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Everything posted by Bluedog

  1. Hi all, I completed 10 hours in a Jabiru with Central West Flying at Bathurst, but haven't flown in about 2 years (a combination of life and location changes), but have just booked in for my first flight this Sunday to begin my training again! Very excited to get back to it. It's a 5 hour or so round trip from where I am now to Bathurst so unfortunately I won't be training with Chris and the guys at CWF anymore. I loved my time with their school and a big part of why I haven't resumed flying earlier is I wanted to fly there. Anyway, after some research I've settled on SRFC at the Oaks and have dealt with some very nice people there already so I'm feeling positive about the move and can't wait to get out there. I've missed it!
  2. My TIF this time last year I was taken over my town so I could enjoy the scenery of our lake and surrounding areas, while I had a fair bit of time on the stick and rudder (just basic straight and level, and turns (although it's fair to say I felt like I was flying myself!)). While I won't speculate on the above schools intentions, it was clear that the views that could be seen up there were a big part of what gets a lot of potential students back to our school for more lessons. That combined with my instructors very good (IMO) interaction with me, and making me feel at ease, is why I'm still flying
  3. I've got that joystick for FSX, I've never used one before so I can't base my opinion on anything other than the fact it is quite easy and comfortable to use, and the array of different customisable buttons. I really haven't had much of a play on it to be honest, I don't really have much time in camp unless we've been rained off
  4. That is a great idea, I never thought of that........... As a side note, I've managed to fit a little bit of aviation into the wedding. We are doing a helicopter wedding that takes off from Las Vegas and lands 3500ft down in the Grand Canyon for our service, then returns along the Strip at dusk with all the lights of Vegas lit up. To say I am excited is an understatement!
  5. Thanks Dave, I'll look into those. Nev, I've heard that book mentioned favourably many times on forums, so once I finish with Stick and Rudder I'll probably get that one.
  6. Cheers Frank, I've got my training manual up here in camp with me, but haven't touched it for a while, so I really should reread over what I've studied.
  7. Thanks nomadpete, I am lucky that I have an exceptional relationship, one that allows me to go to work for a month and never have the problems that so many guys have with their relationships out here....... They say pipeliners have a relationship failure rate of 90% My first and foremost priorities when I come home are my children and my (soon to be) wife, to make my children better people than I am as person and to see them happy is the only thing that guides me as a father. Thanks for the tip paulh, I have a photo of the Jabiru's instrument panel as my desktop background and usually sit there once a week imagining the stuff I've been taught and trying to familiarise myself with it. It's nowhere near as useful as the actual flying but I am driven to learn as much as I can however I can, and try to be the best pilot I can personally be.......
  8. Much appreciated Ballpoint, it took me many years to be in the position I'm in now to be undertaking lessons, and I am very grateful for the opportunities I now have.........
  9. My 5 year old twin boys actually think Daddy flies himself to work now! Now that's what I call dreaming!
  10. Haha, I'd say I'd be fairly quickly divorced if she tried that on!
  11. Hi all, Just curious as to how everyone handles not being able to fly for an extended period........ Do you lose interest or stay involved? I am a student with 6.1 hours in a Jabiru, and I work a 28/9 FIFO roster so due to commitments last break and getting married in the USA during my next break in 3 weeks, by the time I have my next lessons it will be almost 3 months between lessons. I pass my time in camp by reading forums such as this one, and reading books and magazines (and a fair bit of daydreaming!). I think for myself, even if I could never fly again I would still be obsessed with aircraft, and people have often commented over the years that I am abnormally interested in aircraft, and even though I still fly regularly to and from work I still get the same buzz watching aircraft take off and land at the airport as I always have, and still enjoy my commercial flights as well as my lessons. I can't wait to get back up there again! Anyway, this is how I came to wonder what you do when you can't fly
  12. Thanks Ian
  13. Hi guys, I'm still buzzing over my last two lessons (this morning and yesterday afternoon), so I thought I'd share a little bit here as my missus and dogs are sick of hearing the same old story again and again! Yesterday was turning, and what a flight it turned out to be! Feeling the forces in differing degrees of bank was unreal, and then as we made our approach, my instructor talked me through the landing. He controlled the throttle, and made all the radio calls, and other than a few minor adjustments just above the runway I was able to put it down! What a rush! I honestly cannot put into words the feeling I had yesterday afternoon, actually my missus said she thought I was high on something I was talking so fast............. Then this morning the dreaded stalls lesson. I put myself into a bit of a panic last night thinking it over, but told myself there ain't nothing to it but to do it, so up we went, and I must admit I was fairly uneasy as my instructor demonstrated the stalls to me. So here I am thinking, lets get into it, because I am nervous as I can be, so lets get it done with. I have control............ After doing my first stall I realised that I was capable of recovering and that we were safe, and I relaxed 100% and enjoyed the rest of the lesson. It was a beautiful day for flying and I think I gained a lot of confidence in the concept of flight today, I was ignorant before I embarked on this journey about light aircraft and the more and more I understand about flight the more I enjoy and appreciate the experience of flight. I am in a privileged position to be able to undertake this training, and I hope I never lose the joy I feel doing this. Anyway, that was my (no doubt very regular) story, and I hope it helps anyone who may feel jaded in aviation at this point in time, stop and think back to when they first started learning to fly
  14. Awesome mate, I can't wait until I solo... How were you feeling? Before and after, I love reading about other student pilots, gives me so much to look forward to
  15. J170D is $190 an hour with instructor, not sure about private hire as I'm a long way off getting my certificate, but I think it may be $130 ph wet
  16. About two hours north of Roma building a gas pipeline up to Gladstone Hongie
  17. I wish I had started at 17, it was still a pipe dream back then, now 28 and have just started flying........... 4 hours so far in a Jab, and 24 hours a day dreaming about the next lesson Sitting here in Qantas Club about to head out for another 28 days at work, and already started a countdown! Going to be a very long swing this next month at this rate lol Stick with it mate, you're in a very good position to take it where you want to
  18. This is disgusting some people are absolute scumbags
  19. Not good
  20. That's amazing, great video
  21. Thanks for the welcomes guys!
  22. Hi all, Finally started lessons after years of dreaming and saying I was going to do it. My fiancée had enough of me talking about it and booked me a trial flight over Christmas. I managed to squeeze one more flight in before I flew back out for work, and now I'm counting down the days until I can head home and get up for a few more! I'm training at Bathurst, NSW, Australia and feel pretty fortunate to have found an instructor who makes me feel very comfortable in the learning environment. I was very nervous during the first flight but his calm and friendly approach made me give it another go and I absolutely loved the next flight! I've had an obsession with aircraft since I was a kid so it's amazing to be going through this experience, and to be honest, it's more than I expected............. Bluedog
  23. Thanks everyone!
  24. Hi, After years of saying I wanted to fly but being a bit afraid to learn, I finally bit the bullet and had a couple of lessons in a Jabiru over Christmas in Bathurst NSW. It was unbelievable, and now I can't wait to go up again. I work a 28 on/9 off roster so my opportunities to fly are limited but I plan on doing 2-4 lessons each time I come home from work, scheduled around other plans of course. I cannot get over the feeling I have for the next few days after flying so hopefully this is the start of a long and prosperous hobby! Bluedog
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