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Ed Herring

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Everything posted by Ed Herring

  1. I agree with Jake J.. I remember very well at an SAAA fly-in at Wagga several years ago when Mike was discussing his dream. Because he is an enthusiastic and quality builder he has now realised that dream. It will be very interesting to see what his plans are for it, but knowing Mike we will see much more. Best Regards ED
  2. Thanks Ian...!
  3. Hi All interested in 95.10 Yes, you can still purchase a new Tyro ( or a kit ) from Geoff Eastwood from Goolwa SA on 0427 812 422..... Many complain that we seem to be losing our "Grass Roots" aircraft but the simple answer is to find an aircraft that fits the category and get it in the air. An earlier post by Guernsey gives a brief rundown on the Tyro and how it is a joy to fly and also some photo's. http://users.chariot.net.au/~geastwood/ Best Regards ED
  4. Well done Rod... they are a great aircraft and lots of fun to fly. Best Regards ED
  5. Ian Once again you have proved that you are providing just what the Pilots want. A quality forum. If around 80% of Forum members are RA-Aus members then that speaks for itself. Be proud of your achievments and congratulations. Best Regards ED
  6. Hi Ian Sorry but i forgot to actualy aswer your original question...! My personal experience in SA tells me that you are probably on the money. The PPC numbers here are steadily growing with a very enthusiastic group of people who definately consider themselves "Grass Roots" Aviators. Best Regards ED
  7. Hi Guys This is a subject that is close to my heart. You can see by my avatar what i love to fly as often as i can, as i consider the Powered Parachute to be just "ONE" of the "Grassroots Aircraft". And Grassroots it certainly is. The affordability and portability of a PPC stands alone in my opinion. To fly slowly in an open cockpit really does it for me. And i might add that i would be just as happy in a Thruster, Tyro, Trike or anything else, but of course if i want to go somewhere in a hurry i jump in the Grumman Tiger or the J230 or soon it will be our Fk 9. The thing i love most about aviation is simply that it does not matter what we fly or who we are, flying is a great leveler and creates equality. So fly what you like or what you can afford but just make sure you fly something. Best Regards ED
  8. G,Day Friends Yes Guy you are spot-on, and Neil ol mate...if i get her two sets she will want something from the shop all the time... you know how it goes...! Best Regards and thanks for your concern ED
  9. Hey Cosmick Actually i am...! But i took her for a fly in my Aerochute the other day over our new house block and she is talking again...! Quite funny really, because she kept saying at Temora that she spotted these nice gold airplane earings and if i was smart i would get her some...! Obviously i forgot but Ian will save my bacon....! Best Regards ED
  10. Hi Ian Please Ian, i desperately want the Beech Bonanza Gold Earings $29.95 as i am in big trouble because i was meant to get them from you at Temora but i forgot....! I will get into your shop and organise it...! Thanks a lot for the reminder Mate. Best Regards Ed
  11. Hi Bas Yes my mail is that they are having a BBQ at the new Clare Airfield on Sunday May 8th and all are welcome. This group have done a mammoth job and should be supported. Well done to all involved....! The airstrip is 14kms north of Clare and is 1300mtrs long and 18mtrs wide. The GPS coordinates that i was given are S 33` 42' 0 / E 138`35' 0 but please check for yourselves. I think the Elevation is about 1070' but once again check for yourself. Bernie Bradock's contact details are [email protected] Phone 0429 094712 Hm 88422992. Best Regards Ed
  12. Hi Tomo From your profile you fly most things so a Powered Parachute should definately be added to your list. From my own personal experience the Aerochute is the best thing since sliced bread if you know what i mean. I too have flown many types and my only regret is that i didn't find out about the PPC world until only a couple of years ago. Graeme Hutchinson from the Hawkesbury Powered Parachute Centre is my Mentor and also a PE who can tell you where you can get training etc in your part of the world. www.poweredparachutecentre.com.au Also you could talk to the team at Aerochute www.aerochute.com.au to find out who has a machine close to you. But whatever you do get yourself close to a powered parachute as soon as you can. You will love the experience and the safety aspects of the machine. Best Regards Ed
  13. Hi Edward And i agree with everything John said... i have been flying GA and RA-Aus ( AUF ) since 1986 and never had so much fun until i got my Aerochute last year....! Best Regards Ed
  14. Hi All I am starting to get the feeling that i am eventually going to get hooked on taking off and landing on water.... the evoutionary thing is starting to happen because i just happen to be in a region where it could work. Watch this space....! Please don't tell my Wife yet....! Best Regards Ed
  15. Hey Yenn...... Ditto...! Ed
  16. It sounds like some sort of Bede to me........... i will leave the rest up to someone that really knows! PS Pete really needs to finish his Nav......!
  17. Hi All James Chase's Funeral is at 11:00 am Monday June 21st 2010 at Fred J. Potter & Sons Funerals, 144A Oxide Street, Broken Hill NSW. James will be sadly missed in many places and especially at NATFLY where he was a tireless volunteer! He was a true character! Sincere Condolences to his family and all his mates. Best Regards Ed
  18. Hi All Peter is spot on about Geoff Eastwood being proactive at the Goolwa Airport. I remember the Airport before Geoff purchased it, and have witnessed the significant growth and ongoing improvments since. Geoff is passionate about all aspects of aviation and is very supportive of all aviators which encourages a friendly atmosphere for all. I too have a Hangar Site earmarked as the Goolwa Airport is a great facility and the region lends itself to great flying. See you there sometime...! By the way we have great coffee as well. Best Regards Ed RA-Aus GRFS C.F.I.
  19. Well Barry.... you will spend the rest of your life wondering why you never did it before... apart from the usual reasons of course... just like i waited until nearly 60 to fly a powered parachute....! Best Regards and well done Ed
  20. Hi Wolf Well done mate it's a day you will never forget. Enjoy it, there is much more fun to come! Best Regards Ed
  21. Hi Cosmick I enjoyed your video and like you i love our Aerochute. Best Regards Ed
  22. Hi Catsy Yep... I am from Adelaide... Welcome to the Forums... you will get a lot from it! Best Regards ED
  23. Hi Michael Well done.... your comment that you are "now one of you guys" doesn't do you justice mate. you were one of us the moment you dreamed of flying....! Thanks for sharing one of your proudest moments...! And a big Congratulations.....! Best Regards Ed
  24. Hi All The best part about this post is the proof that grass roots aviation is alive and well..... it is for me as well since we purchased our AEROCHUTE...! Best Regards Ed
  25. It is because of the very brave men and women of yesteryear that we enjoy our flying today....!
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