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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Jeff Kennet sold the whole lot off anyhow so we lost control at that point. . Nev VicGrid was established by the State Govt.in 2021 and has the responsibility of modernising and maintaining the States electricity grid….Bob
  2. “you're a sick lot.”….. Straight from the horses mouth !!
  3. Can’t see any Rego. Numbers on the Jab…hmmm.
  4. It might have just been l.a.m.e.
  5. G’day Chaz , the holes face forward to give a slight +be pressure to the tank …..Bob
  6. Yes, an interesting one Frank . The surrounds look fairly dry . One would expect with a wing ripped off and damaged fuselage, there may be up to 60 litres or more laying around somewhere….. Bob
  7. I’ll have the one with sunglasses and hat looking skyward…..Bob
  8. I too installed a Navman Fuel Flow monitor in my Jabiru, which has performed without fault for 14 years now. I was so impressed with its reliability and accuracy that I purchased another ,” just in case “, when I heard that the manufacture was being discontinued. It is still in its sealed container in the garage. The only minor issue is that it tends to give unreliable readings when the electric pump is operating, and takes about 5 minutes to “recalibrate” after the pump is shut down…. Bob
  9. First light at Porepunkah 4/1/23 … 5.29 AM….. Bob
  10. Pumped Hydro came into fashion in 50’s when the then, base load power, came from coal fired power plants with limited turndown. The electricity authorities offered extremely low tariffs to consumers to soak up the excess generation available. Even in the early 90’s, homes using off-peak electricity were paying as low as 2c/kWh compared to around 25 cents or more today. This cheap ‘surplus’ generation was utilised to pump water back into the high level dams in readiness for future peak demand. During those early times the peak demand in Victoria was around 3500MW and increasing due to post war industrialisation, with the majority of the generation supplied by the large Brown Coal power plants in the Latrobe Valley. These days the Eastern States, with Tasmania, form an interconnected grid of some 25,000 MW. The mix of modern power plants together with better load forecasting allow more precise system control, negating the need to offer off-peak power at, or below, cost. Snowy 2 may well fill the shortfall in generation, but only time will indicate whether the economics stack up….Bob
  11. Reported as a Bell Jetranger 206.
  12. I’ve been running those Trelleborg T510’s, mains and nose wheel, for about 10 years now on the Jab 160. Never had a problem, but always replace the tube with a new tyre …. Bob
  13. Pilots Operating Handbook I guess …. Bob
  14. Both my Lightspeed control units have experienced that “ stickiness” . A rag with methylated spirits will remove it.....Bob
  15. It’s a social event . No politics. You’d be very welcome ARO ..... Bob
  16. “Flying some of our high country, this morning...We`ve only had a couple of weeks without rain and already the dust and smoke is in the air.” Yeah, good one Frank. Even got the tick from the girl. I used to get ‘those’ too 😥. Regards to Fran...... Bob
  17. ‘Psychology Today’ (Paraphased) Narcissistic personality disorder exists on a spectrum the more severe pole of which is sociopathy or what I have previously termed psychopathic narcissism—is one of the more popular and predominant diagnoses attributed to Donald Trump by mental health professionals in the book, and by others who have observed his behavior both before and during his presidency. What makes the narcissistic personality so irresistibly attractive to certain people? What renders some individuals especially susceptible to the narcissist's considerable charms? And why do those who fall under the narcissist's spell, support whatever he or she says or does without question? Pathological or malignant narcissism is something that manifests by a matter of degree, ranging from the relatively harmless narcissism of self-absorption and self-aggrandisation to the extreme toxic narcissism of the predatory psychopathic narcissist. Narcissists, who not unlike psychopaths or sociopaths, know how to effectively manipulate people through flattery, lying, conning, and deception, can be legendarily charming, making them highly attractive to adoring others. Narcissists desperately need such adulation from others, and go to great lengths to incessantly seek such "narcissistic supplies." And those that actively adore them, fulfilling and feeding the narcissist's insatiable appetite for attention and adulation, need the narcissist as much as the narcissist needs them. It is a symbiotic relationship...... Bob article continues afte
  18. Remember his con. to the US electors that “Mexico would pay for “the wall” “. The Mexican President said “No“ and that was that !! .....Bob
  19. This is my limited panel as a VFR pilot. No transponder or AH. Have flown to the top end several times with many shorter trips in between ( Bundaberg etc.) from coastal Victoria. Always had ample time and avoided marginal weather......... Bob .
  20. F10, there’s a guy to the North of you near Glenmaggie with a Motorfalke . He occasionally does ccts. at YBNS. ..... Bob
  21. Those open slotted hose clamps sure do damage hoses, particularly if overtightened. These were apparently on a motor vehicle, but have no place on an aircraft engine..... Bob
  22. Airtourer Association visiting Bairnsdale Aero Club this weekend and using the club rooms for their AGM etc. Flew to Marlo (YORB ) this morning into a 40 km/hr Easterly. Have just flown over the house going very fast, with 44G50 km/hr up their tails ..... Bob
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  23. No T88 , both Kaz and Auster live here now ! ...... Bob
  24. VH-BYM pictured at DJANDBOO Field, located just inside East Sale 20NM ARP to the North of Maffra. (With others from Bairnsdale Aero Club.)
  25. Yeah , not too shabby at all Frank. .... Bob
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