Don, I'm inclined to agree about D.R. un-importance these days.
I'm an old dog who loves the new tricks (having happily given up the old methods, though the sextant + chronometer was never my friend).
I always fly with 2 iPads with OzRunways, 1 iPhone with OzRunways, 1 Dynon Skyview & autopilot linked to 2 independently powered GPS receivers, 1 SPOT tracker, and 1 GPS enabled PLB.
If some (unlikely) massive solar storm wiped out all Nav satellites, I'd know it right away, because all independent devices would stop tracking simultaneously. But at least I'd know exactly where I was when it happened, and still land at my intended airfield, since my maps remain available on multiple screens.
I love the situational awareness that comes from modern Nav devices, including the little ADS-B Pi receiver that links into my iPad with OzRunways to show other traffic.
Having real-time weather, traffic, glide range, QNH, frequencies, live restricted airspace info, nearest aerodrome, winds aloft, etc. all at my fingertips is very empowering. Cockpit workload is considerably reduced.
My eyes are allowed to remain mostly outside the cockpit, scanning for unreported traffic, or just enjoying the beautiful scenery.
Perhaps the dead reckoning exercise is a comforting nostalgic link with aviation's past, but like you, I'm happy to use the best tools at my disposal to ensure my safety, and the responsible enjoyment of flying in this vast, spectacular country.
Happy flying!