If you fly in a area where there's RPT you sure need to on the alert for traffic, for even the pro's get it wrong. Having a radio scanner on back patio, i hear RPT jets and turbo props make a call on melbourne center at 30mile and then change to ctaf and make another call, it sure dont take long before they at downwind or on straight in final. Well one day a F50 turbo prop is making 30 mile call on melb centre twice [as soon as they made second call i thought then they have not changed] , then 5 mile call still on melb cen with intensions [they were coming in from the east to setup for a left base rwy 18], then they must have realised they had not changed to ctaf and then made call on local ctaf. So you really should make sure your monitoring both channels.
A commercial helo pilot [bristows] was saying how he hates the RAAF jets, 30mile call and 4mins later they are there.
The then airport manager was telling me how he believes RPT pilots are not that good when it comes to sorting out seperations if other traffic around, because he"s opinion is they generally have a controller telling them what to do , for that when it comes to doing it for themself, they are not that good.
But i do agree with Dazza, you do get some that are very good.