Hi Alan, good memory, I wish I had one of those.
Thanks to the members here and at HBA I received many photos of different set ups for the free air conversion, so I have a broad selection of ideas to consider. One idea was to scale up the genuine rotax ducts from their parts catalog. I found them quite by accident while browsing though the catalog and my immediate thought was hey I'll just buy them but with a price of just under 800 bucks each plus freight , I think not.
The Tyro is a constant source of distraction when i should be working on other things, I suppose it has something to do with my addiction to open cockpit flying. The fuse,pod,main wing and U/C are all but finished and I'm currently working on the 'all flying' tail. The Tyro has a reputation of being super pitch sensitive (so I've been told) so I'm going to mass balance the elevator and set up a anti-servo tab similar to Evan's Volksplane. I read with interest a couple of days ago what you had written about control surfaces and flutter, good stuff.