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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Harry , you do not need an Internet connection for ORunways , but you must have an IPad with a GPS ( either built in or external ) .WIFI only IPads do not have a built-in GPS and require one connected externally .A 3 /4 G iPad fitted with a SIM card and connected to a service provider,may improve the accuracy and speed up the position location . Many use ORunways successfully without a SIM card , but for the few extra dollars connecting to the Internet gives other benefits also ..... sending email, researching accomodation etc. .... Bob
  2. Noosa hang glider crash: Pilot taken to hospital after ditching into the water - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) The pilot of a motorised hang glider is airlifted to hospital after crashing into water off Noosa Heads.
  3. Good point Phil, I guess that's another anomaly, but anyway I know I don't have one ...... Bob
  4. Notice the thread title dazz ? Score ..... Bob 1. , dazza 0
  5. Hard to justify the cost of another 'fully qualified' pilot getting around $200,000 a year , sitting around in first class just to cover the odd toilet break Alf . But what about an old Rec pilot like you and I ,willing to do the job for half the dollars . Wouldn't take long to learn how the door locks work (no offence Dutch) and some basic self defence . Home most nights, free ASIC and travel allowance , sounds good ....... Bob
  6. Ah Frank , what a gentleman Ron is ! When I saw that wire , I thought " Oh no not again ",then realised it was you. A good shot with Balls Pyramid in the background . Bob
  7. I know mate , it's just that I'm having a quiet day .... Bob
  8. I know Ron, he's a nice guy , like you and I Frank come to think of it . He has a real story to tell , but that will have to wait for another day I think ....... Bob.
  9. Hey Adam , I don't have any 'Anomalies' ...... Bob
  10. Not sure what happened there ... Maybe tried to post too many pics at once . Anyway here they are .....
  11. G'day Ash , some longish legs in there but all do-able . Nothing I havent done when I was a "young fella in me 60's ". Have enclosed a few pics of Adels Grove from last trip .... seeing Phil seems to be having er ....'enlargement problems'. I'm sure you and Wendy will find it very relaxing. Sunset is from Karumba , the rest from Adels . You will no doubt recognise the young lady . Note ERSA comments re Century mine .... Bob.
  12. Phil , try tapping screen with three fingers , should bring up zoom options ..... Bob
  13. A lot of hard men here mate . Some can't even get your name right .
  14. Yeah thats correct Bill , I did miss that on the Met Bureau site , which is a little easier to read , but really of little benefit if only at ground level . I'll have to give Ivo a "Winner " for making that available ,not to mention the saving in time and fuel ...... Bob
  15. Here's another one Bill ! http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/?loc=VIC_FA001
  16. Yeah , the attachment won't work for me either Mike . Anyway today I took delivery of a new Odyssey , got over 6 years on the last , it still worked , but was starting to become unreliable . Got tired of taking it out to recharge so opted for the expensive solution ........ Bob
  17. Try hitting the NEW button again ( ie twice ) Kaz , you should then get the latest posts there ..... Bob
  18. G*d , what a nightmare . Things very different at YBNS . Bairnsdale council even lease out one of the old WW2 hangars ( hope I've got that correct dazz ! ) fully enclosed , to local Aero club for a peppercorn rent . But have to say that I do pay around $800 a year for my hangar land lease . ...... Bob
  19. Ooooh . Very subtle dazz . Bob
  20. I can recommend Nasir . He is well qualified , CPL from memory, with a good knowledge of Jabiru aircraft. A nice bloke to boot . ....... Bob
  21. Good landing in Singapore last night , barely felt touchdown . We'll done JQ 7 boys ! ........ Bob
  22. Yeah Russ , one of the guys here ( brilinair ) put a 3300 in his 19 registered J160 . Goes like a rocket , and fits in a 'normal 'hangar ....... Bob
  23. Alright for you 6 cyl. blokes . Us little 4's are struggling to get off now ! ...... Bob
  24. Sorry Oscar , didn't realise you had posted , now Frank's probably really confused Bob
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