long etc as I rearly thought I was going down...did not look a very inviting place to land I must say. Got to a field just east of hills. There found evidence of carby float bowl leaking (resulting in lean mixture)(RA Aus will be informed of occurance/cause) which I have had before that causes the same missing. Fixed that and did extensive flight testing before departing the glide distance of field with no missing thus had no evidance I had not fixed the problem. No problems until 50nm from White Cliffs when all hell suddenly broke loose again. Add approaching evening (airspeed reduced by major degree increasing planned flight time that was fine due to previous stoppage)(yes, had done the maths showing ETA prior to sunset), engine running like a chaff cutter, poor communations not helped by the height I ended up at, and no alternative landing areas before White Cliffs, I was not happy! Have thanked, and would like to go on record, help from Mel Cen (had same person on the line from the morning problems!) and Qantas (flight unknown) for radio relay. Very happy to be able to drink red that night!
  19. Have just had to leave my 914 Speed parked a long way from home after a very scary badly missfireing flight on SA purchased Avgas (plugs not very common). On speaking with Bert Floods ordering plugs was told that bad lead fouling is not uncommon in the southern states, especially SA in 914's, running on Avgas. As I have travelled a reasionable amount in Qld, NSW, NT and WA without the problem I was woundering; 1. Has any one else had this problem, 2. Is Avgas 100LL not the norm "down south"; or different refinery, 3. Anyone got an idea why I got such high lead fouling when I commonly use Avgas 100 when traveling "up here".
  20. I was not that young when I started to fly in Jab LSA...had a bugger of a time. While training the school replaced the LSA with a 160. Better but still not easy. At that time got a flight in Jab 230...easy! I agree the 160 is not as easy to fly as other RAA aircraft. Weather this is good or bad rearly can be related to ones outlook...personally I do not think the lesson is worth the effort...as long as you don't buy/hire one!
  21. I have one of these and do not have this problem. I assume you have tried all the adjustments in the instructions? If so, I would look at mountings of servo's and if different/adnormal resistances in attachments to and actervation of control rods/cables over their full range of movement. If all OK there I would be talking to who installed and/ or Australian dealer.
  22. Now how many can we have in a class D area? Possibly some instruction needed by that bloke on how to control things in Australia!
  23. Thats nice to know. Jumped into a aircraft today and dialed in the airfield altitude...thought I had letter get the altimeter tested as the reading was so high! Seems no need.
  24. I was requested to actervate mine while doing a engine out emergency landing in an isolated location by Melbourne radio even though lat/long had been given in emergency call. They probably thought it better to be very sure of the location if the landing not OK to help pick up the bits. I can see their point. Therefore think it would be a very good idea to use it if what is happening COULD become a mess...you may not be able to after the event!
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