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Everything posted by biggles

  1. We Got your Backup Add an extra iPad to your account for only $20 Many people now have an extra iPad and are noticing the safety benefits of a backup iPad. Legislation requires a backup for AOC holders, and CASA recommends a backup for private pilots. We've listened, and we're glad to announce that you can add a backup iPad to your account for only $20 instead of paying for another full subscription. Those of you with two paid subscriptions already - email us at help.ozrunways.com and we'll fix you up and combine your subscriptions into the one UserID. We'll also extend your subscription on the basis you've already paid! The extra subscription is for a personal backup only: Example 1: Bob has an existing OzRunways subscription. He has a 2nd device at home he wants to use as a backup. Bob can add his other iPad for $20 via hisAccount Page, right now! Example 2: Jane is a Captain for an IFR Charter company. Both Jane and her copilot will need a full OzRunways subscription each as they are different people using a full set of data at the same time. Jane is welcome to have a 2nd iPad as a personal backup for $20 though. Click Here to add a second iPad to your account now OzRunways v4.1.1 released on App Store This fixes and improves a bunch of things. Full release notes are available here. Highlights include: → Double tap on map is now a shortcut to take you to the ERSA or Aerodrome Chart for that entry → Fixed a problem with slow downloading on WiFi with Bluetooth On and peer-to-peer sharing active. → Improve exporting plans to NAIPS Reminder: Rubber-Banding flight plans You need to press-and-hold your finger now, then drag it. This should feel more natural and be easier in turbulence. And before we forget... OzRunways on Android Yes, really. And it will be awesome. Our internal testing version is already looking very sexy. It is fast, smooth and easy to use airborne. It will run on 4.2 Jelly Bean and above so if you have a tablet by a major brand from the past year or two, it should work. Make sure you update it to the latest available OS. Yes you can use your $20 second device subscription for Android when it comes out, or swap your iPad for an Android. We are aiming to release it before Christmas so you can treat yourself to the rumoured Nexus 8. The look and feel is in keeping with OzRunways, but fits in with Android philosophy and design. If you are comfortable with OzRunways and Android, you will be a happy chappy. Phones will be supported too. For more information and to follow our progress, check out our Project Marvin blog! OzRunways EFB for Android under development - a familiar interface, optimised for the "Holo" theme of Android 4.4 KitKat running on a Google Nexus 7 tablet. Right here it is being tested in track-up mode by flying connected to the X-Plane 10 flight simulator. Copyright © 2014 OzRunways Pty Ltd, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences
  2. https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Duplicate-insepction-bulletin.jpg
  3. What's changed recently , can you elaborate ? Bob
  4. Or come in downwind !!
  5. My recollection is that all Jabs were fitted with single calipers until about 2008 . I have not updated to the dual calipers and seem to manage OK on short strips , using full flap and min speed when possible . I have been known to shut the engine down once safely on the ground and rolling out as ,even an idling prop still generates a fair degree of thrust . Many years ago Jab were supplying disc pads with very soft material but my current ones have been on for around 250 hours and still have minimal wear. Bob
  6. Nothing to worry about Russ , providing you are doing the right thing of course . Enjoy your holiday in the UK ,come back refreshed and get back into the Cheetah . (Some reading material for you ) Bob I’m a Sport pilot and have been selected by a CASA inspector for a ramp check Printer-friendly version What happens now? I’m a Sport pilot and have been selected by a CASA inspector for a ramp check The inspector will ask you for, or confirm, your pilot certificate and other relevant documentation You should carry your pilot certificate with you when you fly. However, some sport organisations may have different rules, so check your organisation’s operational manual or regulations. It is also suggested that you carry a copy of your log book page with last flight review. Current/valid RAAO membership Aeroplane operated in accordance with the privileges and limitations of your pilot’s certificate Correct endorsements for flight You must carry your current aviation medical certificate if applicable and you must be compliant with any restrictions or endorsements on your medical certificate or driver’s licence (e.g. the wearing of corrective lenses). The inspector will then check your preparation for flight Flight plan Have you maintained a navigation/fuel log? Have you made a careful study of forecast weather and applicable NOTAMs? ≥ 50nm from departure point ELT/PLB required for two-place aeroplane If carrying a passenger - passenger endorsement ≥ 25nm from departure point – cross country endorsement Are you carrying the appropriate, current charts and documents? Are they easily accessible? Are you carrying an EFB for your charts and documents? Back-ups