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Everything posted by biggles

  1. The ATSB is investigating a fatal aircraft accident involving a Jabiru J170, registration 24-5215, at Yarram Airfield, Victoria at 15.44 EST Wednesday 7 September. It was reported that the aircraft collided with terrain after conducting circuits. The ATSB has deployed three investigators to the site. They are specialists in aircraft engineering, human factors and aviation analysis. The team is expected to arrive later today and will remain at the site for up to three days. As part of the on-site investigation, the team will: examine the aircraft wreckage and site talk to any witnesses collect and review aircraft and pilot documentation examine weather conditions at the time of the accident. ( ATSB Investigation Number AO-216-112)
  2. Jabiru Service Bulletin 029-2, para 5.3, issued July 2015 ...... Bob
  3. I recall reading it somewhere , I'll see if I can locate it ..... Bob
  4. Yes , Yarram is only a few hours from here but Darren is doing it, so I can relax ! I recall that the 206 had a good name, and its presence in that huge hangar will certainly add to the mix . We often talk ,with a little envy I might add , about that tremendous setup you have there ..... Bob
  5. The addition of that large ventral fin caused some J170's to operate , depending on loading pattern , toward their rear C of G , which would account for any 'mushiness' . Not suggesting that this in any way contributed to the accident. And, just as we were doing so well ! ..... Bob. G' day Aldo
  6. Thanks for that Red. Two very lucky people . Accident occurred on Sept 4 , cheers ..... Bob
  7. "Walked away", "minor injuries " ... Is that right ? .... Bob
  8. TP with regard to (b) , I think it's a typo and you mean " not to enter IMC" ...... Bob.
  9. You're a legend Tim:victory: ..... Bob
  10. It should also have contained a ballot paper and reply paid envelope , as indicated in their email to members of 3rd. August ......Bob
  11. Flight to Marlo today .Looking down on the entrance at Lakes Entrance with the fishing/tourist town on the left. Looking for migrating humpback whales in Bass Strait, with Marlo a further 40nm East. ...... Bob
  12. Yeah , a transit lane through ESX would make life much easier, and safer, for RAAus pilots .... Bob
  13. Good response Alf . Unfortunately we had something else on, but are going tomorrow and should be there around noon . Looks like the weather will hold . Hope you left us some tea bags and a few bikkies .... Bob
  14. Leave it there Geoff , might be worth big money one day . You know, like a 'curio' , 'work of art' or something .... Bob
  15. Another applicant for a position on the RAAus board ? .... Bob
  16. For Sale - Current configuration zero timed reconditioned engines. Contact Jabiru Aircraft. 2200's for $12,500.00 inc gst 3300's for $16,500.00 inc gst
  17. Both could be looking for a job soon . May also be interested in a position on RAAus board if they're quick , their experience would be hard to beat ......... " Yep, I've done a wheels up on a B777 , beat that you blokes " .... Bob
  18. Hmm, sounds like a bit of a distraction Fred . Might be OK fooling around with these things in an Aerochute but trying to sought out these , and other issues at 100 knots , which many aircraft here do, has me a bit concerned . The same goes for all the other info.available to us on glass panels , IPads etc. Many of our (RAAus) aircraft instrument panels mimic those found in commercial aircraft . OK I suppose , if flying IFR at 30,000' and someone else to lookout, but at 100+ knots we cover a lot of ground very quickly . I remember seeing a small white dot during a scan and thought it was a stationary object on the ground . A few seconds later that 'white object' was beside me . Two Jabs with a closing speed of around 220knots (400+ kph) Have to say that I also use Ozrunways but are very much aware of the consequences of 'taking your eye off the ball' . I flew with a chap to Moorabbin a few years ago who spent most of the time trying to sort out the old avionics . I wondered who in fact was flying the aircraft . Maybe I'm just getting too old .... No, I am too old , then again maybe it's the reason I'm old ! As I said Fred ,no reflection on you , in fact I have often looked at the chute launched across the water from me and thought, maybe that's really what I should be doing ...... Bob
  19. About 1.3 hours flying time East Kaz . Wouldn't be the first time I have been turned back due to fog/cloud and been back home for 'breakfast' . These days I tend to rely on advice from the Met boys as well as weather cams in the area . I am aware of the Glenburn alternative .... Bob
  20. Good to see that you got home safely today young fella !
  21. Seb , CHT's of 170 are a little too hot . Better if you can get them down to 140 or so . Do you have the thermocouple under the spark plug , or in the drilled hole between the plugs . Some T/c's under the spark plug can leak hot gas if not properly seated ,giving an incorrect reading . A portable thermal measuring device ( laser) can also be used to verify the MGL , simply a matter of removing the upper cowl after shutdown" and pointing beam at the individual heads .The CHT difference you have between 1 and 2 is not uncommon and mine is similar , although much lower . Interestingly the EGT's on 2 and 4 are also correspondingly high . Life was much simpler in the olden days, before we had access to digital monitoring systems giving us much greater accuracy ,compared to 'near enough' parallax error with the old analogue gauges, however I would be thinking maybe a few simple things for a start, such as replacing spark plugs and setting at .023" , ensuring correct fuel flow of around 16 l/hr at 2900 , running on Avgas , replacing air filter element if not recently done ,particularly if used in dusty environment ,and of course a leakdown check may also tell us something . EGT's can also be affected by simple things such as the positioning of the T/C 's from the exhaust stack , pipe bends etc. Oscar has done much work on these issues may care to comment also , good luck ! ..... Bob
  22. Seb , what sort of CHT temps are you getting , and EGT if known .... Bob
  23. This thread is 5 years old !
  24. Seb ,opening up the air entry may improve temps, but extending the lip on the lower cowl of those earlier Jabs has been successful in lowering CHT's also .... Bob .
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