Of course there are many types of isolators ranging from $5 as jetjr says , to many hundreds of dollars for the more sophisticated ones , which may also be electrically operated and contain inbuilt electrical protection but are basically the same thing ,however I believe that here we are talking about those manually operated , and in the lower price range . High current carrying leads should be no longer than necessary , well restrained and maintained along with clean and tight connections . Introducing longer leads into the cabin just to mount a cheap switch seems to be counterproductive , as well as introducing another potential point of failure which as pilots we don't need . In the case of an engine fire ,which is the reason some give for fitting an isolator in the first place , it would be far better to follow the instructions in the POH for dealing with the fire .... ie. Increasing speed to Vne and look for a safe area to get the aircraft on the ground asap. Any in flight fire is more likely to be oil/fuel related rather than electrical , hence opening the isolator is likely to be a waste of time anyway . Opening the battery isolator would also cause loss of all instrumentation . Not a good idea when when your aircraft is at or near Vne , unless your glass panel or whatever has a reliable battery back-up . Some also seem to rely on these isolators for safety even when working on or around an engine . Would you replace a car engine drive belt , relying on some cheap device that may have faulty internals . The only safe isolation when working on any engine is to remove A lead from the battery, that way you can actually see the physical break and know you are safe . Don't trust cheap aftermarket parts . Your best insurance against that very rare occurrence of a jammed solenoid is to ensure that is clean and the cables are tightly secured . If in any doubt , replace it with one recommended by the aircraft manufacturer . Finally , if these isolators were considered a necessary safety item then wouldn't our regulator mandate their installation , maybe we should also ask why aircraft manufacturers do not fit them as standard equipment ...... Bob