My magazine has not yet arrived in my PO Box. But I do live in a far flung corner of the Empire.
If I manage to get it and send off my ballot papers (postmarked 31st) it will be well into August before they arrive at RAAus central.
[it often takes >7 days for my snail mail to arrive at an Eastern state address.]
I do not know any of the candidates personally but have spoken to MM on several occasions.
It appears to me, from their election statements, that all the candidates have appropriate qualifications for the board.
I was under the impression that candidates' election statements were to be a maximum of one page long. The first candidate's is 3 pages. Does this say anything - maybe just his Public Service background coming through.
The next 2 candidates seem to be fairly heavily involved in the aviation industry. Is this too much conflict of interest - or would it work in our (RAAus) favour?
Love him or hate him, MM has, in my opinion, done a fairly good job of getting RAAus back on track - not necessarily the track some would like, but one we can live with and progress from.
I am one of those who voted against the adoption of the new constitution - because, while I agree with much of it, I feel it has put too much control in the hands of the Directors and, as I feared, now that it is a fait acompli it will be very difficult to generate the momentum for further change.
Word on the performance of the last candidate has not trickled this far west and so it is difficult for me to make any judgement here.
I will vote (Aust Post willing) and will probably go with a bet each way - one old and one new.
:rotary:Just been up north to help with the mustering (from the ground unfortunately).