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Ed Herring

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Everything posted by Ed Herring

  1. All the best with your recovery Peter...!
  2. G'Day Kev I hope all is good for you over there. How is your Instructor Training going mate, you must nearly be there by now....! Regards ED
  3. Hi All This may come as a complete surprise to some but here is my first post in a long time. I simply need to set one thing straight regarding the STCC appointment. Steve Runciman had been trying to create the position for many months because as President he knew it was essential I was one of the few that supported him. The Board would not support us. For the Board to now say that they are now not opposed to the appointment is positive and its a great shame that they needed to be guided into it in the way they have. The constitution clearly states that in an emergency the Executive can act on such matters. The board was very well aware that the only way I would take on the role of President was if they supported me totally on these issues that I spelt out before them. At the time of the vote I got 100% support. Some are now retracting that support to suit their own agendas. There are obviously members who do not consider the issue to be an emergency but we can draw a parallel any time two Lawyers are in a room with the same degrees and opposite views. My decisions are based on the fact that I work in an industry that would not exist without compliance so I understand the importance to our future as without a concentrated effort in safety and compliance we simply will not exist in our current form in the near future. Importantly CASA see the recent action as positive steps forward. Regards Ed
  4. Hi Ian Firstly it was great to catch up to you again at NATFLY. As you are aware i have been AWOL for quite a while but my workload is intense and since being the SA Board Member Representative any spare time is dedicated to it. You will well understand that....! As the "last minute" NATFLY 2012 Co-ordinator thrown in at the deep end after most things were organised, i have had an interesting time to say the least. The NATFLY Committee worked very hard and "We" got a lot of things right but also a number of things went astray as you well know....! As i am the NATFLY 2013 Co-ordinator charged with getting it right, I felt compelled to check this forum to gather some of the views. Hang on a minute, please don't all call or email me at once now will you...! I have read this post and agree with some of your comments and some i had strangely enough already thought of. Steve Runciman will be putting a feedback slip in a magazine soon so that is the oportunity to have a say. The problem generally though is the same as at voting time...most members don't bother. So i ask all members to fill out the form and send it in and we will listen. I will welcome suggestions for next year and the best way to do that is to email me at [email protected] or phone me on 0408 787 018 I appreciated once again meeting many, a highlight was meeting the 6'10" Maj Millard...Perception is such an interesting thing isn't it....! Best Regards ED
  5. Hi Ian Well done and i think you have made the correct decision for the right reasons. You have proved beyond doubt that RA-Aus Members and other Aviation enthusiasts want a Recreational Flying Forum and your dedication ( not to mention time and money ) gives us just that. Yes the politics gets out of hand in any forum so it is great to have a resourse without the political inuendos and arguments. Of course i also believe that the moderators should edit or delete any post that is detrimental to any person, cause or incident. Best Regards ED
  6. Hi John / Don and All Like Don i thank you John for raising this thread because what you said has certainly been on my mind and i trust that your views are respected. My prime agenda initialy is to attempt to encourage the Board to work together and i have stated previously that we must have agree to disagree strategies and respect each others views while working towards a balanced objective to benifit the continued growth and strengh of the organisation. I must say that of the Board Members i have communicated with to date i am satisfied that we will be a group working together. Yes it will take some time to settle in but we are determined to make it work and work it will. Short post but i am off to the airport to enjoy the privelage of my RA-Aus Pilot Certificate. Best Regards ED
  7. Well David it will definately get my vote.....! Best Regards :plane:ED
  8. Hi Cazza Your tireless efforts at Natfly over several years has definately been noted and appreciated by all of the Membership that attended. You are more aware than most that any event relies on the volunteers because it will simply not happen without them. I certainly trust that you will be heavily involved with Natfly 2012. Obviously i am still naive regarding the boards history, but with your experience and skill and of course local contacts at Temora, we should assist you to do this onerous task as much as we can. ( obviously i am praying that you are willing ) On another matter completely i would love to see some of your previously published and excelent educational articles reprinted in our Magazine.... hint hint...! Best Regards ED
  9. Thanks Ian... make sure you send me your details so that i can send you my data base form if you so wish...! Best Regards ED
