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Everything posted by DWF

  1. Yes. YORL The Esperance Aero Club had a fly-in BBQ there last Sunday. 16 aircraft (2 RAAus) and about 30 people. So, what is the name of the pink lake? Last month EAC flew in here for a big Breakfast
  2. How about this one ..... Its not far from here ......
  3. Dale Castle, retired LAME, has one. VH-EME. At Wentworth NSW (near Mildura). He may be able to help.
  4. This thread appears to have taken a 60 degree AoB turn and careered headlong off topic and probably should be shut down as it seems to have degenerated into match of trolls feeding trolls!
  5. My magazine has not yet arrived in my PO Box. But I do live in a far flung corner of the Empire. If I manage to get it and send off my ballot papers (postmarked 31st) it will be well into August before they arrive at RAAus central. [it often takes >7 days for my snail mail to arrive at an Eastern state address.] I do not know any of the candidates personally but have spoken to MM on several occasions. It appears to me, from their election statements, that all the candidates have appropriate qualifications for the board. I was under the impression that candidates' election statements were to be a maximum of one page long. The first candidate's is 3 pages. Does this say anything - maybe just his Public Service background coming through. The next 2 candidates seem to be fairly heavily involved in the aviation industry. Is this too much conflict of interest - or would it work in our (RAAus) favour? Love him or hate him, MM has, in my opinion, done a fairly good job of getting RAAus back on track - not necessarily the track some would like, but one we can live with and progress from. I am one of those who voted against the adoption of the new constitution - because, while I agree with much of it, I feel it has put too much control in the hands of the Directors and, as I feared, now that it is a fait acompli it will be very difficult to generate the momentum for further change. Word on the performance of the last candidate has not trickled this far west and so it is difficult for me to make any judgement here. I will vote (Aust Post willing) and will probably go with a bet each way - one old and one new. DWF :rotary:Just been up north to help with the mustering (from the ground unfortunately).
  6. At 100km (about 55nm) from landing I would expect the seat belt signs would be on and the cabin crew checking that seat belts were fastened, etc. I wonder how many of the casualties were cabin crew. DWF
  7. Another option could be Forrest - Cook (along the railway) - Maralinga (nice big airstrip - I think you can get permission to land there now) - Coober Pedy (Avgas as the AD and probably mogas from town) - William Creek (avgas) - Leigh Creek (avgas) or Arkaroola (used to be avgas available) - BHI. I have also refueled at Olympic Dam but it is a long way from Forrest and requires prior permission to land. I don't think Woomera is a viable option. Check the NOTAMs carefully if you plan to go through the Woomera Restricted areas. DWF
  8. If you don't mind flying over water you could go Lethbridge-Goolwa-Port Lincoln-Ceduna. Otherwise go via Port Pirie (avgas available cheap) to Ceduna then Forrest and Esperance to Albany. Avgas available at all these. Forrest is a good place to overnight but is a fuel and accommodation and meals are a bit expensive as it really is in the middle of nowhere. If going via Esperance call in at Myrup (10nm SE of YESP) we have about 7 RVs here. Avgas is usually available at Nullarbor Motel, Border Village and Caiguna but is fairly expensive. Ravensthorpe is between Esperance and Albany, does not have avgas and is a long way from town. Good luck DWF
  9. 29th Feb?
  10. I don't think so! The RAAF pilot course is designed that way but scrubs a lot of students. Many of those scrubbed go on to become safe, reliable commercial pilots. If you only allow a given time for a student to reach a competency standard you are ignoring many of the variables noted in previous posts and will have many who cannot reach the standard in the allotted time whereas, given a bit of extra time and encouragement they can become safe, competent pilots. It is a case of horses for courses - or maybe that should be courses for horses. DWF
  11. I think he is just raven on......
  12. I last landed there about 12 months ago. It was a bit rough, dusty and windy but serviceable and has avgas and PULP. Have overflown it twice since and it appeared to be OK from altitude. Alternatives are: Border Village 97nm west - not much, if any, better. The N/S strip is very narrow, stony and weed covered (last Oct). Eucla 107nm west - used to be an RFDS strip with 4 runways. I have heard that the motel will come down and collect you from the strip. Yalata Community 47nm east - sealed runway, no fuel, PPR. Probably only an emergency option. Coorabie Farm 76nm east - good 900m strip, accommodation, friendly people, PULP available from Nundroo 9km N (you can usually get a lift there and back). Nundroo strip is was not currently being maintained or serviceable as of last Oct.
  13. The EQ-1 may be worth a look. Australian invention and (I think) manufacture - now copied by Lightspeed and others. Look mum, no cords! [i have no financial or other interest in this company.]
  14. Some Legend specifications here but no cabin dimensions. Sat in one at OzKosh (Narromine). Plenty of room.
  15. Coorabie Farm Near Nundroo SA. Variety of accom including camping, dongas and 'motel' style. Meals available. 900m airstrip. Mogas available at Nundroo (9km N) (08) 8625 6126 [email protected] Forrest WA - see ERSA
  16. I've been told the crew of the next generation of airliners will be a man (or woman) and a dog. The man (or woman) is there to feed the dog ...... the dog is there to bite the man (or woman) if they touch anything!
  17. G'day OP I was in PNG 66-73. Saw a Helio Courier with a broken back - at Moresby I think. Was that you?
  18. Look at all the extra wheels and bracing required. Wouldn't it have been easier to just cut a hole in the bottom of the fuselage and invert the pilot?
  19. From Wikipedi, so it must be correct: "Kiwi or kiwis are flightless birds native to New Zealand." So who are they to talk or poke fun?
  20. The sequence of checks/actions can sometimes be important too. For instance, in a Jabiru it is necessary to set the TRIM AFTER the "CONTROLS full, free and correct" check as, if you do it properly, this check will result in almost full back trim being set.
  21. YCNK does not have an AFRU listed in ERSA. If there was one it is normally listed beside CTAF. There are no current NOTAMS on YCNK so it has not been added since the latest edition of ERSA was published. So, I would say that there is no AFRU at YCNK. (You should not have to look anywhere else.)
  22. The world would be much better off if there were no humans here
  23. Bruce, check out "ON TRACK" on the CASA web site Click on the symbol near Brisbane then select Archerfield and "inbound" etc. There is probably more info here than you ever wanted (or need) to know.
  24. Archerfield Control Zone is Surface to !500ft amsl. ERSA for BRISBANE/Archerfield page FAC B-47 states: "ARRIVALS 5.1 Entry into the Archerfield CTR shall be at 1,500FT."
  25. This is already available at some airports. YESP has continuous AWIS on 123.05 YNWN has continuous AWIS on 135.05 YABA has VHF activated (by 1 second Tx pulse) AWIS on 122.125 YSDU has VHF activated (by 1 second Tx pulse) AWIS on 122.975 and you can find lots more in ERSA Many locations also have their AWIS available via phone so you can check on the weather before getting to the airport (or via your mobile before getting within VHF range if airborne)
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