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About Roundsounds

  • Birthday 25/12/1961


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    Piper Cub
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  1. Just an acknowledgement would be ok
  2. Get around to it shortly? It’s not like they didn’t know the outcome, should’ve had something out to members the day the report was released. Says a lot about the culture of the place.
  3. It will be interesting to see what happens to the various office bearers over time. I’m not sure whether you’ve read the Coroner’s report? It seems some actions by office bearers were not in accordance with documented procedures. The issues of concern to the Coroner relate to action / (inaction?) once the question of validity of the pilot’s RPC came to light within the organisation.
  4. Your response simply reinforces my comments. You do not need to nor should judge / sense airspeed, particularly when below 100’ AGL, the effect of wind has resulted in many low level stalls by mistaking ground speed as airspeed. You need to know the appropriate attitudes and power settings for various configurations and phases of flight. If they are set the airspeed will follow, no judgement required. I have logged over 6500 hours of flight instruction in tandem seating aeroplanes without ready access to flight instruments. This taught me to rely on attitude and airspeed, which I had been taught but really only made sense when that’s all I had. Students would often look around and ask where my ASI, ALT, Tacho were hidden as I was able to fly so accurately - nothing to with any special skills, just because I was flying visually attitude and setting power by ear. Until you are actively taught these skills you won’t develop them. You should be setting the appropriate power and attitude for the phase of flight, allow them to take effect, trim, then check airspeed. I’ll guarantee your backup ASI uses a common pitot / static source, so will only display same invalid reading. Most errors are the caused by a fault in the pitot / static system.
  5. You’ve totalled missed the point! if you set the appropriate configuration and the appropriate attitude and power setting, airspeed will be correct - no need for an ASI. You’d be surprised as to the number of aeroplanes I’ve flown over the years with inaccurate ASIs. The typical problem being pin holes in the pitot or static lines.
  6. I agree with the excess of technology, not necessarily about the effect of age. The basic stick and rudder skills are best taught with minimal instrumentation. This forces trainees to rely on visual attitudes rather than a PFD. When I had my flying school we operated one basic trainer without a VSI, DI or AH, it was ideal for the initial training. You need to establish those basic skills, then build on them. i would not send a student solo until they could complete a circuit with the instrument panel covered. You can see attitudes, hear power settings and judge height way more reliably than expected if trained to do so.
  7. I wonder if it will be mandated that glider pilots operating in controlled airspace must hold a CASA medical?
  8. SSW is the correct description, 201 is based on the aerodrome reference point, to be a radial it would need to be based on the VOR. Maintaining effective situational awareness shouldn’t require “A quick tap” on anything.
  9. The article doesn’t mention the name of the company who manufactures the displays, it certainly isn’t Boeing.
  10. What a load of rubbish! The crew still had the ISFD, the lower screens and the FO screens. The title of this thread should be changed, there would not have been any hint of “terror”.
  11. Circuit height varies with aircraft performance, could be 1500’, 1000’ or 500’ AFE.
  12. We’ve recently fitted an ICOM A-25CE handheld to our J3, works really well. icom 25ce link
  13. We had our last annual done by a GA LAME maintenance outfit. A very simple machine without an electrical system and billed $5K for the exercise. The cost of GA maintenance far outweighs the benefits. Just give RAAus the same airspace privileges extended to the GFA, it’s not rocket science!
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