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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Dazza , I called into the factory last week . It appears , and I stand corrected on this , but so far results are all positive . Difficult to tell the difference when flying ,but it seems that vibration is noticeably reduced on test bench. But of course that is not the main reason for the change .Best to go into Jabiru site , check their latest Jabbachat , not that it necessarily reflects all the recent changes ,or speak to one of the engineers about recent and future mods . I am convinced however ,that they are determined to sort out any problems , whether real or perceived , and end up with a very robust engine . I think the J230 is a good choice for a touring aircraft and the engine should give good service if properly maintained , and operated as recommended .As much as I love my J160 , it would be nice to have the extra space for us both during long hauls ,but then again I guess some people are never happy ! Bob
  2. Dazza , I read recently on this forum a post that stated , from memory ,that Jabiru are going / have gone ,back to solid lifters . Nothing further than the truth ,and why on earth would they ? Nothing wrong with the hydraulic lifters . In fact they have only recently changed to installing roller lifters .I am aware however of individuals reverting to solid lifters ,for reasons best known to themselves ,but certainly it is not being done by the Jabiru factory . Unfortunately this is how rumours commence . Bob
  3. " Last light " refers to the light available at that particular location in ideal conditions . That is ,it does not apply when there is cloud or other conditions such as high terrain to the West . Bob
  4. Ah yes Dazza , some Jab. owners have had engine failures, and for a variety of reported reasons , however the facts regarding those failures , are often either highly questionable , misreported or not reported at all . There are also many success stories , but we don't often hear about those , like the flying school at Moree I visited recently , who were generous in their praise for the Jab engines , and how they change their engines over at 1000 , usually trouble free hours , receiving a very attractive change over price from the factory . I am also personally aware of an instance ,where a big end bearing on a Jab 2200 ' ran ' after 100 hours on a reco. engine . The pilot kept the engine running , and returned some 5 miles back to the airstrip , landing without incident . When I checked the engine the oil level barely registered on the stick , and the bearing had all but disappeared . I believe the pilot was doing practicing forced landings with steep climb outs . If there is a fault with the Jab engines it is their minimal oil capacity , and all prudent owners check the level prior to each departure . Interestingly , in this instance , the factory agreed to cover the damage under warranty with some small contribution by the owner . Bob
  5. A head-on with a car finished my bike riding days some 33 years ago . Came around a blind left hand bend and there he was , on the wrong side of the road . I had nowhere to go . He left the scene and later told the police he wasn't there . He was later found to be unlicensed and under a .05 suspension . I suffered a broken spine , other fractures and was off work for 3 months . He got a $300 fine . I was a confident rider and believed I could handle almost any situation , but didn't figure on this one . So all you young ,and old pilots on bikes , keep well ahead of the game . It can happen to you too . Bob
  6. Nice one Robyn . I'll fly with you anytime , look forward to more vids . Bob
  7. Oops , Glen is actually 87 years young . Sorry Glen ! Bob
  8. Thought forumites might be interested in seeing a few pics from Murgon flyin today . Weather was fine and about 20 or more aircraft flew in , many from Caboolture . Met a few Sav. owners including Mark Kyle and Graham Pukallas ( apologies to both if spelling incorrect ) not to forget a remarkable aviator - 78 year old Glen , in his Rotax 503 powered , pull start Thruster . Go Glen . Bob
  9. And I think somebody guessed those abbreviations ! Bob
  10. Good stuff Phil . Look forward to your comments when you return . Bob
  11. He's away !! Over Pioneer Bay ! Tracking 319 oT , 118 kts at 1550' Bob
  12. Well done for getting that report to us so early Maj. You must have been airborne right on first light ! Just noticed , (0930 AEST) , that Dave was still on the ground at Shute Hbr.,and that the radar shows less than ideal conditions to the North . He won't be happy ,but I can think of worse places to be stranded than the Whitsundays . Bob:wink:
  13. And this .............. !!!
  14. Had the pleasure of spending the evening with Dave Jacka yesterday , following his uneventful trip across the "paddock" from Hobart yesterday. Many members of East Gippsland Aero club ,and visitors ,made Dave and his entourage feel very welcome ,however his early departure this morning for Wollongong ,made for a relatively early night for all . Unlike able bodied people , Dave tends to lose body heat rapidly and , and with this in mind the members made sure the fire was well alight for his arrival . Bairnsdale this morning was down to 3 degrees ,with a clear sky and a 5 knot wind from the North . Also , due to his disability, and the amount of work to be done prior to departure , Dave ,his wife and Lida ,his carer for the trip , are also up at 0400 . Interestingly the entire support crew have taken leave from their respective jobs and volunteered their time . They travel in both Piper Lance and Arrow , and include experts in both the mechanical and electrical aspects of the aircraft . All said they " would'nt have missed the opportunity for quids ". Dave is an extremely pleasant and genuine person and we wish him, and his support crew a safe journey . Pics - Dave soaking up a few kilojoules , Go Pro's on both struts , and his departure on Rwy 31 this morning . Bob[ATTACH=full]22069[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]22070[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]22071[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]22072[/ATTACH]
  15. Ah geez Tim I thought you may have gone across to the " dark side " there for a moment ! Bob
  16. OK you flying broomstick pilots . This is my very first video with the IPad and shows the deficiencies when filming in low light conditions with the IPad although I believe that the current edition " Retina display " is an improvement over IPad2 in these conditions . This is also unedited which is something I have yet to learn . One of the other difficulties using the IPad for open cockpit flying is holding it steady due to the wind resistance , even when doing only 50 knots . Bob
  17. Geez I wish I had a 230 !!
  18. I'll come in here Frank . Kermit this was the first time I had used the IPad to video ,and the 12 or so minutes was downloaded onto YouTube unedited . If I was doing it again I would edit first before transferring onto YouTube . I was surprised how simple it was but you will need to open an account first ,which is really just a matter of supplying your details to them . You can then download to Recreational Flying by following the instructions contained on the site . I am still learning myself , but hope this answers some of your concerns . Bob
  19. Yes Phil , I believe that it is entirely up to the PIC as to when to make a broadcast , on whatever frequency is appropriate . On many occasions , when flying in out back Qld/ NSW , I have called Brisbane centre to verify the integrity of the comm ,and have received a prompt and clear reply stating that ...... " yes it is a bit quite on this frequency today " . I also make a habit of making an 'all stations' broadcast as I progress along the track ,which may ,or may not , be within the same area frequency. I give my approx position , altitude and heading . Sometimes I get a reply other times not . Appropriate use of the radio is one of the tools at our disposal to ensure our safety ,and the safety of others . Unfortunately not everyone monitors the correct frequency whether it be ctaf or area freq and can often be heard chatting on 123.45 . Yes , they may have another comm but then again they may not . Bob
  20. Refer post #5 Bob
  21. http://www.atsb.gov.au/media/4118299/ao-2012-147_final.pdf
  22. Yep , its a two seat C120 Bob
  23. Seb , There is a C 120 on the RAAus register . Bob
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