Seb , CHT's of 170 are a little too hot . Better if you can get them down to 140 or so . Do you have the thermocouple under the spark plug , or in the drilled hole between the plugs . Some T/c's under the spark plug can leak hot gas if not properly seated ,giving an incorrect reading . A portable thermal measuring device ( laser) can also be used to verify the MGL , simply a matter of removing the upper cowl after shutdown" and pointing beam at the individual heads .The CHT difference you have between 1 and 2 is not uncommon and mine is similar , although much lower . Interestingly the EGT's on 2 and 4 are also correspondingly high . Life was much simpler in the olden days, before we had access to digital monitoring systems giving us much greater accuracy ,compared to 'near enough' parallax error with the old analogue gauges, however I would be thinking maybe a few simple things for a start, such as replacing spark plugs and setting at .023" , ensuring correct fuel flow of around 16 l/hr at 2900 , running on Avgas , replacing air filter element if not recently done ,particularly if used in dusty environment ,and of course a leakdown check may also tell us something . EGT's can also be affected by simple things such as the positioning of the T/C 's from the exhaust stack , pipe bends etc. Oscar has done much work on these issues may care to comment also , good luck ! ..... Bob