  10. To All SA RA-Aus Members By now most of you will have received notification that i was successful in my endeavour to become the RA-Aus Board Member Representative for South Australia. This is thanks to the Members that took the time to vote. I am under no illusion that i will not face challenges with the role but i will be doing my very best to keep the membership informed as best i can. In the next few weeks i will be distributing a form for you all to fill out and return to me with your contact details so that communication is possible. In my Election Statement i promised that i would communicate with SA Members as best i can and if this is your wish this Form is necessary due to the fact that many Members have not ticked the box for the USE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, RESPECTING YOUR PRIVACY Declaration, to allow other RA-Aus Members ( including Board Members for the obvious privacy reasons ), access to contact details for Members. There are currently about 1183 SA Members and 283 votes were counted so we managed to increase the members interest in voting to about 24% from about 15% last time which is a very good effort on behalf of the SA Members. I also thank Bas and Ian for standing and making it a contest. Meanwhile, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Once again thank you for your support. Best Regards ED Ed Herring SA RA-Aus Board Rep ( Elect ) # 003605 0408 787 018
  11. Hi Guys With respect would you mind just keeping with the intent of the Poll and we can debate the rest later. Best Regards ED:wink:
  12. Hi All Thanks Ian for the oportunity for us to voice an opinion on your Forum on such an important issue. On June 30th i emailed all RA-Aus Board Members on the matter and i consider that i have had a very poor response. To date i have had 2 email replies and have spoken with 3 others (including yourself) in person or by phone. I deliberately did not comment on the Forum previously out of respect for the current Board Members but they have had ample oportunity to respond and most have not. I have also had a good conversation with our new Editor, Brian Bigg who asured me that it was "Quote: Entirely a Board decision to name the Magazine, "Sport Pilot". Fundementally the name is inappropriate for our organisation. We ARE Members of Recreational Aviation Australia Inc.. We ARE Recreational Pilots. We FLY Recreational Aircraft. So WHY doesnt our Magazine reflect who and what we are given that the magazine is the main conduit of information from our organisation...? Obviously some Members approve of the name and i respect those opinions, but i consider that the reasoning above to be part of the justification for my opinion on the matter. I am looking forward to the judgement of the Poll. Best Regards ED
  13. Hi Pud In my humble opinion and for what it is worth, Ed Smith is one of the good guys currently on the board and i mean no dispespect at all to the other WA contender, ( Gavin... and all the best to him as well ) because i know nothing about him. I believe that Ed Smith should get at least one more term to consolidate his good work so far. Sometimes our Reps do stuff quietly and constructively behind the scenes and partly due to the lack of access to the RA-Aus Data Base even by a Board Member, it can be difficult to communicate to the Members. My suggestion to all Members is that they email their local Board Member Rep with their contact details if they wish to communicate with the Rep reguarly or at all. Which is exactly what i will be asking the SA Members to do if i happen to be successful at this election. Best Regards :contract:ED
  14. Hi Pud If i had my Magazine i could tell you. A friend told me there were 2 Candidates for WA Best Regards ED
  15. Hi Pud If you check your Magazine you will find you have a choice of Candidates Best Regards ED:plane:
  16. Like i said yesterday... Dont feel bad... i have not yet got mine either... Not happy...!
  17. Dont feel bad Jake.... At least you are not alone....!:rolleyes:
  18. Hi All I agree with Don. Think about your Candidates, ask questions of them but above all vote and make it count. Don't forget to put your Member number on the reply paid envelope to make sure your vote is valid. Best Regards ED
  19. Don for Chairman... Gets my vote...!
  20. Thanks for the photo Don... At least i know what the cover looks like as i still have not recieved my copy yet. Australia Post ( or someone ) needs to get the distribution and the delivery of our Magazine sorted a lot better than it is...! Best Regards ED
  21. Hi Skypup I checked out the MachNone website and i will follow this with interest. Good on you for choosing the project and i am sure you will have a lot of fun building and flying the aircraft. This is just what the 95.10 category needs is for more people to actually "just do it"....! keep us posted with info and of course photo's if you can. Best Regards Ed
  22. Hi Bas Its a fantastic product as you demonstrated to me last week on your IPad...! I am still trying to get my wife to go buy some expensive clothes so that i can buy an IPad...! Meanwhile will it work on my iphone...? Best Regards ED
  23. Hi Jay Fantastic...! We are fortunate enough to have Ross Vining ( Editor of SPAA ) http://www.seaplanes.org.au/ over here with his Sea Ray and Ross is a great exponent of the world on water. We have great waterways South of Adelaide SA, and another mate has a Sea Ray kit on the way. I am looking forward to trying it on water because we have so much potential for Amphibians here in SA. Looking forward to more of your adventures Jay. Best Regards ED
  24. Welcome Jay... Do you fly the Amphibian in your avatar, or do you just like them...? Best Regards ED
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