I have an iPad Air 2 (Telstra cellular) on a knee pad. I travel with an old iPad 2 (cellular) as a backup. Both run OzRunways, as does my iPhone 5. The Dynon Skyview runs my .gpx flight plans originating from OzRunways, along with their Hybrid VFR moving map display, input via USB.
In all, I get seamless agreement across all independent devices. I print off OzRunways maps covering my flight planned route, plus a little extra, but have never needed to use them, - such is the accuracy and reliability I have experienced over the last 4 years cross-country flying to some rather remote areas.
Of course the Telstra signal drops out occasionally in remote areas, but with all maps pre-loaded along with stored area-weather via NAIPS, I've always felt a strong sense of situational awareness.
I have assembled the portable adsPi (adsb-in) device, and that displays nearby traffic to watch out for, on the OzRunways display.
I've opted for the large screen iPad versions to minimise the difficulty of delicate zooming touches in turbulence. I have older eyes, so have non-polarised bifocal sunglasses to assist with the fine print on my kneeboard display.
Needless to say, I'm a big advocate of new technology, and redundant & complimentary independent EFB systems.
Happy flying!