Hi Guys
This is a subject that is close to my heart. You can see by my avatar what i love to fly as often as i can, as i consider the Powered Parachute to be just "ONE" of the "Grassroots Aircraft". And Grassroots it certainly is. The affordability and portability of a PPC stands alone in my opinion. To fly slowly in an open cockpit really does it for me. And i might add that i would be just as happy in a Thruster, Tyro, Trike or anything else, but of course if i want to go somewhere in a hurry i jump in the Grumman Tiger or the J230 or soon it will be our Fk 9. The thing i love most about aviation is simply that it does not matter what we fly or who we are, flying is a great leveler and creates equality. So fly what you like or what you can afford but just make sure you fly something.
Best Regards