Due to the bushfires, Bairnsdale with its military build-up is now reminiscent of places like Townsville, with tent villages and camouflaged army vehicles almost everywhere. The aero club was offered to the RAAF, and provides accomodation for up to 10 military personnel.
A private security firm patrols the base and, even as a hanger owner, I had to answer many questions to a rather officious person, who finally let me proceed .
Last Saturday was the first day with VMC for over a week, so decided to blow the dust off the Jab., but found the military and others had the same idea, with much activity around the Chinook and BlackHawks on the grass along with an increase in activity at the Fire bomber base refuelling via the mobile tankers.
After taxiing to the AVGAS bowser, and during refuelling, a Black Hawk decided to put down at the terminal nearly blowing me into the next paddock. I eventually got out of there, making the usual taxi and departure call for 13, as the sea breeze had started to come in, and heard the controller in the temporary “control” tower advise all aircraft in the vicinity of my intentions.
I decided that as most of the activity was to the North I would head South to the coast, even though a strong wind warning was current for the coast. The East Sale airspace is currently activated 7 days a week, with traffic lanes through East Sale to the West and a 4000’ limit to the East, but I decided to remain reasonably close in case the smoke returned.
I soon noticed the traffic increasing with Police Heli, Air Ambulance, BlackHawks, many other Govt.helis. and fixed wing aircraft, not to mention the 4 fire bombers working continuously on the fires to the North,returning to do tight low level approaches and wondered how an old septuagenarian would get back amongst the continual traffic. I gave an inbound call with ETA and was pleased to hear the ‘controller’ advise all traffic of my intentions.
Full marks to the RAAF controllers for their professionalism shown when dealing with a diversity of aircraft with a variety of flight envelopes. Right now, ( Wednesday AM ) visibility is less than 500 metres so no flying today!
Things go pretty quiet when the smoke covers the area, but be warned, when the smoke clears the traffic density can be frenzied and continuous ...... Bob
Bairnsdale temporary control tower.
At the fuel bowser with BlackHawk