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Everything posted by JimG

  1. Hi Dave, Crezzi ,a member here is the CFI of a Trike School in Caboolture. PM him for details JimG
  2. Yeah F T , I've done most of my training with Kev. Good Bloke for sure and never leaves you wondering what he really thinks..! JimG
  3. Go for it Darky, you will find it very rewarding...! I completed my FI rating last month and I'm a low time pilot of approx 220 hrs TT My CFI has been kind to me and given me 10 hrs of training students already and it has been extremely satisfying. One of the students I've taken from never flown before up to take offs and good medium turns and she is really enjoying it , so it is all great so far. All this from the back seat of a Drifter........it just can't be more fun than that..! cheers JimG
  4. I also watched Dick Smith on the tele tonight and I believe most of what he said is spot on . Once the Gov allowed free skys in Australia, the Australian international carrier struggles to compete with the overseas carriers because of the cost of labour. Simple as that, blame whoever you want , this is just the facts. JimG
  5. Good Plan, does the article mention or does anyone know what the PSRU they use with the LS-1 . JimG
  6. Thanks F T , Frank and Dave. Dave , yes I remember meeting you although i don't remember which briefing that was. The CFI always invites whoever was around at the time to sit in on my practise briefing , at one he had 6 other people, all experienced pilots, talk about pressure . The purpose i suppose is to get used to stage pressure ........great fun though..! All the best for your course , i hope you find it as fulfilling as i did. I 'll most likely see you around again as I'm going to be helping out with Drifter students , who knows , probably sit in on your briefings too. cheers JimG
  7. Hi Bones, thanks for the tips , I'm keen to get on with some real flight training and i do hope that becoming a better , more accurate pilot will be the side effect/benifit of instructing. Cheers JimG
  8. Thanks All for those replies and well wishes...most appreciated Facthunter, you are absolutely correct, my CFI ( ag Pilot ) has shown me plenty of those rabbits and I've had to find a couple myself . His favourite saying "if any doubt, thats your answer, don't do it" identifying the doubt is the no. 1 thing for me! Retired Racer , yeap as always ,keen to get started too. Guernsey, in the RAA Ops manual , as an RAA pilot and not qualified in instructing in other types (like sail plane ) the minimum experience is to have 75 hrs PIC and have a PAX , X/country ,and Radio endorsements, with other basic requirements. cheers JimG
  9. Well if anyone had asked me in feb 2008 after my first solo in a Drifter if one day I'd be the Instructor and not the student, I'm sure i would have just laughed. What have I done..... It all started in March this year when I made a choice between PPL or RAA instructor rating . The Instructor course won for a few reason but mainly I had a sense that the challenge and responsibility of teaching someone how to fly an aeroplane would be very rewarding...! So after 7 months , 20.7 hrs of fairly intense flying training and 32 hrs of briefing (lots more really) lots of study and an exam , I can finally say I'm done. What to do now, here's the plan and it's not a secret, I'll be knocking on all the doors of FTF's in my corner of the world to hopefully get some hours to remain current and build on this experience. Cheers JimG
  10. I've been taught as most I have meet have also ,that the recovery from a practised stall must be completed by no lower than 1500 ft AGL. I accept this is the rule however a brief look into the manuals and I can't find where that rule is written. Can anyone point me to the right place to find that.? cheers JimG
  11. Hi Ross, I don't have a complete wing to sell but I do have a blank set of ribs and a router jig that i would like to sell one day. PM me if you'd like more info. cheers Jim
  12. Your wecome Paul, the modual is P/N BIM076 from repco and the distributor you will need for the reluctor is from and mitsubishi pajero '83 to '93 or mitsubishi nimbus '84 to '92 . i swapped out the with points cam assembly with the mitsubishi assemble and just had to make a little spacer or some thing. My suggestion would be to set up your mechanical advance to have 6 deg of movement (distributor that is not crank) . your can do this yourself with a degree wheel or find an auto elect shop that still has a distributor graph and knows how to use it. then when back in the engine rev to say 4000rpm and set your timing to 28 deg (absolutely no more ) and this will give you an idle advance of 16 deg which will be smooth and wont kick back on the starter when cranking. There has been a lot of experts write all sorts of timing requirements for these motors and I can tell you from my own experience (4 months playing on my own dyno)that they don't make any more power with more than 28deg regardless of compression ratio or camshaft. the coil joiners can be bought though performance wholesale, rocket ind or someone like that. good luck with all this if you need more info I'm happy to help cheers Jim
  13. Paul if you go to the Yahoo group 'flysoob' in the attachment section there is a full drawing and details of how to made your own base plate to accept 2 trigger moduals therefor giving you dual ignition . this drives 2 coils that goes to a coil joiner (large diode block) by mallory or msd that has one lead from it to your stock dissy cap. I have this set up on my suby ea81 and it works great . the trigger moduals are from local popular cars (pajeros and hyundia i think) and have an after market part number making them available though your local repco,autopro etc. PM me if you can't find it and I'll send you the link. regards Jim
  14. Welcome Dazza, it is great to see familiar user names on this site. I was looking forward to meeting all you guys at Boonah last month. For the 3rd year in a row there was a bunch of us booked to fly Drifters down from Lynfield (Kev Walters strip ) but alas history now shows the event (Drifter Flyin) was unable to attend due weather......3rd year straight. Anyway as M C just mentioned the rag and tube Flyin at heckfield on the 23rd will be a good one to go to. I'll be taking the Sierra from caboolture and heading down. If its a nice day we'll fly down over the Islands, now that's a great flight, then drop in and say G'day to the friendly bunch at Dunwich on the way home. Cheers Jim
  15. Great photos, Guys. My Dad and I had a great day, even my wet shoes and socks didn't dampen our enjoyment. Had a couple of 'firsts', one was to see the Roulettes perform for the first time and i really must say their low level formation performance was absolutely breath taking with precision like I've never seen. Second was finally meeting the famous 'Tomo', such an enthusiastic young fellow with obvious talent and commitment, was a pleasure. On a sad note though, when i was about 5nm from Ycab on route to Dalby I heard the 'pan,pan,pan' call from a Gryro pilot (also on route to Dalby) who said he was having control problem and was returning to the field. Two pilots on the ground responded offering any assistance and adviced they will keep all runways clear. I pressed on believing the situation was being looked after, but unfortunately the pilot didn't make it back to the field and clipped a tree trying to put down in a paddock causing a hard landing and injuries. I'm told help didn't take long to arrive, a farmer on a motorbike saw the landing and was on site fairly quickly. See other thread. Safe Landings Jim
  16. Hi there, i'm chasing a second hand mounting tray for KT78A transponder. If someone can point me in the right direction or has one to sell . I'd appreciate that. cheers JimGi
  17. Clecos at caboolture Ralph at ASAP AC supplies has plenty of clecos. I have bought all mine off him. He is in the same building as the Beauford restoration. JimG
  18. Hi Tomo, you need a mate who is keen to do the endorsement with you and two instructors that have the FF endorsement. The ac have to be similar type and speed , and preferably both high or low wing. Myself and two other guys from our flying school got together in the first half of this year and did the training with Kev Walters near Gatton. Our group did a total of 16.5 hours training to see us all pass the flight test. We flew a tecnam sierra and a sportstar from the school and since we have hired another tecnam from caboolture to fly some 3 plane formation sortees. It very challenging to get it right but the end result is pretty exciting and extremely rewarding. So far we've got together and flew 3 plane formation circuits and landing at the Gatton flyin in may and the Caboolture open day in august this year. That really was a blast! If you wanted to come over to Gatton (on the weekend when Oakey is not active) I'm sure that myself or one of other guys could arrange to fly with who. PM me if you want more info. Cheers Jim:thumb_up:
  19. Good one Tomo, I haven't quite worked out why, but there is something about Drifter flying that is very addictive. I should fill up the schools Drifter and come over to check it all out in person.......sounds like a one day plan..! Keep the good work :big_grin: JimG
  20. JimG

