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Everything posted by dsam

  1. Thanks for that prompt feedback guys. Sounds good. It must be the cynical times we live in when a statement to the media sends me looking for something more sinister... I mustn't be so suspicious. That being said, there aren't many organisations these days that can lose that many staff (a big percentage too), and still carry on so well! That raises other questions... but then here I go getting suspicious again
  2. I'm inclined to agree with you, skippydiesel. I haven't voted for a major party for well over 15 years. Indeed, with our preferential voting system, I intentionally put major parties last on my ballot, to be strategic in preventing my preferences being distributed in any other way than the one I choose. I'm one of the few that regularly numbers all 80++ boxes below the line, on the senate ballot slip. Yes, I know.... I'm obsessive. I actually research candidates prior to casting my ballot. Two-party democracy as it is now practiced in the western world is, in my opinion, a broken distortion of its former self - damaged by powerful & wealthy vested interests pulling strings behind the scenes. Political parties of all persuasions are overly focused on polls, spin, and "wedging" the other party. Only voters can change this. Some independents are "just plain loopy", but quality independents tend to be more focused on policy that is in the best interests of their electorate - the core business of Parliament. Generally, the more that the big parties have to deal with quality independents, the better the legislation that eventually passes the senate. As for protest marches and waving placards (yes, I've done this in my time too) I'm inclined to feel it is rather pointless and wasteful of human energy that could be better deployed elsewhere in a campaign. Perhaps it is only useful at kicking-off an effective media campaign. These days, newspapers and broadcast television/radio don't have the huge impact they once did. Social media must also be included, particularly for the younger generation. Lastly, lets not forget going directly to the source. Perhaps I waste my energy, but I do send letters & e-mail to bureaucrats & parliamentarians at all three levels of government we have (yes, 3 is too many). Sometimes I get a form-letter response... sometimes better. Independents are always more responsive - and they give me the impression they've actually read my correspondence, even if they don't agree - fair enough IMHO. I certainly wrote to many officials regarding implementing all the Forsyth recommendations (incl. ASIC). OK, that's my rant... sorry for bending your ears
  3. RE: Announced Airservices layoffs & impact on ATC? Anyone care to comment on how badly this will impact on aviators? I'm sure it is awful for Airservices staff (particularly those about to lose their jobs), but lousy for staff that remain having to take up the shortfall. Spokesmen to the media insist there is no threat to ATC ops & safety.... but they would say that wouldn't they.... Anybody care to tell us the real story from an insider's perspective?
  4. I notice the latest release of OzRunways now includes the Windytv information within the app. Simply tap the "radar" icon and you have a choice to see the BoM radar display, or the Windytv information, which is especially well suited to aviators IMHO. I particularly like the way Windytv permits intuitive visualisation of winds aloft at various altitudes and positions along your intended track. Situational awareness is again enhanced... yes I am a big fan of modern technological aids to aviation planning & operations. I'm still playing around with Windytv to learn to customise options that suit me. If you register with Windytv, your options are stored in the cloud so they present across multiple devices in the way that suits you.
  5. RA-Aus have now emailed my complimentary Avalon trade-day ticket today... it will be my first time to attend during trade days, and not general public days. I'm going to enjoy the extra elbow-room amongst the exhibits!
  6. Jerry, I'm glad you caught my ironic humour from over there in the U.K. regarding CASA. I agree, bringing organisations together probably creates more troubles than it solves. Not a good plan... The "Peak Body" that might work would be more of a small semi-voluntary committee, sourced from a myriad of aviation groups. The sole purpose of the committee would be to focus on 4-6 annoying regulatory issues common or agreeable to all (eg. ASIC, developers Vs. airfield spaces, etc.). Their one task would be to persistently direct lobbying efforts to Parliamentarians, Councils, Regulators, media, etc. advocating for logical changes to the status-quo. As they would be seen to represent a broad range of the aviation community, their efforts might have more collective clout. ... well I am a self confessed idealist.... forever hopeful.
  7. Jerry, I think the only (currently existing) over-arching aviation body here would be CASA, and that would be the last place I'd go for help (or common sense)! Parliamentarians aren't much better, sadly... You are right though, some broadly based "peak-body" should be formed to lobby for this (and other) things. Indeed, there are other posts on this forum advocating for such a body to be formed.
  8. I agree. I wonder whether a combined effort/submission to parliament from RA-Aus, SAAA, AOPA etc. might be more effective than random disobedience?
  9. Does anybody know whether it was day, night, or sunset glare? That could explain a bit...
  10. RA-Aus was offering members (who registered for one) a free Trade Day ticket to Avalon, to be sent via e-mail after Feb. 14th. I haven't received mine yet... has anyone else got theirs?
  11. Hi Ian. I'm not sure what thread is most appropriate for this suggestion. As you've observed, your Recreational Flying forum has developed into a fine community of co-supportive aviators. Apparently, many were at the recent Lethbridge fly-in, but amongst the 70 or so people attending, I had no idea how to identify them. Same thing with Narromine, Temora, etc. etc. Perhaps if you devised a "Recreational Flying" website cap, or badge, or "branded" name-tag... we could spot one-another immediately & begin serious aviation chats (or continue where we left off "online"). Perhaps you already have this sort of thing in Clear Prop, but I haven't seen it. It could either be something people buy, or perhaps only for "First Class Member" contributors/donators, or perhaps included with purchases over $200...? Feel free to elevate this suggestion amongst other forum members to see what sort of take-up this suggestion has. Thanks Ian, Dave
  12. My 24 rego aircraft is fully CTA,CTR compliant. Indeed, I have legally been in CTA in my aircraft but I needed to have a PPL in the left seat, to meet CASA requirements that discriminate against RPC owners like myself. RA-Aus currently has a submission with CASA to establish a CTA/CTR pilot endorsement pathway wholly within RA-Aus (possibly approved by mid 2017 some have tipped) Until this is approved, I would otherwise be required to spend $$ in some random VH aircraft getting a CASA RPL, only to exercise CTA privileges back in my own aircraft!! This madness has been the case for some time, unfortunately.
