Would suggest operating that aircraft is a willing deviance from a regulation or at the very least a safe practice. This is absolutely not the case ! The Tech Dept response to this 'closed case' is contradictory . The report reads ' The small holes were stop drilled which is an acceptable practise. ' also '(that were not addressed with a replacement of the screen)' . The FACTS are this , when the aircraft was new and still under warranty very small cracks were noticed within days of taking delivery of the aircraft, the importer was notified , in a relatively short time the cracks had grown but still very small , again the importer was notified , advise was given and the L2 who does the regular service and maintenance of the fleet then stop drilled them IAW the current foxbat maintenance manual. there is no 'normalisation of deviance' going on here.
The Owner was never happy with this and even though the cracks had stabilized, the aircraft had a booking the very next day to have the windscreen replaced, but obvious a day too late .
ozbear , Dan is well aware of the facts and the report has been on the RAA website since a few days after the incident date 05/06/16.
Jim G