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Everything posted by JimG

  1. Yes, the speed is amazing , and explains why the 'Galloping Ghost ' impact, when viewed in normal time , doesn't show the aircraft at all . Jim G
  2. It's on tonight 15/06/18 ...........looks like the promo is a day old JG
  3. Tomorrow night (sat 16/06/18 ) Channel 7 on the 6 O'clock news , should be good https://www.facebook.com/groups/165789403603009/permalink/928580110657264/ Jim G
  4. Thanks for posting this here F T , I saw it a couple of days ago on HBA . I really like this guys 'can do' attitude and his first creation was pretty impressive . cheers Jim G
  5. Yeah , you are on target tow operations , I need a moving target to dial in my gun sights Cheers Jim G
  6. Thanks Mike , my hangar share is at YCAB so when I am confident with its reliability and my flying I will apply to have the testing area extended to include Caboolture .I'll get big Cuz , Danny and Roger to fly escort when I bring it over, looking forward to it . Cheers Jim G
  7. I've done 4.5 hours total flying now and over Easter i will ( hopefully ) mount my dummy Lewis Machine gun . So I guess that'll be a good reason to do another little vid. Kev is still teaching , i will let him know your intentions. Cheers Jim G
  8. Thanks Pete , I had found those , my baffling is a mixture of that and cheating some Revmaster methods .I'm going to run it with a water manometer set up to measure the pressure drop between the across the heads etc. and see what i have got . cheers Jim G
  9. Canadian Graham Lee is the plans designer , he passed away a few years ago and his son Michael runs the website and sells the plans.cheers Jim G
  10. Thanks Pete , I am keen learn about successful VW cooling set ups. Cheers Jim G
  11. Not sure what the Noon patrol have done there . Can you refer me to a link or article please. cheers Jim G
  12. Great work Mark , Danny sent me a couple of youtube clips about 'balance beads', used in tyres , to understand how it all works . Amazingly simple once one understands the process. I don't think it can ever be perfect though, because of the ' hunting ' gearset used in the gearbox . That means any imbalance in the engine will be in a different place at the prop shaft every engine revolution . I suppose an extra Balancemaster mounted to the engine flywheel may take care of that . cheers Jim G
  13. Thanks Pete , the new prop may take a few rpm off it but i would still expect it to be 4K+ . The valve train and reciprocating components will do this easily ,even the inlet port doesn't reach peak velocity till mid 5K with the 458cc cylinders . The biggest challenge is dealing with the lack of cooling fin area. cheers JimG
  14. Hi Pete , the engine is doing 4700 rpm at full power climbing and at 4200 rpm I have about 62 knts in level flight. cheers Jim G
  15. Thanks All for those replies and well wishes...most appreciated. I'm very surprised at how well the Nieuport flies straight out of the box , although I must confess I had the benefit of years of experience and testing the guys in america have done . So I implemented most of the changes they had discovered and it all seems to tame it nicely. cheers Jim G
  16. Hey Pete , I was hoping no one would notice ! , I'm carving my own prop 80X47,not quite finished yet and was keen to get flying so I just put a Powerfin on .cheers JG
  17. Thanks FT , Kev is up to the covering and painting stage of his full scale DR1 .I will be helping with the engine set up . He hopes to start ground running the engine in the next few months cheers Jim G
  18. Over 4 long year since I purchased a partially plans built GL 7/8th scale Nieuport 11. Here is the first day of flying testing at Watts Bridge , QLD Cheers Jim G
  19. Seriously good work there Mark , I'll be over to check it out once you have it up and running . cheers Jim G
  20. Have you tried DMK Forest Products | Marine Plywood, Aircraft Ply, Structural Ply wood Suppliers JimG
  21. The sprag clutch is just for the starter motor , has no effect of the power transmission from the engine to the prop shaft. JimG
  22. This is the most recent Discussion Paper that I have and it is also closed. DP 0802OS - Mass increase for aeroplanes administered by Recreational Aviation Administration Organisations (RAAO) | Civil Aviation Safety Authority So if a weight increase in RAA is a current CASA project , I'm unable to find it . Jim G
  23. WHAT......... Bludging , I resemble that remark !
  24. Oh yeah........Beer ! Jim G
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