Hi Geoff ( and All )
( I am surprised at thecriticism of LFA, the SAAA &their keyExecutives in this months RAA magazine, let alone the vehemance of what the Pres & others have said. )
With great respect Geoff, the heading of your post has prompted me to respond. Below is a small part of an email i sent to several from both sides last week beforeRA-Aus Magazine came out.
( The Leisure Flight Australia flyer that came with my AOPA Magazine prompted this email, with the reference that the RA-Aus could not work with the best interests of Private GA, and the LFA Website comment (Ultralights should continue to be administered by Recreational Aviation Australia without interference from GA, and GA should be administered by GA organisations without interference from Recreational Aviation Australia. ) highlights to me, rightly or wrongly just how fundamentally ridiculous it is to waste the opportunity of working together for the same cause. I am of the opinion that all Aircraft and Pilots once airborne deserve equal respect.)
I have now recieved my RA-Aus Magazine and read John and Paul's articles. They are disturbing but having been around the scene for several years, Pauls version of the facts is in paralell with how i have viewed it.
It is a fact that RA-Aus ( formally the AUF ) has been managed very successfully to where it is today, while other organisations have floundered for survival. While no organisation is allways perfect, the RA-Aus strong category and membership should prove to all that it is in an enviable position to manage our recreational aviation future.
Surely the time isNOW forall parties to recognize that recreational aviation is all of us that fly for our recreation in what ever aircraft we fly. We MUST encourageall aviation sectors with theirexperience and expertiseto join together to have one very strong voice to form an organisation thatwill promote the growth of aviation in our best interests.
It is NOT too late to repair the damage. But our leaders must do just that...LEAD. It is them that will be recorded in History for the success or failure of their decisions.
As individuals we can sit back, do nothingand blame every one else when we are not happy with the results or we can do something and at least know we tried. Consider your own position. Show your suport in the way you think best.
Best Regards
Ed Herring