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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Does anybody have any experience with these transponders ? Bob
  2. Nice video Laurie . What camera do you use ? Bob
  3. Just make up a simple aluminium bracket and mount like this . Bob
  4. Don't go there Russ . Stick with the Avgas .... a little dearer but at least you know what you are getting . If you are unlucky enough to have a valve issue , at least you will know that it wasn't caused by running on Mogas . Bob
  5. Good to here some positive comments about Jab engines Andrew . Keep us informed of future developments pls. Bob
  6. Good thinking Dazza . I think many have been told a 'crock ' , leading them to believe that by selling back to the grid ,they can look forward to an early retirement Bob
  7. Err ......., J270 Roscoe ??
  8. Chocks , ATSB is the regulator charged with the responsibility of accident investigation, however do not normally get involved with Sport or Recreational aircraft fatalities unless there are wider safety issues . Like RAAus with fixed wing aircraft , gyro copters are the responsibility of the Sports Rotorcraft Association (ASRA) . Both RAAus and ASRA are delegated by ATSB to carry out their own investigations , or more correctly ,to assist the State or Territory police in the investigation ,whose responsibility is to submit a report to the Coroner . An inquest , opposed to a "Record of Investigation into Death ( Without Inquest ) ", if considered necessary may take years , until then , comments about any particular accident are purely speculation . Bob
  9. Thank God for that Bill . Now I can get my life back on track ! Bob
  10. Highjacked ? Couldn't happen here fellas because we've got the ASIC. !!! Bob
  11. Drilling out old rivets , assuming holes in new hinges lined up with old ..... OK , but removing old hinge plates which would have been "flocked" ( glassed ) in place would have taken some time .Lining up and flocking new hinge plates in position , filling and sanding ,and more filling and sanding , until the rivet heads are undetectable , then painting to match all control surfaces with wings and horizontal stab. Depending on the finish you want I would not like to quote under 12 hours . Replacing elevator cable should be straightforward but then again things can go wrong. All up maybe up to 14 hours labour , parts extra . 40 hours does seem a tad high, but it does get back to the all up cost , he may work for peanuts ! Bob
  12. Yes I agree with Motz & Alf . If all the holes in the cheese hadn't lined up things could have ended up very differently . Maybe a bit of " tough love " needed , in the way of retraining . Bob
  13. John , There is no other satisfactory method , than those suggested here . I also have calibrated dipsticks (done by myself on a level surface ) ,individual sight glasses and fuel computer ,but usually find that when dipping the tanks that both are unequal , probably due to flying slightly out of balance and/or exacerbated by the uneven refuelling station surface . I set my cruise fuel burn at between 16.5 - 17 l/hr , but work on an even 20 l/hr just to make things easy , and erring on the high side for safety .I also know that when the tanks are full, I have a comfortable 6 hrs endurance . Best to use all methods of cross checking available to you . Bob
  14. G'Day Viruspilot , Welcome to the forums , not too sure how many Pipistral Virus owners we have here , but this thread may flush em' out. I drove through Boerne many years ago on the West Interstate 10 , on the way to El Paso . We were staying in San Antonio at the time . Bob
  15. Pacific Haven near Howard Bob
  16. Yes Andrew , CHT 4 is on the left as indicated , and CHT on the right to mimic their actual positions . I did little to the individual forced air ducts , other than glue strips of foam , approx. 25 x 25 mm on the upper and lower cowls to minimise leakage . The rubber strips on the ducts actually "bed " into the foam , and as can be seen , there would be quite a gap otherwise .Have just returned from a trip to YORB today ,which is actually located on the beautiful East Gippsland Coast at Marlo . The pic shows Lakes Entrance town just ahead , and through the sun reflection , you can see the CHT's a little over 210 oF . They moved only slightly higher during climb - out , with an OAT around 23 o C . So many stories about Jabiru engines , but I firmly believe that inadequate cooling and running consistently high temp's ,is the cause of many failures . While it is possible for an owner/pilot to ensure adequate airflow , it is not always possible to get this message through to students/hirers , although some flying schools do seem to have remarkable results . I have enclosed a few pics from today and , as you can see climbing out at over 90 kts ( normally 80 kts and around 30 l/hr ) and the CHT's are around 210 o F. I use only 100 LL Avgas , as recommended by Jabiru .The other pics show the sealing strips . Bob
  17. This is what all should be aiming for ...... ( CHT's bottom RHS ), and that's in degrees Fahrenheit . Admittedly on descent into Southport , but normal cruise temps only slightly higher . Engine No 2200A/2787 , around 2009 , fine finned heads , no head stud re torquing required since new , now around 350 hours . Bob
  18. Bruce , what are your temps in normal operation ? Bob
  19. Well done Chris . You have probably discussed the flight with your instructor and critiqued your own performance as well ,as most of us did . I'm sure many of us also forgot to do certain things . I know I did ! But you did get back safely , and next time you will do even better. Best to take your time ,thereby ensuring that all the pre take off checks are done correctly , and also have the cards available for a quick check when in the circuit . Things happen much faster , eg. Rate of climb ,when the instructor gets out . Bob
  20. Announcement can be found on the Members Portal after logging in . Bob
  21. Not sure how this thread drifted so much but here goes ......... Getting into a short strip is one thing , but getting out may be another . Some time ago I flew into Farri's property , just South of Cairns in the fully loaded J160 . The very scenic strip is grass , level , 500 metres long with cane fields at one end and vegetation at the other . The orientation is generally east/west and the wind when we arrived was a gentle Southerly .I figured the grass would assist the landing roll , and probably touched down about 150 m past the threshold to clear the vegetation . I finished up having to add some power just to get to the turning node . Getting out , a week or so later presented a totally different scenario , and , as we know , just about everything grows rapidly in that part of the world after a shower of rain . I walked the strip with the GPS to see if maybe one end was favoured , but no , no difference in level , and the grass still damp with that gentle , and unhelpful , Southerly again . Having regard to all the prevailing circumstances I made to decision to offload my 'navigator' , and Frank obliged by driving her to Innisfail airport , a few km South . I guess the point I make is that each take off and landing must be carefully assessed , having regard to all the conditions existing at the time . We shouldn't assume that because we landed at a certain place , in a certain aircraft last month , that it is necessarily safe to do now . Don't put yourself under any pressure , the sort of flying we do should be pleasure able and, above all , safe . I have no doubt that had I attempted to take off fully loaded , in those conditions in the J160 with its 80 HP engine, I may have been a statistic , whereas a 6 cyl Jabiru would have done it easy .The attached thumbnail shows me finally departing Franks strip ,heading South for the 15 min .flight to Innisfail.
  22. Mmmm , thanks for that report Roger but.... " dripping heavily onto the bottom cowling of the oil cooler " . Do you mean dripping from the cooler ? . "Lame spies a blown cylinder bolt on No.1 " Tough little engine the Jab 2200's to operate with that , and apparently no indications . Bob
  23. You've been a member for that long now Frank , I reckon you should be entitled " Life Membership " and pay nothing ! Bob
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