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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Thanks once again KGW, it's probably just an IPad thing . It has no ctrl A or C . Although have heard some say it works . I'll work it out somehow ..... Bob
  2. Thanks for that KGW , but if I follow the suggested steps in the Resource section for the Plain English Converter for eg. Area Briefing , I seem to get nowhere . I must be overlooking something simple ...... Bob
  3. And to make the travelling public feel safe !
  4. Can't seem to get it work on my IPad , any thoughts ..... Bob
  5. When I did my endorsement years ago it was not just whether I could transmit correctly ,but also be able to interpret correctly ,what I was in fact hearing . It takes some time to be proficient in the operation of the radio but that improves with time . If he had had no instruction and supervision in its use , one would ask is he 'up to scratch ' . One also wonders if he has a radio ,why on earth wouldn't he legalise its installation/operation . What is his problem ? ..... Bob
  6. The issue of 'getting back' should not be underestimated . It happened to me at Longreach a few years ago. Had a coffee with one of the local chopper pilots(outside the fence) and later asked him for gate code . He said he feared repercussions if he told me , telling me I must ring the authorised officer , who it seems had instilled fear into local operators for trying to usurp his authority . Chopper pilot studied the current ASIC around my neck, but still no go . If I had had no current card, I suspect I would be still waiting to get back in today . There are dangers in assuming that what works one day , will work the next . All it needs is for you to be in the wrong place, when someone else is having a bad day . Most here ,including me ,find the system abhorrent, but paying the $200 is better than the $5000 fine . One day , someone will be made an example of ,particularly if it finally dawns on them, that many are not 'legal' . I would also be careful about relying on small excerpts of relevant legislation , together with your interpretation about the meaning, for example , of a particular word . There is much reading on this matter in Comlaw, if you have the time and energy, but there is no doubt what the intention of the legislation is . Caveat Emptor ..... Bob
  7. Longreach , Emerald, Cunnamulla, Hughenden and Charleville also require an ASIC , there may be others .... Bob .
  8. The main benefits of ASIC for me is ( in order of importance ) .... convenient refuelling( Avgas ) , toilets , food if available , and security if leaving aircraft overnight , accomodation . If using Mogas you will find some inconveniences . ( refusal to carry fuel etc. ) Without knowing your aircraft /endurance etc. difficult to advise ,but in general terms other issues ,weather , airspace etc. are the same for all of us ..... Bob
  9. ' Airfield Reporting Officer ' ie. the person responsible for ensuring the airfield including navigational aids is operating as required ..... Bob
  10. Not good enough .... Get the ARO to fix it ! ....... Bob
  11. That "low time pilot " should not be anywhere with a radio ( borrowed or not ) without an authority to use it , particularly where the carriage of an operational radio is mandated ....Bob
  12. If people 'borrow' radios , as some on here suggest , the question regarding licensing and operating proficiency arises . As it is ,many transmissions leave a lot to be desired from both regular operators , and others that I assume are licensed . A person who is an irregular operator may only cause further confusion . They may also be unlicensed . Radio use is currently mandated at both certified and registered airstrips due to the traffic mix/density and ,from my experience , the traffic both in and outbound to these flyins can be even more demanding ..... Bob
  13. Pip Borrmans father Ted was killed in a Tiger Moth crash in Victoria in 1976. .... Bob
  14. Nah , no go Frank ...... Bob
  15. Agree Oscar, but then like yourself, makes time to document the more complex aspects of the build into a mini Engineering Design and Fabrication Report. We certainly have some very capable people on this site ..... Bob
  16. You're doing your bit Bill . We'd be in trouble without people like you , getting out of bed at 4 o'clock on a winters morning , just to provide people with some of the basics of life ....Bob
  17. You guys , along with Pylon and other designer/builder/innovators are truly awesome . Having built my J160 over a period of 2.5 years , with the then ,poor building instructions ( a minimal info. poorly produced CD ) and being rather remote I encountered many problems necessitating numerous lengthy phone calls . Adding to the confusion I spent many hours trying to work out how to install bits and pieces included in the kit, later finding out that they were not for the 160 anyway . Jabiru were very helpful , but certainly a less professional outfit than they are today . Back in those days there was a 9 month waiting time for kits and engines, and they were clearly overwhelmed with their success .Thankfully those problems have been overcome, but they now have a whole new set of issues to deal with . Clearly you guys belong to a select group of people that made this country the great place it is..... Bob