considered? Finally, the inspector will check your aircraft The inspector will check: The aircraft’s registration is current Condition of the aircraft The daily inspection Pilot’s operating handbook (POH) or flight manual Emergency checklists Warning placard if applicable Copy of CofA if applicable Aircraft has a placarded maximum take-off weight in accordance with the flight manual Aircraft is operated within weight and balance limits Required emergency equipment on board is serviceable and accessible if applicable Personal locator beacon (PLB) has current registration with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Document references Operations manual CAO 95 series as applicable Operations Responsibilities of the pilot in command before flight – CAR 233 Planning of flight by the pilot in command – CAR 239 Navigation logs – CAR 78 Fuel requirements – CAR 234 Weather and NOTAM – CAR 233 & AIP ENR 1-10 paragraph 1. EFBs – CAO 82.0, CAR 233 and CAAP 233-1(1) Aircraft Checklists – CAR 232 Emergency equipment – CAR 252A (two-place aeroplane only) *Regulation details current as of December 2013
  7. I'd have to disagree with that KGW. There would appear to be no point whatsoever in half-doing the job . The investigators give freely of their time , so that is not an issue and the costs are minimal other than perhaps accommodation and travelling . As regards "resources" we have support available from the ATSB , who have assisted in the past . We also have a very capable qualified engineer and accident investigator heading the investigation for RAAus . Bob
  8. Maybe he's on a "holiday" Bob
  9. The two local men, both in their 60s, had set out at 11.30am on an Australian-made light plane to conduct an annual flying assessment of one of the men’s skills. “The plane came down within the hour. We’re not sure yet, but it looks like something might have come loose off the plane and they lost control and went into the water," Sheldon Jones, chief pilot at the Moruya Aeroclub, said. The man being assessed was a retiree and former retailer from Mossy Point and the other man was a active flying instructor from Moruya, who had many years of experience and flew a few times a week, according to Mr Jones. “One of the men was extremely experienced and the other man was very experienced,” Mr Jones said. One of the men has been confirmed to be deceased while the search continues for the other man. Mr Jones said the men's deaths would be a “big loss to the aviation community”. Police and surf lifesavers are on the scene and divers are on their way. There is only a limited window to find the missing aircraft before it sinks in deep water. Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/one-dead-one-missing-in-light-plane-crash-on-south-coast-20140706-zsxyo.html#ixzz36fBfdt4x
  10. Apologies Dafydd for the spelling error ....... Maybe I need a few semesters at dazza38 's " School of Grammatical Excellence " Bob
  11. I spent some time with Ian Bent from CAMit yesterday and can confirm that that is indeed his expectation . Bob
  12. A few Motels there but a bit too far to walk into town from the airport , best to call a taxi .We stayed at the Wallengulla motel across the road from the bowling club where meals are available . An interesting place to spend a few days . Bob
  13. The State and Territory Police are responsible for the investigation and submitting a report to the coroner but , due to their limited knowledge about aircraft and associated operations , they always seem very relieved to see RAAus arrive . Bob
  14. Yes I am very aware of that Turbs . All I'm suggesting is that , in regard to Chris' s concerns , is that a talk to our Ops. people would be the best course of action at this stage . Bob
  15. Chris , There are all sorts of theories posted here , but really that's all they are . Suggest you contact our Ops Man. She should have had some feedback from our Investigator by now . Bob
  16. Alf , Many of us here are parents also and have some idea of what you're going through . I'm sure that I speak for all in wishing her a speedy recovery . Bob
  17. There is no doubt Alf , Rotax engines are well designed , reliable and have stood the test of time . We should never however become complacent , irrespective of what aircraft/engine combination we have . All engines are mechanical devices and as such may fail , particularly if not operated and maintained strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations .Stating the blxxdy obvious I guess ,but sometimes that 'very reliability' we get used to ,can give one a false sense of security/infallibility . Bob
  18. Jabiru are doing fine . Today I noticed 5 x J230 kits ready for shipment to China . They also confirmed an overseas order for 85 engines for UAV's . Bob
  19. I think you mean " Biggles 5128 " Bob
  20. What do you get for the $20 .... or is that some administration charge ? Bob
  21. I usually get pretty high going over the Pilliga and even then steer toward the clear patches . Bob
  22. Not a bad idea for those times of ......"concerned upwind landing options " ,particularly if a pilot already has difficulty with mental arithmetic ,which will be exacerbated by the stress of the event . Bob
  23. Look forward to seeing plenty of pics Ian .
  24. Yeah but no Dazza 38 ............. Just sayin'
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