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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Yes , may have led people to jump to that conclusion , but in reality difficult to see how you would make contact with the 220 kv lines with huge towers either side , even in adverse light conditions . Bob
  2. Bruce , not sure what to make of this , but stand by my earlier advice ..... ie. to get a leakdown test done . Injuries have occurred to persons when doing the test, usually the result of them not understanding the forces at work and/or not following the correct procedure. Some people should realise their limitations and take their concerns to an L2 , but I can assure you that done correctly it is quite safe , and is the correct starting point to diagnose the cause of soft compressions . Also to assume that a hydraulic lifter is faulty, is flawed . Many other conditions eg. stuck rings can give similar symptoms . Bob
  3. Do a leak down Bruce , that should give you some idea where to start . I don't suppose he has changed the prop lately by any chance ? Bob
  4. Yeah Frank good to see you back here . Brings back fond memories of our time spent with you and Fran . Also good to hear from Pud again . We plan to get back again this year, the usual route via outback Qld then across to Townsville . Not sure about Deeral though . At this stage of life, 70+ you don't plan too far ahead I know I've said it before but you do live in beautiful part of the country . Bob
  5. At least you wouldn't have to pay the $350 landing charge .
  6. The aircraft was also fitted with a parachute deployable by means of a small rocket system located behind the aircraft occupants so that either could operate it, and known as the GRS. It was found at the crash site deployed, and some distance from the wreckage, whilst the drogue rocket was found very close to the point of impact. All experts agreed with the conclusion that neither JG nor NS could have deployed the GRS prior to impact, and that it activated itself as a result of the crash.
  7. Had a pleasant flight over a small part of the Gippsland Lakes in SE Victoria this morning . 1. Newlands Backwater (foreground ) then Lake Victoria (centre) ,then Bass Strait (at the top behind the narrow land mass ). 2.Looking North down McMillan Straits separating Raymond Island in the foreground and Paynesville to the West . Lake King in background with Bairnsdale about 5 nm further North . 3. Looking West down Lake Victoria with Duck Arm to the right.
  8. Film clip was too quick to see Reg'n number , assume it was VH ........... but then again maybe not ! Bob
  9. Gnarly , I don't think that he's saying that " he likes mature ladies " , although he very may well , rather he suggests that he may well have had a dalliance with some young ladies in the 60's , who may well be mature now , and that .......... , well only a DNA test will satisfy young " Merv " now ! Bob
  10. Sorry mate , it was down to 13% but thought it would be OK . Will have to do better next time ! Bob
  11. How do I access the Pilots Touring Guide? Updated at 07 Apr, 2014 07:48 AM You access PTG pages in the same way you access ERSA and DAP. If a PTG entry is available for an airfield, it will be listed in the document selector for an airfield.
  12. Correction .......... $14.47 if you purchase direct from O. R. now. Bob
  13. SQ that's going to cost you another $19.00 . Refer OzRunways website . Bob
  14. Here's one Kaz . Beautifully built by one of the boys from Southport . He offered me a ride down to Farcombe Hall near Taree and back last year . I really couldn't refuse . Pretty quick too ! Bob
  15. RAAus investigate cases of structural failure also . Bob
  16. I paid mine a week ago with QBE Andy . No change from last year , but then again the renewal premium was probably formulated a month or more ago . Will be interesting to see what happens to renewals in the coming months . Bob
  17. Some guidance from RAAus would seem to be appropriate . Bob
  18. Agreed ! ......... Bob
  19. How does the individual know if he meets the standard for a drivers licence if he doesn't have one ? The final decision on whether the individual is fit , rests with the State licence issuing authority . Licences can be issued for 10 years in some States and a person may become cognitively or physically impaired during that time . The system basically relies on the honesty of the person to disclose certain medical issues and, in some instances support with medical evidence . Bob
  20. FT , I'm sure that an FAA inspector knows the difference between a sump drain and a fuel shut -off valve , so ,if the inspector/investigator says its a fuel shut- off valve , then that's precisely what it is ! Bob
  21. What " lever " ? The investigation report clearly refers to " the fuel shut-off valve ...... "
  22. A fuel shut-off valve not fully ported is unlikely to supply sufficient fuel for a safe climb out . Bob
  23. Alf , good to hear from you , you're obviously back out there with the big money and the flies again , while I try to catch up on today's forum happenings in bed . Had a big day today ( started at 2.00 pm ) and finally attacked the cracked fascia that I have been trying not to see for the past 10 years . Not a good flying day today Alf, with cloud down to cct. height ,no rain but ideal for acrylic painting ..... so the Finance Manager tells me anyway . Anyway I've started something that will keep me busy for another week . Saturday looks flyable , at this stage anyway . The F M has just arrived , early for her , the TV must be on the blink . She knows all about about the hernia Alf , ask her sometime , but now time for 'lights out ' I've been told . Cheers . Bob
  24. Yeah Captain do what you like , couldn't agree more old son , but more importantly I do sympathise about your toenail .Would you like to hear about my hernia some time ?. I thought that the young forum cretins were only interested in those pretty colour displays like yours but no , I also got pinged for a couple of "suspect " indications . Yes , on those El cheapo "near enough type " Chinese steam gauges that Jabiru supply ,would you believe ?. Who cares what they indicate anyway , I've been doing this for a long time and I'm still around . Cheers mate . Bob.
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