We Got your Backup
Add an extra iPad to your account for only $20
Many people now have an extra iPad and are noticing the safety benefits of a backup iPad. Legislation requires a backup for AOC holders, and CASA recommends a backup for private pilots. We've listened, and we're glad to announce that you can add a backup iPad to your account for only $20 instead of paying for another full subscription.
Those of you with two paid subscriptions already - email us at help.ozrunways.com and we'll fix you up and combine your subscriptions into the one UserID. We'll also extend your subscription on the basis you've already paid!
The extra subscription is for a personal backup only:
Example 1: Bob has an existing OzRunways subscription. He has a 2nd device at home he wants to use as a backup. Bob can add his other iPad for $20 via hisAccount Page, right now!
Example 2: Jane is a Captain for an IFR Charter company. Both Jane and her copilot will need a full OzRunways subscription each as they are different people using a full set of data at the same time. Jane is welcome to have a 2nd iPad as a personal backup for $20 though.
Click Here to add a second iPad to your account now
OzRunways v4.1.1 released on App Store
This fixes and improves a bunch of things. Full release notes are available here.
Highlights include:
→ Double tap on map is now a shortcut to take you to the ERSA or Aerodrome Chart for that entry
→ Fixed a problem with slow downloading on WiFi with Bluetooth On and peer-to-peer sharing active.
→ Improve exporting plans to NAIPS
Reminder: Rubber-Banding flight plans
You need to press-and-hold your finger now, then drag it.
This should feel more natural and be easier in turbulence.
And before we forget...
OzRunways on Android
Yes, really. And it will be awesome.
Our internal testing version is already looking very sexy. It is fast, smooth and easy to use airborne.
It will run on 4.2 Jelly Bean and above so if you have a tablet by a major brand from the past year or two, it should work. Make sure you update it to the latest available OS.
Yes you can use your $20 second device subscription for Android when it comes out, or swap your iPad for an Android.
We are aiming to release it before Christmas so you can treat yourself to the rumoured Nexus 8.
The look and feel is in keeping with OzRunways, but fits in with Android philosophy and design. If you are comfortable with OzRunways and Android, you will be a happy chappy.
Phones will be supported too.
For more information and to follow our progress, check out our Project Marvin blog!
OzRunways EFB for Android under development - a familiar interface, optimised for the "Holo" theme of Android 4.4 KitKat running on a Google Nexus 7 tablet. Right here it is being tested in track-up mode by flying connected to the X-Plane 10 flight simulator.
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