  18. Anymore clues Kaz , I'm starting to lose sleep over this !
  19. Sorry if I gave that impression Frank, but I did realise you weren't flying . Looking back ,we had ideal conditions for such a phenomena , being surrounded by thunderstorms , being on the water probably fuelled the situation . I have no doubt that any aircraft , not secured by rings , or similar concreted into the ground , would have sustained major damage . There are many reports of aircraft caught in microbursts when landing ,seemingly attributed to pilots not managing the conditions . Anyway it's now 36* at 0930, on its way to 41 .... Bob
  20. That's a coincidence Frank , this one was similar and very localised , but please ... no more fatals . I guess with the monsoon season sneaking in, there may be more of them too so be careful . Right now it's dead calm outside and 26* with a predicted 40 tomorrow . I bet your mates wife from Babinda never lets him forget . Women are like that you know Frank .... Bob
  21. Oh , so that's what it's all about SS . Anyway , as long as I get another 10 years or so , that'll probably do me . I think the Jab will need a new engine by then ( 2000 hrs TBO isn't it ?) ...... Bob
  22. Now that would be a sight for sore eyes Alf . The airport recorded 27 knots but we had rain to the top of the windows, which are set back about 3 metres from eaves . Never seen anything like it before, the climate change deniers won't agree ,but obviously due to greenhouse/fossil fuel issues. . Soon we'll probably have Franks crocodiles in the front yard . Good to hear from you mate ..... Bob
  23. Had a microburst at about 1830 tonight . Horizontal rain with rapid direction changes ,spinning large moored boats around like they were possessed . Lasted 10 minutes and delivered 12 mm in guage . Quite a relief after around 37 * today. Expecting a record overnight temp. with another very hot day tomorrow .... Bob
  24. Geez , 30 knots down the strip . It would be a short take of run Deb ..... Bob
  25. Frank , with the intention of revitalising this thread I looked at the 2014 Accidents and Incidents on the RAAus site . There you will find 33 pages (yes 33 pages for 2014 only) of almost every conceivable incident/accident you can imagine . An exhaustive analysis would take some time , time that I haven't got right now, but you may have Frank. All you need to do is hang out the " Beware of the CROCODILES " sign on the gate, to keep your old girlfriends away, and then get to it ! Seriously though ,I can't see any common factor , other than the fact that many are Human Factors related . 'Training' , well maybe some aspects ,but it needs to be meaningful . I'm sure many pilots would offer suggestions as to how training can be improved , but increasing training hours/cost may not necessarily achieve a better result, and just make getting a pilot cert.more restrictive to some .New pilots have a fair bit to cope with these days particularly in and around busy places like Cabooture/Caloundra, and I don't think new pilots feature more predominantly than others, maybe with the exception of ground handling ,loss of control when landing etc. , probably quite the reverse is more the case . Humans are complex creatures and we are all wired differently, and often how we respond to a given set of circumstances, depends on many overlaying factors ( eg . family, mortgage, employment, to name a few )A response to a certain threat may even change slightly on a minute to minute basis, and that slight alteration in itself ,might turn out to be fatal. Just a few days ago an old friend told me that an instructor showed him how to 'safely turn back from an engine failure at 300' !I sometimes wonder if we will ever get the message through. Engine failures on take off are a subject on their own, and could occupy hours of discussion . I prefer to just keep it simple, and avoid the turn back until at least cct. ht. , as there are just too many things to consider at the time . Just get the nose down 'quick' and look for a suitable paddock . Of course we did consider all the options before we departed didn't we ?. We noted wind direction , velocity , cleared areas surrounding our extended runway , after all we did have to get in there in the first place, didn't we ?, we carried out proper pre take off checks, in accordance with POH , not necessarily what the other bloke does . So we can now take off with confidence, knowing full well our options should the unthinkable occur . Looking back at my training years ago ,it was probably 'just adequate', but more time and money may have turned me away ..... Bob
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