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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Or .... 'Absolutely' ...... Bob
  2. What about ... ' it's like' .... that really annoys me ..... Bob
  3. Another thing I have noticed is more people starting their response with 'so' ....Bob
  4. On second thoughts , he's probably 'overqualified' ..... Bob
  5. Nice to catch up with you mate and glad to hear you got home safely .... Bob
  6. My information was gained in discussion with the Jab people at Narromine yesterday and during those discussions I was advised that they(Jabiru) were sourcing machined parts for their current engines elsewhere other than in Bundaberg. I accepted that on face value without question nor did I discuss the recent Camit issue with them, and know no more about that, than what is on these forums . If the rumours are in fact correct , then it's a sad day for us all, but perhaps not entirely unexpected ..... Bob
  7. Agree .... Bob
  8. They are sourcing their parts elsewhere ...... Bob
  9. My understanding at this time, is that the head/barrel assembly will be available to be purchased as one item only , ie. not available separately or considered separately as 'serviceable items' .... Bob
  10. I think they may be a little cheaper due to the castings being done overseas and then machined at the Jabiru factory , effectively cutting out the middle man ..... Bob
  11. Yes that's my understanding also , ie to get the 2200 finalised soon, followed by the 3300 in the new year ....Bob
  12. Mark , the engine is still undergoing final testing and, my understanding is that it will be considered as a mod. to the existing certified engine. Ie. Same bore and stroke as existing 2200 .... Bob
  13. New Jabiru 2210 .... Bob
  14. Yes they do.... Bob
  15. Distant shots , but may give you some idea ..... Bob
  16. Just been talking to Old Koreelah .... Bob
  17. Weather here , Narromine ..... 25* , wind WNW 15g17 ...... Bob
  18. At YBNS now .... Mod/Sev turb blw 5000 . 30015G32K ..... Bob
  19. Here's the whole notice Jet ! .... Bob An update on Oz-Kosh The organisers of Oz-Kosh wish to advise all members and patrons of the following change to air display times. The air display scheduled on Saturday will now commence at 11:30am instead of 10:00am. Conclusion of the display will still be at 1:00pm. The start of the display has been delayed due to the popularity of this year's event and the organisers wanting to allow for additional time for members to arrive on Saturday morning. We are expecting almost 200 arrivals on Saturday morning, it will certainly be a spectacle. With so many people flying in, you may experience more traffic than you are used to. It will be important that you remember to listen to the radio, keep an active lookout, and maintain situational awareness. Pilots flying in are also encouraged to put in place reminders to cancel their SARTIME.
  20. Well 'Jetjr ' did offer his hangar ( post #23 )..... Bob
  21. biggles

    Flywheel bolts

    Jabiru service bulletin (JSB 012-3) June 2016 covers flywheel issues ..... Bob
  22. Ben Morgan addressed members and interested parties at Bairnsdale (YBNS) today . He is an enthusiastic and inspirational speaker and I wish him well . A team from Hawker Pacific also flew their incredible new Diamond DA62, a twin MB diesel engine aircraft that sets an entirely new standard in general aviation performance and comfort, although at around $1.7M a little out of our league ....... Bob
  23. CAAP 166-1(3) Departing the circuit area 6.4.1. Aircraft should depart the aerodrome circuit area by extending one of the standard circuit legs or climbing to depart overhead. However, the aircraft should not execute a turn to fly against the circuit direction unless the aircraft is well outside the circuit area and no traffic conflict exists. This will normally be at least 3 NM from the departure end of the runway, but may be less for aircraft with high climb performance. In all cases, the distance should be based on the pilot’s awareness of traffic and the ability of the aircraft to climb above and clear of the circuit area...... Bob
  24. Well done Franco , you're another living legend ! Seem to recall Alison was 'expecting' last time we saw her . What a lovely 4 y.o. Brooklyn is .... Bob
  25. Yep , he's a living legend ! ..... Bob
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