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About RocketShip

  • Birthday 01/10/1957


  • Aircraft
    Cessna 150
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  1. Totally agree. A Rotax 915 or 916 in the 230 Airframe. That would be the best, and like you say they would sell very well. I don't understand why it isn't offered.
  2. I totally agree. I emailed them twice about how bad the magazine is. I even mentioned about cheaper membership to not have the magazine supplied. Never heard from them. Sometimes I buy the Australian flying magazine. It is in a format like the old RAA magazine used to be. The one now, is all shiny glossy crap.
  3. Being in the US why not go for a Zenith? They seem to be very impressive to me.
  4. It is all on YouTube, well worth the watch.
  5. I have found the trim on the Tecnam came sometimes get mistaken for the push to talk button. If you have flown another aircraft with the PTT button in the same place as the Trim button on the Tecnam you can mistakenly press the Trim button thinking you are pressing the PTT button when making a radio call. Especially when new to this type of Trim control, or haven't flown for awhile.When it happens it takes you by suprise and there is the delay for your brain to work it out. By then you have a very nose down attitude and you are fighting with the control column to keep the nose up. Someone with less experience could get into trouble. It is something you will only do once. It gives you a bit of a fright. Have never been a fan of Trim buttons on top of the control column.
  6. RocketShip

    Corby Starlet

    Where abouts is the Corby Starlet?
  7. Could not agree more, turns you off the forum.
  8. I already have a Class 2 Medical and needed to get a Medical for an MR Licence. No, the Class 2 won't work, had to get a Drivers Medical. Oh, and I need a DA, Drivers Authority so I can drive people around. I have an ASIC's card, you guessed it, that doesn't work either. So back into the pocket for more money. I'm losing interest fast.
  9. My thoughts exactly. J230 with the Rotax 912ULS, also as you suggest the 914/915. Would be the best touring aircraft around, for me anyway.
  10. At the very least, they have to offer a Rotax as an option.
  11. Yep, fit a Rotax and fine tune the aircraft and they will sell. That's for sure. Have been thinking this for awhile. Someone needs to buy Jabiru and go on with it. I sure hope this is what happens.
  12. I fly in the area and both are RAA friendly. Gympie does have a Landing Fee, I think $20? Caloundra and Gympie both don't have taxiways. You have to backtrack on the runway centre line. It's never an issue, just wait until you have sufficient time and do a call saying you are backtracking and the runway you will use. Caloundra is close to the town itself and Gympie is a bit south of the town. There are places not far from Gympie if you are after food.
  13. Does anyone have any info for Cambooya Airfield just to the south of Toowoomba? Friend is looking to stop there for work reasons. I have had a good look and can't find to much. Nothing on OR or Queensland Country Airfields.
  14. Also the rear window on the Cessna 140 is different to the Luscombe.
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