Hi spotty dog here
I have just bought a lithium battery for my 912 and one for my bike a suzuki gsxf 750, all the other betteries were just too heavy , I had odyssey betteries before and swear by them but when it came to the plane an odyessy was 4.5 kg and the li motorcell was 1 kg, when I saw it I thought it was a plastic on counter advertising unit but NO it was real . I tried the the battery in the bike first , always needed choke , this little battery the size of two packets of fags ( no I'm not a smoker ) but turns the engine over so fast I never use choke now. I am in the process of building so the wiring is at the final stage of completion and I fitted a prop just to wind the engine over and prime the lubrication system, ,it turns the engine over just as good as the odyssey if not better with 340 caa, will recharge in ( 6 minutes from flat to 90% and will do this 2000 time / cycles and has a two year warranty for $100 less than a odyssey which gave me zero warranty on my last one what threw the towel in at less than 200 hours less than one year. They are guaranteed against fire, what more can I say , I'm happy . Ian