  13. Note: There is advice to warn against filling the spring with silicone as it interferes with air cooling of the spring - a good bead along the sides does nicely. The safety wire should not be tight, either. It should be just loose enough to allow normal flexing of the spring. The safety wire ensures a broken spring stays with the aircraft, not dropping out of the sky doing random damage on its way to earth.
  14. My pet peeve is when the journalist can't differentiate between engine failure and a wing being "stalled". This happens typically after the journo interviews a knowledgeable aviator at the scene, and doesn't try to clarify the misunderstanding before reporting.
  15. Excess speed to height was my training too (including gliders). Trouble is, the surprise factor may take me a second or two to react. With a sudden stop of the engine my training will kick in. Gradual power loss... my instinct will probably see me checking for a reason, not suddenly climbing. I'm not saying that's the right reaction... just human nature.
  16. Mick, you do need to pick your day carefully. This time of year is fairly good. I've only done the crossing once each way - cloud kept me lower on the return journey. Others on this forum do the Tassie trip more frequently, so perhaps they are better qualified to comment. Melbourne weather being what it is, much can change north or south of the Kilmore gap, and that is my most frequent challenge. Sorry for the thread drift.... perhaps this needs a fresh thread...
  17. I've found AIP GEN 1.6 - 6, 4.3.1 It has a couple "hotline" phone numbers, but the context seems to be for "suspicious activity" reporting against possible terrorist related activities. I'm not sure that the local plod blundering onto a taxiway is categorised as a potential terror threat ...although it certainly does present a safety hazard, especially if their location and presence interferes with normal airfield operations.
  18. As for glide ratio, my Eurofox is 9:1. The Dynon Skyview displays a green calculated "glide ring" on the moving map display. It is offset for winds aloft, and elevated terrain. I expect it would make decision making much easier and quicker should the Rotax up front decide to quit. Crossing over to Tassie at 9500, it is a comfort to see a nice large glide ring extending over various ALA's especially around Flinders Island.
  19. Ok, I'm curious... what phone number in ERSA did you choose, or was it a random ploy...?
  20. Ok, I'll weigh in with comment here... I went there, and to be honest I couldn't care less whether there was a sausage, rissole, or just "eat cake"! Yes these things can be a bit of an unknown quantity to organise, and I'm not about to point a finger of blame about the hospitality - it was just fine as far as I was concerned - happy to go without (though I was early enough to get a snag). For me, I was glad to get a chance to attend, and ask a question (on progress within CASA of our CTA endorsement submission). If issues arose, I could keep appraised of who said what, and why. For my part, you can count me as more positive than negative about RA-Aus. I reserve my right to remain negative about CASA, but I'm not alone there, either. Suffice to say that I was glad to see the large turnout of aviators, and to see our RA-Aus operatives get out of Canberra and mix it with the membership. It could be a lot worse IMHO. For me, I just want to fly in my aircraft in the way I'd like to fly, and (despite CASA) most of the time I get a chance to do that without major hassles, thanks to RA-Aus. OK call me a positive optimist... ps: My first visit to Lethbridge... very impressed with the fuel station (3 pumps co-located incl. PULP) Must visit again!
  21. Congratulations Ian, and well done to those who've been positive, constructive, and informative! Aviators can only benefit from a sharing and supportive culture. Ian, thanks for this service to our flying community, and thanks to the moderators for your role in this.
  22. Nev, I certainly "read your stuff"... Despite my own "longish" experience, I find I can never stop learning about aviation - made much easier when hearing from experienced people such as yourself. Keep on posting Nev!
  23. Did the L1 exam today, with much success! Me...? procrastinate..?? Not much
  24. I find Dynon's wind direction & speed indications/calculations are quite helpful. Based on these winds, in real time, Dynon updates my "fuel-range" info on the display, as well as a wind-offset "glide circle" for engine failure. As you would expect, I can glide downwind further than upwind (and it allows for elevated terrain too!) Typically on a cross-country flight, I get the GRIB winds via OzRunways just prior to take off. Then on departure during climb-out, I make a note of actual wind (via Dynon) at each altitude interval. By the time I get to my intended altitude, I have my own "local" winds-aloft profile, and sometimes descend or climb again to a more favorable altitude-wind combination, where terrain and VMC permit. Gotta love technology for situational awareness, safety & efficiency!!
  25. Qualified agreement, Nobody. I suppose the "feel" I mentioned should have included the "seat of the pants" G forces, and/or cross-control attitudes. A 60 degree bank with no loss of altitude results in higher G forces and needs a fair bit of back-stick pressure - easily noticed without AoA display/alerts IMHO. I might also say when I'm landing, I give considerable attention to coordinated - shallow banked & descending turns, hitting accurate airspeed targets. My AoA never seems to talk to me - which is a good thing, I reckon!
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