    Sportstar Brakes

    Thanks Maj, great advice and very well explained, I'll give that a go.:thumb_up: JimG
  21. JimG

    Sportstar Brakes

    Just looking for opinions on brake bleeding proceedures for the Sportstar with dual toe brakes. Anyone got any experience or good tips on do's and don'ts. Thanks JimG
  22. Found this good looking 2 seat side by side low wing tail dragger with retractable main gear. It's a plan build aircraft in either all wood or all metal. Has anyone heard of or seen any of these AC here in australia. Just curious, the specs are reasonably impressive and with a 912s they are RAA registerable. Anyone out there know....? JimG
  23. Hey Wags , so how did the day go last sunday. Did the club have plenty of pilots get envolved. Fill us in with all the details and who lifted the trophy. JimG
  24. Here is what I know....NEVER fly below the level of ridge to ridge or into valleys without doing a full inspection for power lines. JimG BTW, passed my LL flight test yesterday :thumb_up:
  25. Was meant to be doing some more LL training today but the Boss has cancelled due to the wind and dust. Your excactly right HEON , it is the knowledge and skill to hopefully handle the situation if forced to very LL in an emergency like engine failure or low ceiling etc ( HF, I know ). The lessons learnt like the amount of control deflection coming out of a steep turn in particular top rudder and the scalding you get if foolishly/instinctively try to use the rudder to tighten the turn, Oouch...! I read somewhere (I think it was in Stick and Rudder) that a pilot panicing using the rudder to try to tighter the last turn to a paddock or better paddock was 70% of the cause of spinning in from LL. So to have all those things co ordinated automatically in your mind is what may save me. Cause i can tell you for sure if you use bottom rudder and heave on the stick to come out of a steep turn the plane rolls over the bottom wing almost instantly, a demonstation only done at altitude with no traffic around..! The lessons are probably taught in a military style but I like that cause it really etches into my mind all the important not negotiable aspect of flying the plane, situational awareness and what not to do at LL. Also its all about growing as a pilot, my logic is if I do nothing other than social flying the skills i learnt to pass my certificate would slowly deminish until I have a quick tune up before any BFR. So for the sport and pleasure of challenges I'm working my way though the various endorsements of interest. Earlier this year myself and two other enthusiastic young pilots spent 16.2 hrs collectively doing the Formation Flying endo and gee the was a great challenge and hugely rewarding and once finished Low Level i'll go on to Advanced Pilot and maybe work on an instructor rating , we'll see. It's trying to be confident and not cocky, I still remember shortly after getting my wings being nervous about being in the circuit and hearing on the radio someone joining xwind .:) Fly Safe everyone JimG
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