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Everything posted by JimG

  1. Isn't that great to watch, Doug I'd say your single word title describes this cool young girl perfectly.....! Great find JimG
  2. Good food, nice field, good weather and friendly people . A great way to spend the morning. Is everyone heading over to Watts next Saturday for their 'All in Fly in' , should be a good day also..! Cheers JimG
  3. Great work Mark, certainly sounds like a good way of really knowing your own transmission quality. Cheers JimG
  4. Yep , I have been following the HBA thread from almost day one . I've got to say your dedication and enthusiasm is certainly inspiring . I hope all goes well and you see it though cos I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. Close call with 'Thunder Engines', so glad you didn't sent him a deposit. I'm interested to see how the big valley twin goes although i think if it went for cowl considerations the BMW would have been beaut. All the best...! cheers JimG
  5. Now that looks better.......... JimG
  6. Thanks Bubbleboy, great site and a wonderful effort from Andrew Carter. JimG
  7. Hi Mark, I wouldn't mind coming along as your pax on the first couple of flights back if you'd like a pilot buddy to monitor and encourage, or make the coffee . Cheers JimG
  8. Love ya work Dougy................ JG
  9. JimG

    912 motor

    Ebay has shifted a few of them recently JimG
  10. Hi Dave, no not CFI yet and I don't know if I want that much responsibility anyway. Hoping to make SI later this year , I have enough hours but I need one more student to solo and pass the PPL theory exams. The year is still young and I have no specific goals so I'll just keep chipping away at it when I can. Otherwise all is well.......how about you..? Cheers JimG
  11. Is the New School RAA or GA or both..? JimG
  12. Or worse if you had to ditch it into water, I just don't know how you could possibly open a canopy that hinges from the front if you were upside down it the water. A mate who is on the RV forums a bit says that there is a couple of RV builders who have put escape hatches in the aft floor of the luggage compartment behind the seats to use in such an emergency. At the risk of starting the 'high wing low wing' debate I feel a lot safer in a high wing although I really do enjoy flying low wings. JimG
  13. So Nev/Alan/Pylon, in reading your posts above, is there a calculation or some way to determine what typical 'slip' would be for a given prop . What has always fascinated me is all the prop pitch calculators that i have found are just a mathematical computation that has no provision for slip. Thoughts please. JimG
  14. Well said, Gentreau, in my view what you have written sums the event up perfectly and I couldn't agree more..! Thanks for that post. JimG
  15. Gee Mark, your being a bit hard on Tomo here, I'm certain he would have only used his little hammer to get it apart. I dare not ask you your slant on 'engine reconditioners'.......... JimG
  16. Awesome Mark, having your mates drop in like that ....! I reckon your farm will be on my 'things to do list' in 2013. Cheers JimG
  17. Hi Zibi, could you give the contact details of the manufacturer as i have that system in my Terrier and I have erratic tacho readings so I'd like to ask them . cheers JimG
  18. Just a thought, When the amendment was passed at the last AGM to change the minimum requirement for members to request a non-scheduled General Meeting. Was there set out a maximum amount of time between receiving the request and having the meeting. I don't remember, but did it have a clause reading something like ' within X days of receiving the members notice the executive must run the meeting' ...? If there is no time limit set out then surely they would delay it as much as required to have a tactical advantage. JimG
  19. "It doesnt matter if it is a Rotax or something that Jan sourced or my GM holden...its an electronic device they do stop sometimes because of no fault of the owner" Is that right Mark, I had a radio like that once.................. JG
  20. Thanks Guys for the input about the Tyro pitch situation. I think that during the build stage it is much simpler to introduce systems than once its builds. So with this in mind here are my plans to tackle this. 1. is to ensure the that the C of G of the aircraft is always in the front half of the manufactures ranges in all load conditions. Nose heavy = pitch stability at the expense of elevator authority , but I'll keep it sensible. 2. Mass balance the elevator. 3. Install a anti-servo tab similar to the Evans Volksplane and have the push rod mount at the fuse end on an adjustable level controlled from the cockpit for trim adjustment. 4. Longer, better positioned control stick as mentioned above. Anyone see anything suspect or have any notes of caution would be welcomed as I'm very much a novice aircraft builder. Cheers JimG
  21. Hi Alan, good memory, I wish I had one of those. Thanks to the members here and at HBA I received many photos of different set ups for the free air conversion, so I have a broad selection of ideas to consider. One idea was to scale up the genuine rotax ducts from their parts catalog. I found them quite by accident while browsing though the catalog and my immediate thought was hey I'll just buy them but with a price of just under 800 bucks each plus freight , I think not. The Tyro is a constant source of distraction when i should be working on other things, I suppose it has something to do with my addiction to open cockpit flying. The fuse,pod,main wing and U/C are all but finished and I'm currently working on the 'all flying' tail. The Tyro has a reputation of being super pitch sensitive (so I've been told) so I'm going to mass balance the elevator and set up a anti-servo tab similar to Evan's Volksplane. I read with interest a couple of days ago what you had written about control surfaces and flutter, good stuff. cheers JimG
  22. Cheers Alan , I've been following your build on HBA , good work. JimG (current Drifter instructor......luv it.!)
  23. Try this Ebay seller, they currently offer bing carby seal kits at good prices. http://www.ebay.com/sch/wahooproducts2010/m.html?item=320625111138&pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&hash=item4aa6bef062&vxp=mtr&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 JimG
  24. Good idea with the rudder pedals Pete, the rudder bar in the other NP, whilst authentic, just feels awful. Was that an option in the plans or something you came up with..? JG
  25. JimG

    Drifter Pics

    I felt your pain each of those 3 years as I'd planned to fly over, in company with a couple of Drifter friends , in the school Drifter. we'll see whats happening around the 18th of Nov, keep us posted BP cheers JimG
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