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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Just got mine also . Bob
  2. . CAAP 233-1(1) details rules regarding IPad mounting and in particular suction mounts . Bob
  3. Hmm , nice looking 230 Frank . Bob
  4. She must be something Maj. ...... Frank's even wearing shoes !
  5. Hey Frank ..... You never told me about that one ! Bob
  6. Also what causes more accidents ? Pilot error or pilot age related incapacitation? Human factors !
  7. Oh dear , so much mis information . Both 6 and 4 cyl.Jabiru engines have the same 17 Amp alternator , and this has been the case for around 10 years to my knowledge . The starter motor draws around 1.5 kw and is supplied from the battery , the same set-up as the family car . The alternator replenishes that expended energy over time . Camit have always made engines for Jabiru and appear to be offering some options to the standard Jabiru engines . I have no idea what the agreement/arrangement is between Camit and Jabiru . There is a wealth of good information on the Jabiru website regarding all aspects of their engines and airframes . Bob
  8. biggles

    Aileron flutter

    What was the " simple cure " Bob
  9. biggles

    Aileron flutter

    Ian , Was the flutter there before changing to the Rotax ? Bob
  10. My reply is a bit dodgy coz I'm texting while driving in Pacific Highway traffic...
  11. Yes , try to stay in balance at all times with ALL fuel taps fully open . One less thing to worry about if something else happens to grab your attention . Most Jabs seem to drain tanks unevenly . Bob
  12. Just about everybody is younger than me Maj .
  13. Somewhere I have seen the definition of "Final Approach"......It's along the lines of- VFR pilot in a single engine aircraft, flying IFR on a moonless night below minimums . Mmmm , a bit like those who say " if you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much room " Bob
  14. " hooning around " ........... Really ?
  15. biggles

    Aileron flutter

    Ian , The symptoms you describe are unusual and should not be tolerated . Some simple checks will reveal where the problem is , such as having someone hold the control column firmly while another tries moving the aileron ( in the up,down and neutral positions ) Also remove the perspex cable clamp inspection cover under the wing ,to ensure the cable clamp is the correct one for that particular cable, and is firmly located . Another check would be to unbolt the spherical bearings at each end of each control cable and check for full travel ,any sloppiness or uneven resistance in the cable . Maximum 'slop' should not exceed 3 mm . Also check for control column looseness , and any movement in yoke at rear of column where the aileron cables attach . Any one ,or a combination of these faults ,will result in 'flutter' and should be rectified..... " before next flight " . At these hours I would also be checking the wing root ,and strut attachment bolts , by firmly shaking the wing to detect any movement . Bob
  16. Well done Ross . I'm sure the NQ members will feel that they are getting good value for their dollar . Bob
  17. Jabiru are getting good performance .... rate of climb , cruise performance etc. from their new composite prop , although it will require a new spinner on the 160 . Suggest you contact them for more details . Bob
  18. Don't doubt you but nothing on the RAAus website Bob
  19. Nothing in the ATSB reports yet . Any idea what the a/c was ? Bob
  20. ' Sprung ' ..... Last seen heading back to Rio ! Bob
  21. G'Day Sean , Nice to hear from you again , and Tony , I am sure you will be impressed with Sean and the guys at Gofly Aviation . Bob
  22. Thanks for that report Ross . A lot of people there doing their best , under less than ideal circumstances , for us members . Bob
  23. G`Day Bob, , You`ve been lying low for a while! Hope you and Sal all good! Yeah Frank all good here . Will email you soon Bob
  24. Good luck with Rodondo Is. ! Bob http://cehorn.customer.netspace.net.au/rodondo.htm
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