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Everything posted by biggles

  1. biggles

    SB inspect heads

    JJR , It's a bit crowded down there and best if you can lay on some sort of elevated platform to get a bit closer , which I didn't have , so a fair bit of squirming around . As indicated elsewhere on this thread , a good light source , magnifying glass etc. are needed . Bob
  2. biggles

    SB inspect heads

    I have just finished an examination of my engine cylinder heads using magnifying glass , torch etc. The whole operation from start to finish took about 3 hours . Found nothing , as I expected , but certainly worth keeping a regular check on . The engine has done 350 hours ( trouble free ) but as indicated previously , runs very cool with CHT's around 210 F in cruise . Bob
  3. biggles

    SB inspect heads

    Oh dear , sorry DS , blxxdy IPad again . Now removed Bob
  4. Yes terrible , a Latrobe Valley couple we have socialised with on many occasions . Bob
  5. More like 3000 Klm's I think Turbo ! Bob
  6. He's not quite back yet David . Bob
  7. Yeah that's right Steve .... Do it right from the start or you're rxxted . Other things include birthdays , forgetting to do the shopping is also a good one . I haven't been asked to shop for 49 years now . I've basically gotten away with murder, but as hard as it is , it's really for her benefit, sort of helps her self esteem . Mum always said " Bob sometimes you've gotta be cruel to be kind " . I've never forgotten that. Bob
  8. Who said anything about " wedded bliss " . Anyway, I'm not about to divulge something that took me 49 years to learn, so unless I have a change of heart you'll just have to do it cold turkey ...... unless of course you have something to trade ! Bob
  9. She was actually born in the C172 Maj ? ............ Sorry mate things are a bit quiet here at the moment . Bob
  10. " My way or the Highway " doesn't work for me Steve . I just say " I think you have lost some weight lately dear " and that usually gets a fairly quick response to the bathroom scales ,quickly followed by me as the observer . By the way that's only one of two things I've learned during the past 50 years of married life ! Bob
  11. Having a quite day Bill ? Must admit it wasn't a really good look , but my wife does insist that I store them away neatly , which of course includes the laces being tied . Anyway , here's the other side showing a reasonable ground speed also, which I'm sure you will rightly agree is due to good flight planning . Bob
  12. Something like this will help to allay that fear . It reads ... " Fuel cxcks ( 3 off ) - OPEN " Bob
  13. Always pays to isolate the fuel to the engine when finished flying , although it did bring a serious defect to your attention . Bob
  14. Yep Maj . In fact Peter was there Saturday . I believe there are equity partners also. Bob
  15. Yes Avo. unless of course you happen to be mates with the lessee . Bob
  16. No Shags not the Jab , a 700 HP Cessna Grand Caravan . Even that took almost the full length to get airborne . Bob
  17. Why is everything " brand new " these days . When I was a lad everything was just "new" . Sorry dazz , it's just that things are a bit quite here at the moment . Bob
  18. Yeah Steve , spot on ! And here's another short clip . Bob
  19. 6.00pm Win news Brisbane stated that the cause of the accident was due to "fuel starvation ". Bob
  20. You could be on to something there Turbo ! Bob
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